Given regular grammars (each is either left or right linear), does exist word/string so it can be derived from all regular grammars, i.e. a word/string that can be derived from each regular grammar.
Suppose that S1, ... , Sn are regular grammars. Then is the following statement is true:
∃w: S1→w ∧ ... ∧ Sn→w ?
In other words:
∃w∀i: 1≤i≤n→(Si→w) ?
Does exist polynomial algorithm (both in time and space) that can find the answer to this question quickly?
EDIT: The language of each given regular grammar is finite and 'w' is a word of length m, where m is natural number given as input to the algorithm.
Also the alphabet of each regular grammar is Σ={0,1} and thus |Σ|=2.
In other words, does exist word of length m that can be derived from each regular grammar, where the language of each regular grammar is finite and alphabet of each regular grammar is {0,1}?