I want to prove that no PSPACE-complete problem is in NL using the space hierarchy theorem. What I want to say is this : From the time hierarchy theorem I know that for every $t(n)$ there exists a language that is decidable in $O(t(n))$ space but not in $o(t(n))$ space. Then I want to assume that there exists $A \in PSPACE\text{-complete} \land A \in NL$ and take a language $L$ that is decidable in $O(n)$ time but not $o(n)$ time, reduce it to $A$, reduce it to $PATH$ and get that through that reduction $L$ is decidable in $\Theta (log(n)^2)$ time, a contradiction.
However my reasoning fails in that the reduction from $L$ to $A$ isn't necessarily a log-space reduction. What am I missing? How do I overcome this?