I have a some objects with priority that is compound type and is only partially ordered. I need to select the objects in order of this priority (i.e. yield minimal item each time). But rather than arbitrarily completing the order, I would prefer if the queue was stable in a sense that if there is more than one minimal element, it should return the oldest first.
Is there any heap data structure that would work with partial ordering? Or a modification of regular priority queue to work with it? Common choice for the algorithm I need is simple binary or 4-ary heap, but that does not work with partial ordering.
The priority values support:
- Partial ordering using operation $\preccurlyeq$. It's partial ordering, so it's possible that $a \preccurlyeq b$ is false and $b \preccurlyeq a$ is also false. I write $a \not\lesseqgtr b$ in that case.
- Finding infima (glb) and suprema (lub). $\inf(x_i)$ is the maximal $y$ such that $y \preccurlyeq x_i$. Calculating the infimum of $n$ values takes $O(n)$ time. Infimum (and supremum) of every set exists.
- A linear extension for the partial ordering could be defined. Using it for the priority queue is the easy way out as the algorithm does work that way. But the order affects performance and the order of insertion looks like it should be best in avoiding worst cases.
Additionally the algorithm that I want to use this in needs to know infimum of all priorities in the queue.
The priorities have some real-world meaning, but are subject to change, so it does not seem viable to rely on other properties they could have.
Note: Binary heaps don't work with partial ordering. Assume a binary heap with $a$, $b$ and $c$, where $a \preccurlyeq c$ and $a \not\lesseqgtr b$ and $a \not\lesseqgtr c$. They are positioned in that order, so
a (0)
/ \
b (1) c (2)
now d is inserted. Next free position is 3, the left child of $b$, so we get
a (0)
/ \
b (1) c (2)
d (3)
If $d \preccurlyeq a$ (which implies $d \preccurlyeq c$ from transitivity, but does not say anything about $d$ and $b$) and $d \not\lesseqgtr b$, then $d$ does not get swapped with $b$, because it's not less. But it actually is less than $a$, but it's not compared with it, so now the main heap invariant does not hold; top is not minimal.
I suspect a forest of heaps somewhat in style of binomial heap could be made to work. Basically it's important to always compare new values with root and only link together comparable elements. It would make the trees in the forest randomly sized and thus make the complexity dependent on number of mutually incomparable sets in the heap. I somewhat suspect the complexity can't be fixed (we have to keep comparing until we hit a comparable element) I might have missed something, so I am leaving this open.
Note: The ordering is partial and while there are ways to define a linear extensions for it, adding a timestamp and using it as secondary criterion is not one of them. Suppose we assigned the timestamp $t(a)$ for each $a$ and defined the ordering $\preccurlyeq'$ as $a \preccurlyeq' b$ iff $a \preccurlyeq b$ or ($b \not\preccurlyeq a$ and $t(a) \le t(b)$. Then suppose we have distinct $a$, $b$, $c$, such that $t(a) \le t(b) \le t(c)$ and $c \le a$. Then $a \preccurlyeq' b$ and $b \preccurlyeq' c$, but $c \preccurlyeq' a$, so the relation is not transitive and therefore is not an ordering at all. This kind of extending only works for weak orderings, but not partial ones.
Edit: I realized that not only is infimum of any set defined, but I actually need to be able to get infimum of elements currently in the queue efficiently. So I am now contemplating whether adding special nodes containing infima of subtrees to some common heap structure would help.