I've been reading this paper: https://ac.els-cdn.com/S0304397511002623/1-s2.0-S0304397511002623-main.pdf?_tid=bc074517-2b81-4d37-bc92-a5c20dba6b23&acdnat=1527946614_083eb7104693637d83e7d26751a7d23e
where it talks about the interval scheduling problem but with n
processors for k
I was wondering if there's a proof if the same algorithm would work if it was only two processors for k
jobs? If there isn't can you explain why it would work?
Something similar to this question: Interval Scheduling Problem with Three Resources
but instead of 3 resources, 2 resources but I'm trying to get O(n^2)
instead of O(n^3)