Here's another FFT-based approach that I can confirm works. This builds off of Algorithm F in Fast algorithms for Taylor shifts and certain difference equations and has a natural extension to multivariate polynomials and shifts
Assuming our polynomial is of degree $n$, given the polynomial coefficient vector ${p_k}$ and a shift $a$, we'll construct the intermediate polynomial coefficient vectors
u_k &= (n-k)!\ p_{(n-k)} \\
v_k &= a^k / k!
By treating these as polynomial coefficients and taking their direct convolution, $g_k$ (which an be done in $O(n \log{n})$ time via FFT with appropriate zero-padding) we get our final polynomial coefficients as
q_k = g_{(n-k)} / k!
Here's Mathematica code for that
fourierConvolve[c1_, c2_] :=
Fourier[PadRight[c1, Length@c1 + Length@c2 - 1], FourierParameters -> {1, -1}] *
Fourier[PadRight[c2, Length@c1 + Length@c2 - 1], FourierParameters -> {1, -1}],
FourierParameters -> {1, -1}
tayShiftFourier[coeffs_, a_] :=
nco = Length@coeffs - 1
Reverse[coeffs*Factorial[Range[0, nco]]],
a^Range[0, nco]/Factorial[Range[0, nco]]
][[nco + 1 ;; 1 ;; -1]]/Factorial[Range[0, nco]]
As noted, this generalizes easily to multivariate polynomials. Considering that one could apply this approach to each dimension recursively, we pretty naturally find that we can replace our coefficient sequence $P$ with a tensor of coefficients, our factorials can be replaced with the outer-product tensor of factorials in each dimension, and the powers of the shifts
Here's the N-dimensional analog of the prior code, although I did some small modifications in orders of operations to avoid having to reverse my coefficient tensors
Clear[tayShiftFourierND, fourierConvolveND];
fourierConvolveND[c1_, c2_] :=
ArrayPad[c1, {0, # - 1} & /@ Dimensions[c2]],
FourierParameters -> {1, -1}
ArrayPad[c2, {0, # - 1} & /@ Dimensions[c1]],
FourierParameters -> {1, -1}
FourierParameters -> {1, -1}
tayShiftFourierND[coeffs_, shift_] :=
ncos = Dimensions[coeffs] - 1,
facTensor = Outer[Times, ##] & @@ Table[Factorial[Range[n, 0, -1]], {n, ncos}];
shiftTensor =
Outer[Times, ##] & @@ MapThread[#^Range[#2, 0, -1] &, {shift, ncos}];
revFacTensor = Map[Reverse, facTensor, Range[0, Length@ncos - 1]];
convolvedCoeffs = fourierConvolveND[
][[Sequence @@ Table[n ;;, {n, Dimensions@coeffs}] ]];
and here's some proof that it works
coeffs3D = BlockRandom@RandomReal[{-10, 10}, {5, 3, 4}];
poly3D = Total@
Flatten[coeffs3D*Outer[Times, x^Range[0, 4], y^Range[0, 2], z^Range[0, 3]]];
tayShiftFourierND[coeffs3D, {1, 2, 3}] // Chop // Flatten // Norm
poly3D /. {x -> x + 1, y -> y + 2, z -> z + 3} // Expand //
CoefficientList[#, {x, y, z}] & // Chop // Flatten // Norm
where I just used the norm of the flattened tensor of polynomial coefficients after shifting as effectively a hash