I have to solve the following recurrence equation and I thought to solve it with case #3 of the master theorem. Can I do that?
$$T(1) = c>0 $$ $$T(n) = 9T(n/3) + f(n)$$ $$f(n) = n^2\cdot lg^3 (n) + n^3 \cdot lg(n)$$
I think that $f(n) = \Omega(n^{log_ba})$ where $a=9, b=3$ so $n^{log_ba}=n^2$.
Since $f(n) = n^3 lg(n)$, we can prove that $$a\cdot f(n/b) \leq c\cdot f(n)$$.
Is it a correct solution?
The only piece I am afraid could be tricky is proving $a\cdot f(n/b) \leq c\cdot f(n)$.
Thank you, Alan