Proving that L is not regular by showing that $\equiv_L$ has infinite index.
$\Sigma$ = {a}, L = {$a^{3^n} : n \geq$ 0}
My ideas:
theorem of Myhill-Nerode: L $\in$REG $\Leftrightarrow$ $\equiv_L$ has finite index
We show: $\equiv_L$ has infinte equivalence classes.
$a^{3^i}$ $\not\equiv$ $a^{3^{i+k}}$, $k>0$
-> equivalence classes: [a], [aaa], [$a^3$]...
Every $a^{3^i}$ is a different equivalence class.
Therefore $\equiv_L$ has an infinite amount of equivalence classes $\rightarrow$ L is not regular. qed.
How to show that the classes are different?