Your question is more a question about language than about computer science and you are confusing functions and runtimes of algorithms.
$O, \Theta, o$ are mathematical tools to compare functions but it stops there. Functions are functions, mapping values to values and do not have a "runtime".
Algorithms have runtime which is the function that maps a size $n$ with the maximal time needed by this algorithm to solve instances of size $n$.
$O, \Theta...$ notations are about functions. In your first example, you have a function $k \mapsto 4^k$. This function is a function of $k$ and grows exponentially. This function of $k$ is indeed $\Theta(4^k)$ but it is also $\Theta(4^{k+1})$ because $(1/4) 4^{k+1} \leq 4^k \leq 4^{k+1} $. It is also $\Theta(4^{k+489})$ for what it is worth. So there is nothing unique about this. It is simply a way of focusing on the main part of a function when we are only interested in its asymptomatic behavior.
If you have an algorithm which runs in time $4^k$ it means its runtime, which is a function, is $4^k$, that is, when the size of the input is $k$ then the algorithm finished in less that $4^k$ steps and for some input of size $k$, you need $4^k$ steps. In this case, this algorithm runs in exponential time.
If you have an algorithm which runs in time $\Theta(4^k)$, it means that the runtime of the algorithm, which is a function, is $\Theta(4^k)$ and indeed you have an exponential time algorithm.
If you have an algorithm which runs in time $O(4^k)$, it means that the runtime of the algorithm, which is a function, is $O(4^k)$. In this case, you cannot say for sure that your algorithm runs in exponential time. It may well be that the true runtime of your algorithm is $\Theta(k)$ but that you haven't proven it yet.
Now you ask what if "$k=\log(n)$". In this case, you are now talking about the following fuction: $n \mapsto 4^{\log n}$ which turns out to be $n^{\log 4}$ which is indeed bounded by a polynomial in $n$. So if you have an algorithm which runs in time $n^{\log 4}$ on input of size $n$ then this algorithm runs in polynomial time.
But if your algorithm runs in time $n^{\log 4}$ for input of size $\log(n)$, then this algorithm runs in exponential time.