Question is:
Calculate the minimum absolute difference between the maximum and minimum number from the triplet a, b, c such that a, b, c belongs arrays A, B, C respectively.
There is another question: Find i, j, k such that :
max(abs(A[i] - B[j]), abs(B[j] - C[k]), abs(C[k] - A[i]))
is minimized.
Return the minimum max(abs(A[i] - B[j]), abs(B[j] - C[k]), abs(C[k] - A[i])). A, B & C are sorted arrays.
Reading the solution approach here and here, I realize that the solution approach for both these questions is same, to:
minimize abs( max(a,b,c) - min(a,b,c) )
I'm not sure why this follows and how we should go about relating these two questions and their algorithms. Why are these two questions identical?