Questions tagged [arithmetic]

Questions about implementing elementary arithmetic operations on a computer with hardware or algorithms. The numbers are often assumed to be in a binary representation, add the [floating-point] tag for arithmetic operations on numbers in a floating point representation.

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Chained operations on sequences with two operators

Given a binary expresion tree, with addition and multiplication operations, how can we optimize it's evaluation? Can we learn from matrix chain multiplication? A generalization of matrix chain ...
Realz Slaw's user avatar
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Bignum divisibility algorithm

I need to test whether an integer $b$ divides another integer $a$. Both integers are “bignums”, in the cryptography range ($10^2$ to $10^4$ bits). The integers are represented in binary. Assume that ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
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Quick calculation for $x^y \bmod 2^d$

I need to calculate $x^y \bmod 2^d$ in $O(d)$ summations/bitwise operations and $1$ multiplication by $y$. $x$ is restricted to be odd, $d\geq 3$. $a$-bit arithmetic (for any $a$) is allowed, as this ...
lsparki's user avatar
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Bridging inductive natural number and bits?

Most popular representation for the natural numbers in type systems is: Inductive nat : Set := | 0 : nat | S : nat -> nat. However, digital computers ...
Roman Susi's user avatar
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Running time for threshold function evaluation?

A threshold function is a function $f: \{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\}$, defined by $n$ integer-valued weights $w_1, w_2, \ldots, w_n$ and an integer valued threshold value $w_0$. It works as follows: $$f(x_1, ...
Bringomial's user avatar
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How does the structure of a Luk-Vuillemin multiplier differ from a Wallace or Dadda multiplier?

I've read that Luk-Vuillemin multipliers are similar to Wallace multipliers but partition their inputs in a different way. How exactly does this partitioning work, how does it change the structure of ...
Eric's user avatar
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What is the simplest automaton that can compute the sum of two integers of arbitrary length?

It should be obvious that a Turing machine is capable of computing the sum of two integers. However, what is the simplest automaton that can compute the sum of two integers of arbitrary length? I ...
Mys_721tx's user avatar
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Vandermonde matrix and its binary representation

Say one is given a Vandermonde matrix ( of dimension $2^q \times k$ such that the elements of the first column of it are $\{0,1,2,..,-1+2^q\}$. (This ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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Is it correct to say that there are similarities between CORDIC and digit recurrence algorithm for division?

I've been studying recently some variations of the CORDIC, and it seems to me that the logic behind at least the basic cordic or the redundant CORDIC is very similar to the logic used to design digit ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Counter tree Fenwick for multiplication

I need to compute prefix product of an array. For this reason I want to use counter tree fenwick . Hehe is what I have for the usual Fenwick tree: An array $T$ indexded from $0$ to $n$. $T[i]$ ...
Y N's user avatar
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Why mantissa and exponent are stored differently in a float?

As we know, in IEEE 754 standard, float number's exponent and mantissa are stored differently. While the exponent is stored as an unsigned number, taking advantage of the bias, the mantissa is in sign-...
Dart Dega's user avatar
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Dual Signed Kahan Summation

NOTE: This is for a project I'm working on for fun, NOT production code. So I'm working on a pet project that involves reading data in from a sensor and summing it up. The values are mostly ...
Mandalf The Beige's user avatar
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How can I determine if an algoritm can be expressed as a boolean circuit?

Suppose I want to express Data Encryption Standard(DES) encryption algorithm as a boolean circuit. How can I determine if what I want is practical, and if it is how can I do it?
Radu Mardari's user avatar
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Quick method for approximate integer square roots

I'm looking for an algorithm that -- given a positive integer $n$ -- outputs a positive integer $\bar{n}$ with the following two properties: $(\bar{n}+1)^2>n$; $(\bar{n}-1)^2<n$; So we have $\...
Steve D's user avatar
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Check if n-bit number is divisible by 7

Show how to check if n-bit number is divisible by 7 in logarithmic circuit depth. How can I construct the circuit to be able to check the divisibility?
popcorn's user avatar
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Why does an N retries failure rate is $(1-x)^N$?

I read this blog post Fixing retries with token buckets and circuit breakers (by Marc Brooker), which goes through several retry strategies. For the "N retries" strategy (i.e. on failure, ...
HelterSkelter's user avatar
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Proving the least number of operators required equals $min((x-target)*2, (target*2)-1)$

Here is the source for the problem below: For completeness, below is the problem ...
user3472's user avatar
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Is it possible to find length of sum of two binary numbers without calculating sum?

I'm doing an assignment where I need to multiply two 16 bit numbers and store result as an 16 bit integer array. a is binary with length of ...
trofchik's user avatar
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Evaluating functions related by Mobius inversion formula

Problem Consider two functions $f: \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ and $g: \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ such that $f(k) = \sum_{d | k} g(d)$ for all $k \in \mathbb{N}$. So, the questions ...
shpeks's user avatar
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Advantages/Disadvantages of adaptive contexual arithmetic coding

What are the advantages and drawbacks of considering ever longer block lengths or context lengths, if one was to work with estimated probabilities(measuring on the fly: aka "adaptive") rather than ...
Duke Glacia's user avatar
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Least computationally expensive bitwise addition

I am familiar with the oft-cited method of bitwise addition using XOR and left shift for the carry, applied recursively. I was wondering if this is the least computationally expensive way to achieve ...
Bradley Thomas's user avatar
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Ultrametric Binary States

All metric spaces obey the triangle inequality which is, for three points $a,b,c$, that $$d(a,c) \le d(a,b) + d(b,c)$$ One interesting special case of a metric space is one endowed with an ...
Surgical Commander's user avatar
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Bitwidth requirements for the division algorithm using redundant radix

I'm studying the chapter "Division by Digit Recurrence" in "Digital Arithmetic" of Ercegovac. I like this book is overall well written. Although sometimes I struggle understanding some aspect like the ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Implementing cordic in integer arithmetic

Referring to this reference... I'm trying to work out the details of an integer arithmetic implementation of the CORDIC iteration. The CORDIC pseudo-rotations can be summarized as $$ \left( \begin{...
user8469759's user avatar
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2's complement division algorithm

I've managed to get a VM code of a function that performs integer division. After some work, I translated it into high-level language. I know the translation I made is correct, since I was able to ...
Jona's user avatar
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Understanding exponential computation by digit recurrence

I've met in a book the following algorithm that computes the exponential: Input: $t, n$ ($n$ is the number of steps) Output: $E_n$ $\begin{array}{l} \mbox{define $t_0 = 0$ ; $E_0 = 1$} \\ \mbox{...
user8469759's user avatar
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Dividing/Multiplying Numbers Stored in two memory locations

I have two numbers x and y. The upper bits of x are stored at location m, while the lower bits of x are stored at location n. The upper bits of y are stored at location i, while the lower bits of y ...
xfern's user avatar
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pragmatic way to compute/ search/ match MSBs operation

consider integers represented as base 2 (strings). define a relation called "n-msb matching" that is true when the 1st n msbs (MSB is "most significant bits") match (of two integers). what is a ...
vzn's user avatar
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Are rational functions with positive integer coefficients honest?

For every rational function $p(x)/q(x)$ where $p$ and $q$ are polynomials with non-negative integer coefficients, does there exist a polynomial function $h$, such that, if you input a reduced fraction ...
Daniels Pictures's user avatar
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Check if sum of positive integers is less than a W integer in CNF

As title says, what I am trying to do is to find a way to sum integers and later compare them with another integer W, in a manner that when the sum of integers is less or equal than W, using only CNF. ...
Francisco Jos Rodriguez Rugele's user avatar
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Binary Comparison Between Two Integers

Say I have two integers,i and j, which for the sake of example will be 2 and 5, represented by $010_2$ and $101_2$ respectively. I have a third bit set to 0. If $j \geq i$, then this bit should change ...
MrStealYourFrog's user avatar
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Exact Definition of simple bit pattern?

I didn't find an exact description for this, but I know that any integer type is a simple bit pattern, it seems to me that the simple bit pattern should have a more exact description as I understand ...
Gor Madatyan's user avatar
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Calculation of compression ratio using arithmetic encoding?

Arithmetic encoding is one of the most famous entropy encoding techniques, and I am using it to encode an image. For this, I am using the built-in function of Matlab that also gives other values such ...
Sahil Sharma's user avatar
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How do I determine the time and space complexity of the following algorithm?

I need to compute the time and space complexity in Big O notation for this algorithm I constructed for binary multiplication. ...
Shreyash_Gupta's user avatar
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Is there a way to convert FLOPS to bit operation per second

My problem is the following: I have $N$ inner products to compute in parallel every second. Each of the vectors in those inner product is composed of $7$ bits. I want to know for which $N$ it starts ...
StarBuck's user avatar
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Alu architecture of a Hack Computer

I'm currently studying the ALU architecture (of a Hack computer) and how it works. As part of my assignments, I have been asked the following question: If we want the ALU to compute the function y-1, ...
Hynisel's user avatar
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How to do -8 x -8 in a 4 bit booth multiplier?

In the general case of an n bit booth multiplier, the maximum negative value is -2n-1. So with 4 bits we can represent -8 x -8 (M=1000, Q=1000). Now if we follow Booth's algorithm for multiplying n-...
Tony Gweesip's user avatar
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Building an ALU on nandgame's website

I'm working on nandgame's website found here. I'm working on the ALU and here is an image of my implementation: My Implementation: And I compared it to this website's solution: Solution However when ...
Francis Cugler's user avatar
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Arithmetical representation $F(x,y,z)\Longleftrightarrow (x+z)=y \lor (y+z)=x$

I am kind of confused which function $f:\mathbb{N}^2\longrightarrow\mathbb{N}$ is presented by $F(x,y,z)\Longleftrightarrow (x+z)=y \lor (y+z)=x$ I know that $f(x,y)=y-x$ is represented by $F(x,y,z)\...
Florian Bauer's user avatar
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Same computation order using postfix notation?

I'm trying to understand arithmetic using stacks. Specifically converting infix notation to postfix notation. My question is how you convert an expression like: 1 + (2 + 3) + (4 + 5) that computes in ...
user100752's user avatar
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Calculating the time complexity of an arithmetic progression

Can someone help me calculate the time complexity of the algorithm? I have an array and I want to check if it's sorted or not I start in the middle of it and I check the numbers first to the right ...
abababa's user avatar
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What is the strongest arithmetic theory decidable by a DFA, DPDA or PDA?

It is known that WS1S can be decided by a DFA. Is this the strongest arithmetic theory decidable by a DFA? What happens when the automata class is extended to include DPDAs or PDAs?
emi's user avatar
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Floating point substraction

if $x=1.0e38=1.0 * 10^{38}$ and $y=3.0$ i want to find $ (x-x)+y $ and $(x+y)-x$ i think the value of (x-x)+y will be just substract $x-x=0 + y=3.0 = 3.0$ but how can i perfom addition of different ...
devss's user avatar
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arithmetic coding for generating random number with desired distribution

Hi i want to convert random number with uniform distribution to desired distribution using arithmetic coding. It has been done in the following research paper called arithmetic distribution coding ...
Mohsan Niaz's user avatar
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Booth bit-pair recoding of multipliers

1) In Booth's bit-pair recording technique how to multiply a multiplicand with 2? 2) In booth's algorithm for multiplication/Booth's bit-pair recording of multipliers, the sign bit extension of the ...
Geeklovenerds's user avatar
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Data structures used for variable length integers

I've just had a thought about multiple precision number (i.e. variable length integers). The naive way to represent numbers is to use an array sized in such a way that the number of required bits can ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Representation of the number in two's complement

We have that MIMA (Neumann MInimal MAchine) has the following commands: I want to write a MIMA program that takes the value $2^{23}-24=8.388.584$ to the memory cell $y$. We have to take ...
Mary Star's user avatar
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Binary Division using logic gates

I am building a 64 bit CPU in Minecraft and I'm stuck on adding division into the ALU. I was told I should ask this here. Does anyone know how to divide in binary using only logic circuits? I can't ...
Dodger99's user avatar
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Subtraction using 15s complement

I know 15s complement subtraction may not be much taught/popular one, but I just want to give it a try. Just trying to clear my basic digital logic/number systems concepts. Here is what I am doing: ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
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Logarithms using digit recurrence, how many bits to store in a LUT?

In a known method for approximating logarithms the following decomposition is adopted (assuming $x \in [1,2)$): $$ log_2(x) = 1 + \sum_{j=1}^{+\infty} w_i log_2(1+2^{-j}) $$ Where all the ...
user8469759's user avatar