TL;DR: Can I say, "K-rule in Agda enables people to match $ \forall a.a \equiv a $ with $ \mathit{refl} $"?
In, K-rule is introduced as an implicit rule and it's defaultly enabled. If I understand it correctly, it means parameter of type $ \forall a.a \equiv a $ can be matched with $ \mathit{refl} $. If we disable K-rule, what will happen? What kind of codes is it going to prevent me writing? Because we can always construct $ \forall a . a \equiv a $, even without K, we can always get an instance of $ T $ by passing $ \mathit{refl} $ to any functions with type $ \forall a.a \equiv a \rightarrow T $.
Agda's doc has given me an example which indeed shows a circumstance that can only work with K:
K : {A : Set} {x : A} (P : x ≡ x → Set) →
P refl → (x≡x : x ≡ x) → P x≡x
K P p refl = p
In this code, if we can pattern match x≡x
with refl
, P refl
can be trivially equivalent to P x≡x
(but without K, we can't).
So does that mean: "K enables people to match $ \forall a.a \equiv a $ with $ \mathit{refl} $"? I didn't find the answer on the Agda doc.
If we disable K, will the semantic of Agda's equality type (CH-ISO) change?