I'm trying to solve optimization problems of the form: $\min\{cx|Ax\preceq b,\;x\geq 0\}$, where $\preceq$ means lexicographic order; that is, the set of linear inequalities need only to be satisfied lexicographically. I'm guessing these inequalities are treated conditionally by means of binary variables thus transforming the problem into a mixed integer linear program. I'm also aware of the more direct approach, which is solving a sequence of linear programs, starting with $\min\{cx|A_{1}x\leq b_{1},\;x\geq 0\}$ and continuing with linear programs of the form $\min\{cx|A_{i}x=b_{i},\;A_{k}x\leq b_{k},\;1\leq i<k,\;x\geq 0\}$ whenever the inequality constraint at $k-1$ is satisfied in strict equality.
I'm interested in a solution by means of binary variables if there is any, or any other approach. Thanks in advance for your help.