This is a problem I encountered in a recent interview test. I achieved a slow-ish solution to it, and I'm keen to figure out the most efficient.
Given a starting string $x$, a target string $y$, and a set of valid strings $V$, find the minimum edit distance between $x$ and $z$ where edits can only be character exchanges and each intermediary string $z_i$ must be in $V$.
Further constraints on problem- All strings are length 8
- The complete character set for strings is $\{A, T, G, C\}$
- The starting string $x$ does not need to be in $V$, but $y$ is
My Straightforward an slow-ish solution
When I see an edit-distance problem I immediately think of Dynamic Programming, but tradition Dynamic Programming approaches don't care about the intermediary stages of the string when transitioning between $x$ and $y$, so I wasn't 100% confident in this approach.
Noticing that given a small enough set $V$ I could quite quickly find all strings in it that were $1$ edit distance from my current string, I went we the following approach.
- Start at string $x$ with target $y$ and set $V$ and current distance $0$
- If $x == y$ the return current distance
- Mark $x$ as 'seen' by removing it from $V$
- Find all strings in $V$ that are 1 edit-distance from current string
- recur on all candidate strings, keeping the same target, the updated $V$, and an incremented current distance
This approach isn't too terrible, and with some memoization thrown in it gets even more acceptable, but I get the strong feeling there is a much faster approach to solving the problem with out 'searching' through the set $V$.