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What is the average size of a jump in a binary tree?

Assume that a full binary tree is layed out in memory recursively in the following way. First the Root followed by Tree representation of left subtree followed by tree representation of right subtree. ...
Vk1's user avatar
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Randomized BST height analysis : How $Z_{n,i}$ and $Y_{k-1}$ are independent?

I am referring to this video at 1:08:39 . $n$ : number of nodes in the tree $Z_{n,k}$ : Indicator random variable that activates when rank of the root ...
matrixone's user avatar
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What would be the probabilty of a randomly generated tree to be a Red-Black Tree

The question is not related to the homework I was working on a homework, and the specification was to generate a random tree with n elements(n being in the thousands for the assignment) and asked me ...
Daniel Rodríguez's user avatar