Questions tagged [balanced-search-trees]

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-3 votes
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Can you simulate the following process in $O(N.log N)$

Given an array $A[]$ of N integers. pseudocode: Traverse from left to right of this array. Let's say you are standing at index $j$. For each index i=1 to i=j-1, increment all $A[i]$ by $1$ if and ...
sibillalazzerini's user avatar
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Merge two red black trees with the same black height

Consider two red-black trees T1 and T2, each with black-height h, with all values in T1 less than all values in T2. How to merge these two trees to obtain a red-black tree in O(h). The root is always ...
nicku's user avatar
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Approximating the median of the complement of a set

Given an integer $n$ and a tree set $S$, I would like to find the approximate median $x$ of the integer set $T := \{i \in \mathbb N : i < n \wedge i \notin S\}$. There are no constraints to the ...
SOFe's user avatar
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maximum length of the sequence (a[i],b[i]) such that if $b[i]='<'$ then $a[i+1]<a[i]$ and if $b[i]='>'$ then $a[i+1]>a[i]$

Let $N$ be a number and consider the sequence of $a[i]$, $b[i]$ with $i=1,n$ where $a[i]$ are positive integers and $b[i]$ is the sign '$<$' or '$>$'. Find the maximum length of the subsequence(...
shangq_tou's user avatar
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In a relaxed radix balanced (RRB) tree, how is the height determined in practice?

In a traditional radix-balanced tree, the height of the tree can be determined quickly by counting the leading zeros of the number of elements of the tree, and indexes to node children can be ...
trbabb's user avatar
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How did the following derivation of the final weight of a weight-balanced search tree node after rotation to make it balanced occur?

I was reading section 3.2 of Advanced Data Structures by Peter Brass (which is about weight-balanced search trees) for self-study. I got stuck on a proof about rebalancing properties. $\alpha$ and $\...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
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Which particular data structure should I use if I want a persistent balanced search tree?

As title, I'm trying to implement a text editor with the rope data structure, which is backed by binary search tree. Since I want it to have persistent undos, the underlaying data structure should ...
lyhokia's user avatar
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Interval Tree by Augmenting an AVL Tree

According to Wikipedia: An augmented tree can be built from a simple ordered tree, for example a binary search tree or self-balancing binary search tree, ordered by the 'low' values of the intervals. ...
Vectorizer's user avatar
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Height of AVL Tree

I found an AVL tree implementation on the internet and experimented: For a tree with node count of 2^20, the minimal and maximal tree heights are 16 and 24. While these heights are lg(n)-ish, I am ...
Vectorizer's user avatar
-1 votes
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Are AVL&RB Trees without additional storage for balance information in each node feasible?

One advantage claimed for scapegoat trees over other balanced trees like AVL or red-black(RB trees - just mentioning AVL henceforth) is not needing to store additional balance information. But can't ...
greybeard's user avatar
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How to join two Scapegoat Trees in O(log n) time?

I am working on some binary-search-tree research and was surprised to find no mention of an algorithm to join two Scapegoat Trees. This is where two trees $L$ and $R$ are joined to create a single ...
rtheunissen's user avatar
1 vote
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For a balanced binary search tree what is the worst case case time complexity for accessing all elements within a range of nodes?

I have this question which is asking for the worst case time complexity for a balanced binary search tree, assume the nodes are labeled as integers and we consider a range of ...
Pawan Nirpal's user avatar
2 votes
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Self-balancing BST supporting in-order-sequential multi-insertions / multi-deletions in logn+klogk time?

Given a self-balancing binary search tree of size $n$, I want to perform the following operations: InsertInOrderSequentialBatch an ordered sequence of $k$ values (...
Warty's user avatar
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Having trouble understanding Red-Black trees

Exam question: Draw the Red Black Tree that results from inserting the following values in the given order: [10, 20, 30, 4, 5, 50] Draw the red connections with a dotted line and the black ones with ...
Segmentation fault's user avatar
1 vote
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is it possible to create an avl tree given any set of numbers?

I am studying balanced trees, especially AVL trees. My question is whether is it possible to create an avl tree given any set of numbers. is it possible to prove the following statement? Let $A$ be ...
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efficient DELETE in proto-Van Emde Boas Tree?

TLDR: CLRS is claiming that a certain "pseudo" or "proto" tree structure does not have fast deletion, but I seem to have an algorithm that is efficient, and I would like to know ...
xdavidliu's user avatar
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What is the maximal difference between the depths of 2 leaves in AVL tree?

I'm wondering what's the answer of the following question: What is the maximal difference between the depths of 2 leaves in an AVL tree? Intuitively I think that it shouldn't exceed $log n$ but have ...
Combinatoric's user avatar
3 votes
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Worst Case for AVL Tree Balancing after Deletion

After deleting a node in an AVL tree, self-balancing (zig-zag rotation or the left-right balancing) maintains O(logn) time that is not guaranteed in other unbalanced trees (like BST). The Balancing ...
alienated-vocalist-251's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the fastest way to merge two B trees?

Given two B-trees of some order $m$ - $T_1,T_2$, such that $y > x$ for every pair $x \in T_1$ and $y \in T_2$. What is the fastest way to create a new tree that is the union of both $T_1,T_2$? My ...
Nix's user avatar
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What is the name of the data structure that is a tree on the backend but has a list like API?

I'm looking for the name of a data structure. It is organized like a balanced tree. The elements need not be comparable. Instead of asking if the tree contains a thing (like you would with a ...
DanielV's user avatar
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Splitting a node in B+ tree with odd number of keys

This and several other resources suggest to "Always a node that gets the middle key from bottom splits, should drop one item for a new middle key". To illustrate with an example. For 5-way B+-tree, ...
Vamsidhar's user avatar
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Scapegoat Trees: Why are they only loosely a-height-balanced?

From Wikipedia: Even a degenerate tree (linked list) satisfies this condition if α=1, whereas an α=0.5 would only match almost complete binary trees. A binary search tree that is α-weight-...
smw's user avatar
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Treap union unrandomizes priorities?

The algorithm for the union of two sets represented by treaps is defined in this paper and on Wikipedia, but the algorithm seems flawed. Take for example the following loop. ...
hollowclass's user avatar
2 votes
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What would happen if we added this rule to red-black trees?

So, I know that a normal r-b tree has a height of O(logn). What would happen is we let a red node have a red child if its parent is black? Would the height still be O(logn)? Would you have to have a ...
Curious_CS_student's user avatar
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Height of epsilon-balanced binary search tree

In Balanced Binary Search Trees on the basis of size of left and right child subtrees, Hannes says: For example, one can say, a BST is balanced, if each subtree has at most epsilon * n nodes, ...
pete's user avatar
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Is the tree shown a valid red-black tree?

I have made a red-black tree and I think that it is not valid. Could someone please verify? ...
Swapnil Agarwal's user avatar
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How to prove that in an AVL tree with height h, the depth of every leaf node is at least $\lceil h/2 \rceil$

I have an AVL tree with height h. I understand how to get h $\thickapprox$ 1.440 log N. However, I can't figure out how to calculate the minimum depth of a leaf node from root. I tried constructing a ...
Siladittya's user avatar
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Linked lists with auxiliary data

I'm trying to design a data structure that supports the following operations in $O(1)$ time: $\operatorname{query}(\ell)$: Yield some auxiliary datum associated with list $\ell$ (just a single ...
dysonsfrog's user avatar
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AVL tree balance property states for the two subtrees of a node, their height can differ at most one. Why can't it be zero?

I was thinking that if they were equal, say they are required to be zero this would be enforce the balance property more effectively. Can anyone explain why 1 is a satisfactory rather than just them ...
King Cold's user avatar
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How to find the number of intervals containing a point when given a static set of intervals?

I've seen similar questions around here but I'm trying to address this problem with a slight change and maybe it makes it easier to solve. I'm given a set of intervals $\{s_1,s_2,...,s_n\}$ where ...
giorgioh's user avatar
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Finding an interval in a binary search tree that contains a point

I have a binary search tree where nodes are non-overlapping intervals. I'm given a point, and I need to determine which interval the point belongs to (if any). This is easy to do because I can compare ...
rtheunissen's user avatar
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How to create an AVL tree, given it's pre-order traversal?

Given the pre-order traversal, we can easily obtain the necessary Binary Search Tree(BST- not necessarily balanced). However, the problem arises when we have to decide the balancing manually(this was ...
Shubhayu's user avatar
3 votes
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AVL tree worst case height proof

The worst case height of AVL tree is $1.44 \log n$. How do we prove that? I read somewhere about Fibonacci quicks but did not understand it.
Manoharsinh Rana's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I know which direction I should rotate a node in an AVL Tree?

I'm studying AVL Trees in my programming class and we got this exercise dealing with right, left, left-right and right-left rotations as a way to check if we understand the theoretical concept of AVL ...
xxxtentacion's user avatar
3 votes
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I don't understand the case 4 of red-black tree deletion

I don't know why case 4 will resolve the issue of the double black of $x$ described in Introduction to algorithm p.329. I know case 1 is transformed into one of {2,3,4} case, and case 2 re-point $x$ ...
Ning's user avatar
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Does keeping underflowed nodes unbalance the R-tree?

When deleting nodes from an R-tree, if a branch underflows, then it's meant to be dissolved and its children are meant to be reinserted into the tree. But most R-tree implementations that I've seen ...
quadrupleslap's user avatar
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Counting chords intersections in a circle

The problem is: Given 2n distinct endpoints of n chords on the unit circle, count the number of intersections between chords (if k chords intersect at one point, that point counts as $\binom{n}{2}$ ...
ch48h2o's user avatar
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Documentation of "bin number" trees

TL;DR: I implemented a special (?) binary tree and can't find any further details on the method I used on the internet. I would like to know if there are any scientific papers discussing my ...
mby0's user avatar
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Efficient data structure for multidimensional searching on intervals and keys

I am searching for a data structure that can capture a database, which is consisted of one column of intervals (like [0, 2], [4, 6]) and one/two columns of keys (...
ysig's user avatar
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Minimum finger search tree complexity

Suppose I have an AVL tree with a pointer to the minimal element. I'd like to conduct a search for some key x, which is the $k$-smallest key in the entire tree. I can do this by "climbing" up the tree'...
gbi1977's user avatar
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B/B+ trees without leftmost pointers

In both B-trees and B+trees, a node (a.k.a page) contains K keys and K+1 pointers: node = [ ptr_1, key_1, ... , ptr_K , key_K , ptr_(K+1) ] Now suppose that I ...
Ali's user avatar
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All the possible inputs for a given AVL tree

Given an AVL tree,what are the possible inputs so that the same given tree is formed(please dont mention brute force technique)?
Sai Teja's user avatar
8 votes
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How many rotations after AVL insertion and deletion

Is it true that inserting an element to an AVL tree requires $O(1)$ rotations? How many rotations, does deletion from AVL require? I've searched for these two questions with no luck so far.
chendoy's user avatar
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Left-Right-Rotation of AVL-Tree

For AVL-Tree there exists the following Rotations for Balancing: Left Rotation Right Rotation Left-Right Rotation Right-Left Rotation My Question is about the Naming for the Double-Rotations. ...
BennoDual's user avatar
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AVL tree size in terms of height

For AVL trees, which one of the following is possible as the tree size (expressed in term of the tree height h)? Recall that the size of a tree is the number of nodes in the tree. A. $Θ(h^{2.1})$ B. $...
Reyhaneh Rahimi's user avatar
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Deletion from 2,3,4 tree

Consider a 2,3,4 tree like so, ...
rranjik's user avatar
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Is every AVL tree a BST or just BT?

I was going through the concepts of AVL tree and came across the definition of AVL tree from the wiki. In computer science, an AVL tree (named after inventors Adelson-Velsky and Landis) is a self-...
Thinker's user avatar
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Why most purely functional red-black trees are left-leaning?

Is there any particular reason for picking a left-leaning red-black tree over a regular red-black tree when trying to do a purely functional implementation? I've not researched very deeply into this ...
Ruan's user avatar
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Find the median in two AVL BSTs in O(log(n))

So theres the classic problem of finding the median in an AVL BST in O(log(n))* However given two AVLs, each having N different values (all values in both trees combined would be 2N different values) ...
alphil's user avatar
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Number of leaf nodes in n-element red-black trees

Why the number of (NIL) leaf nodes in n-element red-black trees is n+1?
Juliana Resplande's user avatar