Questions tagged [binary-trees]

a rooted tree in which each node has no more than two children

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Depth of binary tree with few single children

The node of a binary tree is called a single child if it has a parent but does not have a sibling. The root is by definition not considered a single child. Let $T$ be a binary tree of size $n$, and ...
adika's user avatar
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Expected runtime for hashing with a binary search tree as collision handling

I thought about implementing a data structure with expected runtime of O(1) for insertion, deletion and look-up and a worst case runtime for these operations of O(log(n)). This is under the assumption ...
Jakob Rainer's user avatar
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Is the heap in "Data Structures Algorithms in Java" by Goodrich, Tamassia, and Goldwasser missing sentinel leaves?

In the book, Data Structures Algorithms in Java Sixth Edition by Goodrich, Tamassia, and Goldwasser on page 339, there is an "Example of a heap storing 13 entries with integer keys. The last ...
Jonathan Komar's user avatar
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Range sum query - tree representation efficiency

I was reading about possible solutions to the well known problem: Given array A with length N create a structure that enables ...
Darius's user avatar
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(Searching + Splaying) in a Splay Tree

Given a tree To search for value 1, I do the following splay operations: i) Zag on 7 ii) Zag on 1 And hence obtain 1 in the root. But why would this be incorrect? i) Zag on 1 ii) Zag on 1 The ...
kalpaj agrawalla's user avatar
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Why does the formula floor((i-1)/2) find the parent node in a binary heap?

I learned that when you have a binary heap represented as a vector / list / array with indicies [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ...] the index of the parent of element at index i can be found with parent ...
Shashank Rao's user avatar
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How to draw the heap for an array in Java?

I have an assignment to draw the heap after an ArrayList and a LinkedList is created. ...
riley's user avatar
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How is the space complexity O(LogN) for rangeSumBST problem

Recursive ...
Arjun Hegde's user avatar
5 votes
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Test two LTL expression trees for equivalence

Is there an algorithm on how to check if two LTL expressions (represented as binary trees) are semantically equivalent? Since there are many smaller equivalences such as $a\Rightarrow b \equiv \neg a \...
user126114's user avatar
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Impossibility of certain type of tree traversal algorithm

I was wondering for some time how to approach a situation like the following one. Imagine a standard binary tree data structure with $n$ nodes in it. Each node contains pointers to its left and right ...
HungryKoala's user avatar
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Given a list of integers, how to find the smallest positive integer such that I can get all the integers in the process of dividing it by 2?

The title could be a little bit confusing, and it is not easy to summarize it within a sentence, therefore I will explain it in detail below. If you have any thoughts on optimizing and rephrasing the ...
heklmbbsna's user avatar
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Basic Binary search tree query

Inorder traversal of BST is always sorted.But can we say Binary tree is BST if and only if inorder is sorted?I mean if inorder is sorted,can we conclude it is always BST?
rahul sharma's user avatar
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How to linearly combine loss functions to preserve optimal substructure property?

I've been working on a binary tree optimization problem with two choices of loss function (let's call them A and B). I'm fairly certain that the problem of minimizing either A or B individually has ...
redox's user avatar
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Simplify logical expression represented as binary tree

I implemented logical expressions using a binary tree in C++. Now I want to be able to simplify such an expression using rules like e.g. but have issues with the commutativity. Assuming the ...
twinrix's user avatar
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Recording a histogram in a tree exhibits strange best case

The task is to record a histogram from a streaming data source. One data point is, say, a 16 bit integer. The maximum multiple of one data point before the stream ends, is < 2^32. The main ...
Vroomfondel's user avatar
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Data Structures for BST where size uniquely determines shape

There are several data structures in which the number of elements uniquely determines the shape. Examples would be binary heaps, arrays, lists, Braun trees, and Merkle mountain ranges. Are there any ...
Dr. John A Zoidberg's user avatar
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Range search in a max-heap

I am having trouble with coming up for a suitable algorithm for this question. A max-heap is essentially visualized as a binary tree not a binary search tree. Also the runtime of the algorithm must ...
Sandy's user avatar
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Efficiently storing and modifying a reorderable data structure in a database

I'm trying to create a list curation web app. One thing that's important to me is being able to drag-and-drop reorder items in the list easily. At first I thought I could just store the order of each ...
etd's user avatar
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Best case "skew height" of an arbitrary tree

Given an arbitrary binary tree on $n$ nodes, choose an assignment $A$ from each parent to one of its children (the "favored child" as it were). We define the skew height of the tree as $H_A(\...
Mario Carneiro's user avatar
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What are the minimum and maximum numbers of elements in a heap of height h?

I came across the question: What are the minimum and maximum numbers of elements in a heap of height $h$? To which I came up with this theory: $$\sum_{i=0}^{h-1} 2^i = 2^h-1$$ $2^h-1$ is the ...
Sachin Bahukhandi's user avatar
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Use tree in-order traversal to determine whether a BST or Heap

Given these in-order traversal lists: 1. 53, 1, 64, 23, 3, 29, 17, 2, 9, 19 2. 49, 32, 51, 71, 32, 10, 21, 8, 13, 11, 41, 17 I need to determine whether each one of those lists represent a valid BST ...
Lee's user avatar
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Does the heap property in the definition of binary heaps apply recursively?

The definition of binary heaps says that it should be a complete binary tree and it should follow the heap property where according to the heap property, the key ...
Navjot Singh's user avatar
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Product of all nodes except for one in Binary Tree

Assume we are given a binary tree with an integer sitting at each node. I am looking for an efficient way to find for every path from the root to a leaf every possible product with exactly one node ...
user3726947's user avatar
11 votes
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Find the number using binary search against one possible lie

We all know this classic problem, "there is some hidden number and you have to interactively guess it.", which could be solved using binary search when we know that maximum number that we can guess. ...
gennady's user avatar
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How many different (full/complete) in-order binary-trees do exist?

Given be a binary tree whose elements printed in-order results in [1,2,3,4]. Q1: How many different binary-trees do exist? Q2: How many different complete binary-...
PatrickSteiner's user avatar
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Can the structure of a "Complete Binary Tree", be uniquely identified if only its pre-order or post-order or in-order traversals are given?

I am unable to reason if we can construct a complete binary tree if only one of the following 3 traversals is given: pre-order, post-order, in-order. The following is the definition of a complete ...
Aditya's user avatar
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Is there an Interval Tree which supports O(1) dynamic space requirements for queries?

I observed that all the interval tree implementations I am able to come up with are required to utilize a stack (or a-like) to answer queries (report any overlapping interval with a key). In general ...
milck's user avatar
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Prove that AVL tree has this kind of property with Fibonacci sequence

Q: Prove that for any AVL tree that has $n$ nodes ($n\geq 1$) and has a height of $h$ this property is true: $n \geq F(h)$ where $F(h)$ is the $h$-th element in the Fibonacci sequence: $F(0) =0, F(1)=...
CSch of x's user avatar
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Parsing text, then searching it: one entry per position, vs. 1 JSON column per text

I have a Rails application using Postgresql. Texts get added to the application (ranging in size -- as short as a few words, to as long as, say, 5,000 words?). The text gets parsed, both ...
michaelsking1993's user avatar
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check if a binary tree is a binary search tree

I have some doubts about this algorithm which checks if a binary tree is a binary search tree: ...
Shyvert's user avatar
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checks if a tree is a full binary tree

I have to write an algorithm that checks if a tree is full binary tree (each node, except the leaves, must have 2 children), but I don't know if this version is correct. ...
Shyvert's user avatar
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Insert a node in a binary search tree

The teacher gave us this code that inserts a node in a binary search tree, but I am not sure what the $z.p = y$ instruction does. wouldn't the algorithm work without it? ...
Shyvert's user avatar
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Inorder Successor in Binary Search Tree

This is the problem that I have to solve: given a node in a binary search tree, find the node with the smallest key that is greater than the key of the given node.. The algorithm that is ...
Shyvert's user avatar
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Deletion in a Binary search Tree

The teacher explained to us this algorithm for deleting a node in a binary search tree, but I can't understand how it works when the node to be deleted has only one child (I already know how it works ...
Shyvert's user avatar
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Ambiguity with the Top View of a binary tree

What exactly is the top view of a binary tree? I find great ambiguity and lack of clarity from the articles I find. For example, this is what is used to demonstrate the top view on geeksforgeeks: <...
Gilboot's user avatar
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Finding the number of children of the predecessor node of a given node in a Binary Search Tree(BST)

I have some propositions regarding BSTs , please can someone confirm whether they are true or false: Question : 1.Suppose we have a node $n_1$ with a value $val_1$ i.e $n_1(val_1)$ 2.We wish ...
Vinay Varahabhotla's user avatar
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When should we construct trees, graphs to analyse an algorithm?

In many algorithms, it's easy to understand how the algorithm is executed, but as for why it works well and how it can work, it's not very easy to see, sometimes, authors construct trees or graphs to ...
Bubble's user avatar
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Number of nodes of given height in binary heap

Show that there are at most $\lceil n/2^{h+1}\rceil$ nodes of height $h$ in any $n$-element binary heap. How can I show this? Or, how can I prove this?
Lucy Jones's user avatar
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binary code to encode binary tree

I would like to encode a binary tree where every node has either 0 or 2 kids into a binary word. I was thinking about marking every left edge with a "0" and every right edge with a "1" and then use ...
pony2deer's user avatar
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Is it necessary that Minimum/Maximum Heap must be a Binary Heap?

I find this extremely wrong, that a lot of books, articles, video tutorials, online courses or trainers define Minimum/Maximum Heap data structure as a particular type of the Binary Heap data ...
Giorgi Tsiklauri's user avatar
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Find the median element of two AVL trees in $O(\log n)$

I'm attempting the problem of finding the median element in two AVL BST's in $O(\log n)$ time. In this problem, we are given two AVLs, with a combined size of $n$ (the distribution across the two ...
BarTM's user avatar
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Determining Range of Current Node in Segment Tree

I was attempting, though failing quite miserably, to find some method of of determining the range of some node $n$. By range I mean an interval $[l,r]$ over the base array that is reachable by the sub-...
Hunter Kohler's user avatar
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Complexity of "Subtree of Another Tree"

I wrote an algorithm for a leetcode question. The question asks: Given two non-empty binary trees s and t, check whether tree t has exactly the same structure and node values with a subtree of s. A ...
Steven L.'s user avatar
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Is there a faster than O(n^2) solution for Box stacking problem?

The Box Stacking problem is as follows: You are given a set of $n$ types of rectangular 3-D boxes, where the $i^{th}$ box has height $h_i$, width $w_i$ and depth $d_i$ (all real numbers). You ...
user37014's user avatar
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How to convert a Complete Binary Tree to a Priority Search Tree in O(n)?

I would like to know if there is a linear-time algorithm ($\mathcal{O(n)}$ time) to convert a Complete Binary Tree with data left-to-right increasing stored in external nodes, to a Priority Search ...
EpicNicks's user avatar
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Confusion with "every path from a given node to any of the leaves goes through the same number of black nodes" property of RB trees

One of the properties of Red Black trees is: "every path from a given node/vertex to any of the leaves goes through the same number of black nodes" Two related questions about this property: 1) is ...
James Ronald's user avatar
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Performance of Recursive vs Iterative Solution to "Maximum Depth of a Binary Tree"

I am looking at this question from LeetCode. There are two solutions to this question - the recursive solution and the iterative / breadth-first traversal solution. My question is in regards to the ...
Steven L.'s user avatar
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Efficiently finding the min-cost path of an AVL tree

It seems that in a full AVL tree, the left edge is always the minimum-cost path. For example, take the following full AVL tree: The min-cost path would be 8-6-5. ...
Andrew's user avatar
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In a Binary Tree, can two nodes have the same value?

In a Binary Tree, can two nodes have the same value? For example: 3 / \ 4 4 / \ 1 2 They are two different nodes, but they have the same value....
Garrett's user avatar
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Can the same node appear twice in a tree?

Can the same node appear twice in a tree? I'm asking about the node object itself, not the node's value. For example, in the following code, a's left and right ...
Garrett's user avatar
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