I am trying to solve the following problem, which is a simplification of our original question:
$\max\limits_{x,y}\min \{x_iy_i-b_i \mbox{ for } i=1,\ldots, n: x,y\in \Delta_n\}$
where $\Delta_n$ is n-dimensional unit simplex and $b_i$'s are arbitrary nonnegative numbers. $x_i,y_i$ is the $i^\mbox{th}$ entry of $x,y$ resp..
When all $b_i=0$, I can argue the optimum is $\frac1{n^2}$. But in general I have no progress. On the other hand, it would also be nice to show that this problem is NP-hard, but I am unable to think of a reduction from a combinatorial problem. It would be awesome to hear some suggestions! Thanks in advance.