I am trying to do the formal semantics (Montague grammar, abstract categorial grammar) of natural language and encode the sentence John is boss
. The type system has to primitive types - e
for entity and t
for Boolean type. John
has type e
, is
has type (e->t)->(e->t)
and boss
has type (e->t)
. The the full sentence is translated as the lambda expression:
(is(boss))(John): t
I don't like the chaining of functional application and more intuitive presentation could be by introducing new function IS
of type (e, (e->t))
and hence the expression could become:
IS(John, boss): t
And by moving boss from the argument the function index we can arrive to the standard predicate expression with new predicate-function:
IS_BOSS(John): t
I have two questions regarding this example:
- Does standard lambda calculus have multi-argument functions? As I guess that these calculus have such function by currying and hence the real type if
. So, this part seems to be already answered. - And now is the main question - does lambda caluclus allow do function transformation - e.g. is there some operation which transforms
? Are there some apparatus/algorithms/methods how can I express functionis
via the functionIS
and how can I transform terms involvingis
into terms that does not containis
and that containsIS
? Are there some rewriting apparatus available for this in lambda calculus?
This question is inspired by the book https://www.amazon.co.uk/Elements-Formal-Semantics-Introduction-Mathematical/dp/0748640436 and uses notions and notation from this book.
Important note. I do not expect that is
and IS
are identical functions (but I would be glad to consider the case when some kind of identity is assumed as well). I expect that is
is more general function (that is used for the processing of the raw text) and that I try to express it using more specialised function IS
(which can convey more specific meaning, e.g. borrowing from pragmatics (branch of lingustics): I can analyse context and determine that in this context such detalization is desirable). Maybe rewrite operation should be used but maybe some other tools should be used - simply - how to transform term using these functions? Maybe I am just trying to approximate function is
with function IS
(of different type!) and is
-terms with IS
-terms? Are there such notions, theories?
Maybe I should look to higher-order rewriting of lambda terms? Is there example available how my terms could be rewritten inside such framework?