I have a number $n$ and an integer $x$ which ends on $1, 3, 7 \ or\ 9$, meaning that the last digit (rightmost digit) of $x$ is one of those 4 numbers.
Now if $z = x * y$, what number do I have to choose for $y$ such that the $n$ last (rightmost) digits of $z$ are equal to $1$ (I mean the numerical value of the rightmost $n$ digits of $z$ has to be $1$) while ignoring leading zeros.
// computes y
long computeY(int n, long x) {
// ...magic...
return y;
computeY(1, 9) == 9 (because 9*9 = 81, take the n rightmost digits, result is 1)
computeY(1, 7) == 3 (because 7*3 = 21, take the n rightmost digits, result is 1)
computeY(2, 11) == 91 (because 11*91 = 1001, take the n rightmost digits, result is 1, ignore leading zeros)
computeY(3, 17) == 353 (because 353*17 = 6001, take the n rightmost digits, result is 1, ignore leading zeros)
computeY(5, 11327) == 23263 (because 11327*23263 = 263500001, take the n rightmost digits, result is 1, ignore leading zeros)
I encountered this problem during a programming contest at my school and am stuck, It looks like I have to use number theory but I just don't know where to start.