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What formula was used here to calculate the average search time of the binary tree?

My teacher showed me the following slide on the PowerPoint with two binary search trees and their corresponding "average search times". The PPT did not mention what formula was used to ...
Felix An's user avatar
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I don't understand the reason behind O(h) time complexity in this MIT OCW Algorithms question

I faced the following question in a problem session: Gal Ore is a scientist who studies climate. As part of her research, she often needs to query the maximum temperature the earth has observed within ...
Arham Zahid's user avatar
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Prove that balanced binary search tree has lowest expected cost

Take numbers from 1 to 100. Put all of them in a binary search tree. Now, one of those 100 numbers is picked uniformly at random and given to us. We'd like to find it in the binary search tree. The ...
Rohit Pandey's user avatar
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Recursive formula for height of BST

Let $H(n)$ be the average height of a BST with nodes from ${1,...,n}$. I think that $$H(n) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 0}^{n-1}\left[\text{max}(H(i), H(n-1 -i)) + 1\right]$$ But I don't know how to prove ...
user167064's user avatar
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Does a sorted sequence from in-order traversal imply a binary tree is a BST?

An in-order traversal of a binary search tree (BST) produces a sorted sequence. I wonder, if we perform an in-order traversal of a binary tree and obtain a sorted sequence, does that imply that the ...
Mason Rashford's user avatar
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Create a class or structure like union of ranges

How to create a structure which acts as union of ranges. In that structure new ranges can be inserted beforehand and then some queries are asked to find out if the given point is covered by any of the ...
user166204's user avatar
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Visualizing How of KD-tree Data Structure Splits Space

I am trying to understand how KD-tree works when we insert a node and how it splits the xy plane, please. Below $[5, 4]$ splits the xy-plane into left and right parts while $[2,6]$ splits it into top ...
Avv's user avatar
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How many times is a node rotated towards the root in a weight-balanced tree?

In this paper they prove that the number of rotations after doing $n$ insertions or deletions to a weight-balanced tree is $O(n)$ (when starting from an empty tree). What isn't clear to me though is ...
MotiNK's user avatar
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Randomly generated binary search trees case comparison

Although not an assignment, just out of curiosity; I am trying to compare a two cases A scenario where I pick a tree out of the set of possible binary search trees on the keys $1,2,\ldots,n$, with ...
Mike's user avatar
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What is the gold-standard description of the 2-3 tree (search, insert, delete)?

After several hours of frustration, I finally realized that the definition of two-three trees aren't standard (my lecture notes, this video, this other video, and Wikipedia) are different. My lecture ...
AyamGorengPedes's user avatar
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Solution Verification: How does the postorder traversal of a BST change after rotating left?

Given a BST $T$, $x$ is a random node in it and $y$ is the right child of $x$. How does the PostOrder traversal of BST $T$ change after we rotate the tree left on node $x$? In which cases does the ...
Pwaol's user avatar
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Using pre-,post-, and in-order indexes to find information about a Binary Search Tree

Recently I have been studying ways of traversing a BST (in python), and have collided with the terms pre-order, post-order and in-order. I believe that I understood the three terms pretty well, and ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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finding an algorithm for creating a priority search tree in linear time with presorting

A priority search tree is a binary tree satisfying the following: every node $u$ stores a point $p_u = (x_u,y_u)$ every nonleaf $u$ stores an x-coordinate $x_u'$ called the split-line coordinate. If $...
user3472's user avatar
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How to join two Scapegoat Trees in O(log n) time?

I am working on some binary-search-tree research and was surprised to find no mention of an algorithm to join two Scapegoat Trees. This is where two trees $L$ and $R$ are joined to create a single ...
rtheunissen's user avatar
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Observations about the structure of an optimal Binary Search Tree

My question is about part 15.5 in CLRS (third edition)*, on optimal binary search trees. I am confused about the following sentences: Consider any subtree of a binary search tree. It must contain ...
user8171079's user avatar
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When can a (max) heap be a BST?

Cheers, let's suppose we have a MAX heap which does not allow duplicate elements. Is it possible for this heap to be a BST ? Choose the right answer(s) below: A heap can never be a BST A heap is ...
average_discrete_math_enjoyer's user avatar
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Find two nodes in a BST such that the root's key is the average of their keys without extra space in $\theta(n)$ worst case time

We can do this in $\theta(n^2)$ time if we calculate the average of all couples of nodes in the tree and compare it to the root, but this is too much time. We can do this in linear time but with extra ...
user183748292's user avatar
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If a key in a red-black tree has exactly one child (which isn't null) then it is always red

I have the following claim: Prove or disprove: If a key in a red-black tree has exactly one child (which isn't null) then it is always red. My attempt: Disproof. We will exhibit a counterexample: ...
Chopin's user avatar
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Probability that BST has exact height

Consider keys $[ 1 \ldots n]$. We want to calculate probability that BST tree has height = $h$. (We assume that distribution is uniform over all $C_{n}$ trees, where $C_n$ - n-th Catalan number). ...
openspace's user avatar
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What exactly is the difference between a Balanced Binary Search Tree and an AVL tree?

I'm learning some Data Structures and I cannot figure out the difference between the Balanced BST and the AVL Tree. From my understanding, an AVL tree is a balanced tree with the height difference <...
nTuply's user avatar
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How many different (full/complete) in-order binary-trees do exist?

Given be a binary tree whose elements printed in-order results in [1,2,3,4]. Q1: How many different binary-trees do exist? Q2: How many different complete binary-...
PatrickSteiner's user avatar
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Algorithm to delete BST nodes with duplicated values

In a binary search tree the following must hold: Greater keys are in the right-subtree Smaller or EQUAL keys belong to the left-subtree All the algorithms I found to delete a node start by finding ...
jpenna's user avatar
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Inorder tree tranversal on binary search tree doesn't give the elements in order?

I have been told that inorder tree tranversal of binary search trees returns the tree elements in order. I came up with this binary search tree: ...
CcVHKakalLLOOPPOkKkkKk's user avatar
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Constructing preorder traversal from postorder of a Binary Search Tree in O(n)

We are given postorder traversal of a Binary "SEARCH" Tree (in an array) and we want to find (print) its preorder traversal. A very naive solution is to check from end until we find element less than ...
amir na's user avatar
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question about the construction of BSTs using a repeated sequence of rotations

How can I show that any binary search tree can be balanced with at most O(n log n) rotations (“balanced” here means that the lengths of any two paths from root to leaf differ by at most 1).
Sonya's user avatar
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Height of epsilon-balanced binary search tree

In Balanced Binary Search Trees on the basis of size of left and right child subtrees, Hannes says: For example, one can say, a BST is balanced, if each subtree has at most epsilon * n nodes, ...
pete's user avatar
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Leaf nodes of B+ Tree

I have a b+ tree and i want to find the record associated with a specific key Ki. So i run the b+ tree search algorithm. If a certain node in the search path is a leaf and K=Ki, then the record exists ...
AleWolf's user avatar
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Is the tree shown a valid red-black tree?

I have made a red-black tree and I think that it is not valid. Could someone please verify? ...
Swapnil Agarwal's user avatar
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Why is Binary Heap never unbalanced?

My professor asks this question: Binary Search tree has Rotation Method to prevent it from degenerating into a linear structure (unbalanced tree). Why is there no need for such method for Binary Heaps?...
Hang Nguyen's user avatar
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Finding Binary Search Tree Height, What happens to duplicates?

I'm going over past exam papers with this question: The answer to a). will be (height of 5): For b.): I assume the height function will be to find the height of the tree. So, I will have to compare ...
Red's user avatar
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AVL Tree rotations : How to balance below AVL Tree with imbalance at root node

How to balance this AVL tree after inserting node 5, using left/right rotations as indicated in the AVL tree tutorial. I have tried applying both double rotations but with no luck. Either of the ...
Deepti Kulkarni's user avatar
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Searching in a Binary Search Tree

I'm studying Binary Search Trees (BST) and I would like to verify that my understanding of BSTs is correct. For example, let S = [17, -10, 7, 19, 21, 23, -13, 31, 59]. Binary Search Tree for S, with ...
sortedquick's user avatar
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Deriving the average depth for a randomly generated binary search tree

If $D(n)$ is the internal path length (sum of the depths of all nodes) for some tree $T$ with $n$ nodes then we have the following recurrence relation: $$D(n)=D(i)+D(n-i-1)+N-1$$ where I simply taken ...
Ayumu Kasugano's user avatar
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Average height of a BST with n Nodes

I have to find the maximum, minimum, and average height of a BST with n nodes. After doing some researching I found that the maximum height is $n-1$ and the minimum height is $\log_2(n+1)-1$. My ...
zSkeeter135's user avatar
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Upper bound on the average path length in binary search tree

I have been reading the chapter 6.2.2 in Knuth's book about lower and upper bound on the average path length in binary search tree. And I have problems with understanding small details of Theorem M (...
rbtrht's user avatar
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Example of binary trees with maximum rotation distance

In the 1988 paper Rotation Distance, Triangulations, and Hyperbolic Geometry, Sleator, Tarjan and Thurston show that for any pair of $n$-node binary trees, the maximum rotation distance between them ...
roctothorpe's user avatar
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What is the average size of a jump in a binary tree?

Assume that a full binary tree is layed out in memory recursively in the following way. First the Root followed by Tree representation of left subtree followed by tree representation of right subtree. ...
Vk1's user avatar
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Binary Tree Node Insertion

I was trying to implement a Binary Search Tree using this article as a reference: Binary Search Tree in JavaScript. I was thinking especially about the node insertion method. Here's my ...
Abrar Hossain's user avatar
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Number of binary search trees with maximum possible height for n nodes

I'm using the definition of the height of a tree as the longest possible path from the root to a leaf by its number of edges, e.g. a tree of 2 nodes has a height of 1. With that in mind, what would ...
Paradox's user avatar
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Time complexity of creating the unique binary tree from given inorder and preorder (or postorder) traversal sequences

Given inorder and preorder (or postorder) traversal sequences of a binary tree balanced binary tree binary search tree of n nodes, what is the time complexity of creating the respective unique tree.
vishalgoel's user avatar
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Rooted Binary Tree - Chain Nodes Algorithm

The question is that I have to give a recursive algorithm in pseudocode, that counts the number of chain node in a rooted binary tree. Chain node is defined as a node that has only one child and that ...
tonytouch's user avatar
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Is there an example of an AVL tree that is taller than a binary heap?

I am curious because I took a quiz and answered false to the question: "The height of an AVL tree may be greater than the height of a binary heap with the same elements." I have been trying to think ...
Keith Axelrod's user avatar
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When to rebalance the AVL tree?

Consider we have an AVL tree. Its left subtree A has disbalance coefficient has value +1 (meaning the right subtree has greater depth). Its right son has disbalance coefficient -1 (meaning left ...
Mirek's user avatar
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Read nodes of a BST in blocks of size $k$ and traverse it in $\mathcal{O}(log_kn)$

This describes how one can neatly store a binary search tree as an array. I'm looking for a way to store a BST that will allow me to traverse any root to leaf path by loading $\mathcal{O}(log_kn)$ ...
PlsWork's user avatar
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Day-Stout-Warren algorithm for balancing BST. How does vine to tree work?

I was trying to understand the dsw algorithm for balancing a binary search tree in-place using this virgina tech page. The wikipedia page and vt page are more or less similar. I am having a hard time ...
Rpant's user avatar
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Balanced Binary Search Tree Two-Sum with Constraints

My question spawns from this question. The question is straightforward: Can we find whether there exist 2 values in a balanced binary search tree where their sum equals a given target value? Now ...
ryan's user avatar
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What would be the probabilty of a randomly generated tree to be a Red-Black Tree

The question is not related to the homework I was working on a homework, and the specification was to generate a random tree with n elements(n being in the thousands for the assignment) and asked me ...
Daniel Rodríguez's user avatar
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Binary Search Tree: If two different traversals are given, will there be a unique tree that satisfies the traversals? [duplicate]

I have come across algorithms that can create a BST if any two of the 3 traversals are given (there would be three different algorithms for the 3 combinations) This is an example I was wondering, is ...
Aayush Mahajan's user avatar
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What is "rank" in a binary search tree and how can it be useful?

I am having a bit of trouble wrapping my mind around what a ranked binary search tree is and why having a rank is important. I am hoping that someone can clarify a few things for me. What I have ...
JustBlossom's user avatar
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What purpose do the leaves in a range trees serve?

I'm getting into algorithms and I came upon range trees. What confuses me is the leaves in a range tree, since for example: When you remove the leaves: It's just a regular BST. And, every ...
Mr. Bombastic's user avatar