As D.W., point out in his comment. This problem is not $NP$-hard unless $NP\subseteq QuasiPoly$. The idea is that any such path must not contain more than $\log(n)$ edge of weight > 1.
Enumerate every such sequences of edges (with edge-weight > 1). There are ${O(n^2)}^{\log(n)}$ sequences like that.
For each sequence, to turn it into a solution, we need to fill in the "gap" with weight-1 edges.
This one is a little bit different from his comment. A flow is not the exact idea. What we need is the $k$ vertex-disjoint paths from classical work of Robertson and Seymour.
If the above description is not satisfying enough. Just note that we may split each vertex $v$ into a $\text{max-visit}(v)$-clique, and remember to connect each pair of cliques according to the original edges.