
I am reading about divide and conquer algorithm at following link on page on 57 in this link. The document analyzes the running time of the algorithm. At the very top level, when $k = 0$, this works out to $O(n)$. At the bottom, when $k = \log_2 n$, it is $O(3^{\log_2 n})$, which, the author claims, can be rewritten as $O(n^{\log_2 3})$.

My question is:

Why can $O(3^{\log_2 n})$ be rewritten as $O(n^{\log_2 3})$?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ This seems to be a question about pure mathematics, not computer science. $\endgroup$ Jan 9, 2018 at 18:09

2 Answers 2


The two expressions are equal: $3^{\log_2 n} = n^{\log_2 3}$. To see this, you can use the following identities: $\log_a b = \log_c b/\log_c a$, $\log_a b = 1/\log_b a$, and $a^{\log_a b} = b$. Using these identities, we get $$ 3^{\log_2 n} = 3^{\log_3 n / \log_3 2} = 3^{\log_3 n \cdot \log_2 3} = (3^{\log_3 n})^{\log_2 3} = n^{\log_2 3}. $$

  • $\begingroup$ Another way of seeing this that I find easier to understand is to use the identities $2^{a \cdot b} = (2^a)^b$ and $x = 2^{\log_2(x)}$: $3^{\log_2 n} = 2^{\log_2(3^{\log_2 n})} = 2^{{\log_2 n} \cdot \log_2(3)} = (2^{\log_2 n})^{\log_2(3)} = n^{\log_2 3}$. $\endgroup$
    – holf
    Jan 9, 2018 at 16:19

We will use the following facts:

  • $2^{\log_2 x}=x$; and
  • $\log_2 x^y = y\log_2 x$.


$$\begin{align} x=3^{\log_2 n} &= 2^{\log_2(3^{\log_2 n})}\\ &=2^{(\log_2 n)(\log_2 3)}\\ &=2^{y \log_2 n}\\ &=2^{\log_2 n^y}\\ &=2^{\log_2 (n^{\log_2 3})}\\ &=n^{\log_2 3}.\end{align}$$


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