I have a binary variable $x_{ijt}^k$ that is $1$ iff job $i$ is assigned to machine $j$ at time $t$ using processor $k$. I would like to express the following constraints:
- If job $i$ is assigned to machine $j$ at time $t$ using processor $k$ then job $i$ cannot be assigned to machine $j'\neq j$.
- If job $i$ is assigned to machine $j$ at time $t$ using processor $k$ then job $i$ cannot be assigned to machine $j$ at time $t'\neq t$ using processor $k'\neq k$.
In other words, both constraints say that once job $i$ is assigned to a machine, it must be assigned using the same processor on that machine.
For the first constraint, I write it as $x_{ijt}^k+x_{ij't'}^{k'}\leq 1$, for all $i,j'\neq j, k, k',t,t'$.
For the second constraint, I write it as $x_{ijt}^k+x_{ijt'}^{k'}\leq 1$, for all $i,j, k\neq k',t\neq t'$.
Can I improve this formulation?