You can try to use pushdown automata. Given a pushdown automaton for the original language, we construct one for the cyclic shift. The new automaton operates in two stages, corresponding to the $y$ and the $x$ part of the word $yx$ (where $xy$ is in the original language). In the first stage, whenever the automaton would like to pop a non-terminal $A$, it can instead push a non-terminal $A'$; the idea is that at the end of the first stage, the stack would contain, in reverse order, the symbols that are found in the stack after reading $x$ by the original automaton. In the second stage (the switch is non-deterministic), instead of pushing a non-terminal $A$, we are allowed to pop a non-terminal $A'$. If the original automaton can indeed generate the stack upon reading $x$, then the new one would be able to exactly pop the entire stack.
Edit: Here are some more details. Suppose we are given a PDA with alphabet $\Sigma$, set of states $Q$, set of accepting states $F$, non-terminals $\Gamma$, initial state $q_0$, and a set of allowable transitions. Each allowable transition is of the form $(q,a,A,q',\alpha)$, meaning that when in state $q$, upon reading $a \in A$ (or $a = \epsilon$, in which case it's a free transition), if the top-of-stack is $A \in \Gamma$ (or $A = \epsilon$, which means stack is empty), then the PDA can (it's a non-deterministic model) move to state $q'$, replacing $A$ with $\alpha \in \Gamma^*$.
The new PDA has a new non-terminal $A'$ for each $A \in \Gamma$. For every two states $q,q' \in Q$ and $A \in \Gamma \cup \{\epsilon\}$, there are two states $(q,q',1),(q,q',2,A)$. The starting states (the actual starting state is chosen non-deterministically among them via $\epsilon$-transitions) are $(q,q,1)$. For each transition $(q,a,A,q',\alpha)$ there are corresponding transitions $((q,q'',1),a,A,(q',q'',1),\alpha)$ and $((q,q'',2,B),a,A,(q',q'',2,B),\alpha)$. There are other transitions as well.
For each transition $(q,a,A,q',\alpha)$, there are transitions $((q,q'',1),a,B',(q',q'',1),B'A'\alpha)$, where $B \in \Gamma \cup \{\epsilon\}$ and $\epsilon' = \epsilon$. For every final state $q \in F$, there are transitions $((q,q'',1),\epsilon,A,(q_0,q'',2,\epsilon),A)$, where $A \in \Gamma \cup \{\epsilon\}$.
For every transition $(q,a,\epsilon,q',\alpha)$, there are transitions $((q,q'',2,A),a,B',(q',q'',2,A),B'\alpha)$, where $A \in \Gamma \cup \{\epsilon\}$. For every transition $(q,a,\epsilon,q',A)$, there are transitions $((q,q'',2,B),a,A',(q',q'',2,A),\epsilon)$, where $B \in \Gamma \cup \{\epsilon\}$. For every transition $(q,a,A,q',B)$, there are "generalized transitions" $((q,q'',2,C),a,B'A,(q,q'',2,C),\epsilon)$; these are implemented as a sequence of two transitions through an intermediate new state. Transitions $(q,a,\epsilon,q',\alpha)$ with $|\alpha| \geq 2$ are handled similarly. For every transition $(q,a,A,q',A)$, there are transitions $((q,q'',2,A),a,B,(q',q'',2,A),B)$, where $B \in \Gamma' \cup \{\epsilon\}$. Transitions $(q,a,A,q',A\alpha)$ are handled similarly. Finally, there is a sole final state $f$, and transitions $((q,q,2,A),\epsilon,\epsilon,f,\epsilon)$.
(There might be a few transitions that I missed, and some of the details that I'm omitting are somewhat messy.)
Recall we're trying to accept a word $yx$, where $xy$ is accepted by the original PDA. A state $(q,q',1)$ means that we're at stage 1, at state $q$, and the original PDA is at state $q'$ after reading $x$. A state $(q,q',2,A)$ is similar, where $A$ corresponds to the last $A'$ that was popped. At stage 1, we are allowed to push $A'$ instead of popping $A$. We do that for each non-terminal that is produced while processing $x$, but only popped while processing $y$. At stage 2, we are allowed to pop $A'$ instead of pushing $A$. If we do this, then we have to remember that the top-of-stock is really $A$; this only applies when there are no "temporary" things on the stack, which in the simulated PDA is the same as the top-of-stack being $\epsilon$ or of the form $B'$.
Here is a simple example. Consider an automaton for $x^n y^n$ that pushes $A$ for each $x$, and pops $A$ for each $y$. The new automaton accepts words of two forms: $y^k x^n y^{n-k}$ and $x^k y^n x^{n-k}$. For words of the first form, stage 1 consists of pushing $k$ times $A'$, stage 2 consists of popping $k$ times $A'$, pushing $n-k$ times $A$, and popping $n-k$ times $A$. For words of the second form, we first push $k$ times $A$, then pop $k$ times $A$, push $n-k$ times $A'$, transition to stage 2, and pop $n-k$ times $A'$.
Here is a more complicated example, for the language of balanced parentheses of various types ("()","[]","<>") such that the immediate descendants of each type of parentheses must belong to a different type. For example, "([]<>)" is OK but "()" is wrong. For each "(", we push $A$ if the top-of-stack isn't $A$, for each ")", we pop $A$. Similarly $B$,$C$ are associated with "[]" and "<>". Here is how we accept the word ">)([()]<". We consume ">)", pushing $C'A'$, and transition to stage 2. We consume "(", popping $A'$ and remembering the top-of-stack $A$. We consume "[()]" , pushing and popping $BA$; when pushing $B$, we are aware that the "real" top-of-stack is $A$, and so square brackets are allowed (we wouldn't be fooled by ">)(()<"); when pushing $A$, since the top-of-stack is $B$ (which is not $\epsilon$ or of the form $X'$), then we know that $B$ is also the "real" top-of-stack, and so round parentheses are allowed (even though the shadow top-of-stack is $A$). Finally, we consume "<" and pop $C'$.