I've read conflicting answers for the space complexity of the top down implementation w/ memoization for the classic coin change problem. Would this be O(N * M) space as Interview Cake says https://www.interviewcake.com/question/javascript/coin?section=dynamic-programming-recursion&course=fc1 or O(N) space or LeetCode says https://leetcode.com/articles/coin-change/#approach-2-dynamic-programming-top-down-accepted?
N is the size of amount and M is the number of items in denominations
class Change {
constructor() {
this.memo = {};
changePossibilitiesTopDown(amountLeft, denominations, currentIndex = 0) {
// Check our memo and short-circuit if we've already solved this one
const memoKey = [amountLeft, currentIndex].join(', ');
if (this.memo.hasOwnProperty(memoKey)) {
console.log('grabbing memo [' + memoKey + ']');
return this.memo[memoKey];
// Base cases:
// We hit the amount spot on. yes!
if (amountLeft === 0) return 1;
// We overshot the amount left (used too many coins)
if (amountLeft < 0) return 0;
// We're out of denominations
if (currentIndex === denominations.length) return 0;
console.log('checking ways to make ' + amountLeft + ' with [' + denominations.slice(currentIndex).join(', ') + ']');
// Choose a current coin
const currentCoin = denominations[currentIndex];
// See how many possibilities we can get
// for each number of times to use currentCoin
let numPossibilities = 0;
while (amountLeft >= 0) {
numPossibilities += this.changePossibilitiesTopDown(amountLeft, denominations, currentIndex + 1);
amountLeft -= currentCoin;
// Save the answer in our memo so we don't compute it again
this.memo[memoKey] = numPossibilities;
return numPossibilities;