What is the complexity of the problem of computing the cardinality of the union of many (finite) and small sets?
What is both the time and space complexity of the naive algorithm that does this computation?
An inefficient recursive algorithm to do this task is:
This results in Θ(2n) exponential blow up time complexity and this is incredibly bad!
Another iterative algorithm to compute the cardinality is:
This formula was taken from this proof wiki webpage, although it doesn't show any proof, but only the formula itself.
But I don't know how to analysis it's both time and space complexity.
EDIT: It appears that the iterative algorithm, unlike the recursive algorithm, iterates over all the different subsets of {S1, ... , Sn} in order to compute the cardinality of the union of all sets from S1 to Sn, but the number of subsets of {S1, ... , Sn} is 2n, so the time complexity of the iterative algorithm is same as the time complexity of the recursive algorithm, i.e. the time complexity of the iterative algorithm is also Θ(2n) exponential time blow up as the time complexity of the recursive algorithm.
Does exist polynomial both time and space algorithm to compute this?
I tried to google an answer to this question for hours, but I didn't find it anywhere.