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Questions tagged [buchi-automata]

Büchi automata are finite-state automata used to specify languages of infinite strings.

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LTL Model Checking Worst Case size for NBA

I have a slide that gives the worst case time complexity of LTL model checking which uses a product construction of an LTS along with the NBA for the negation of the LTL formula. My question is, when ...
revision's user avatar
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Is the language with at least as many 0 as 1 on any prefix $\omega$ regular?

Let $L$ be the language of infinite words in $\{0,1\}^\omega$ such that any finite prefix of a word in $L$ has at least as many $0$'s as $1$'s. Is $L$ büchi recognisable? I think that $L$ is not $\...
Jerry Tao's user avatar
4 votes
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Are deterministic Büchi automata omega-closed?

As in, given a regular language $V$, does there exist a deterministic Büchi automaton $\mathcal{A}$, or equivalently a regular language $W$ such that $\mathcal{L}(\mathcal{A})=\vec{W}=V^\omega$? For ...
giofrida's user avatar
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Buchi arithmetic meaning

I am studying this article. But I have trouble with understanding the Buchi arithmetic. It says in section IV: ... Formulas in this fragment generalise classical integer programming and are of the ...
Vahid Shams's user avatar
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Equivalence of states between two "quasi-deterministic" strongly connected Büchi automata accepting the same $\omega$-language

Hope someone can point me to the right direction to solve this problem. Premise. I call quasi-deterministic Büchi automaton (qDBA) a Büchi automaton $B = \langle S, \Sigma, S_0, \delta, F \rangle$, ...
Davide's user avatar
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Büchi automaton to Linear Temporal Logic

Given a Büchi automaton what is the procedure to build an equivalent LTL formula? And what is its size? I'm looking for references but I haven't found them so far.
kafka's user avatar
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Buchi automata in formal software verification

As I am studying the application of Buchi automata in formal software verification, I am interested in the computational complexity (or links to papers) for the algorithms used to solve the problem in ...
asdf's user avatar
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Transformation of a Product Buchi Game to a Parity Game

Is there anyway to express a Product Buchi game as a parity game? There is no stochasticity in my original turn-based game and a Deterministic Buchi Automaton is constructed for LTL specifications.
arincbulgur's user avatar
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Acceptance conditions when translating LTL to Büchi automaton?

As an exercise in better understanding, I have been implementing the LTL to Generalized Büchi Automaton translation algorithm of Gerth, et al. (which is also discussed in Clarke, et al., Model ...
Robert P. Goldman's user avatar
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Why are non-deterministic Buchi automata factorially succinct when compared to deterministic Rabin Automata?

I am trying to demonstrate the following idea without success. There are infinitely many $n \in \mathbb{N}$ such that: There is a non-deterministic Buchi automata of size $n$ such that a ...
Agnishom Chattopadhyay's user avatar
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The set of all eventually periodic words is not Buchi Recognizable?

An $\omega$-word $s \in \Sigma^\omega$ is eventually periodic if it is of the form $s = uv^\omega$ for finite words $u, v \in \Sigma^*$. I want to show that the set of all eventually periodic words ...
Agnishom Chattopadhyay's user avatar
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Given a regular language $U$, when does there exist $V$ such that $U^\omega$ = $\lim V$?

What I know is that $W = \lim V$ for some $V$ if and only if $W$ is the language of some deterministic buchi automata, namely that of $V$. So, to attack this problem I tried to come up with some ...
Agnishom Chattopadhyay's user avatar
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How to draw a Non Deterministic Buchi Automaton (NBA) from the given property?

I'm new to LTL and Buchi automaton, and I have a hard time in constructing NBA from the given formula or the property. Could somebody please help me? The following property is given, P= "Whenever ...
Rao208's user avatar
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Minimal Deterministic Buchi Automata Product

Problem: Let $\varphi = \varphi_1 \land \varphi_2$ be Deterministic Buchi Automata (DBA) expressible LTL formulas. Let $A$, $A_1$ and $A_2$ be translated DBAs such that ${\cal{L}}(A) = {\cal{L}}(A_1)...
Abhishek Kulkarni's user avatar
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LTL to GBA versus LTL to BA

Let's assume that I have an LTL formula and I want to convert it to a Buchi automaton. For which fragment of LTL, GBA is more succinct and for which fragment BA has the same size as GBA.
Perissiane's user avatar
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Generalized Büchi Automata - Formal definition of a state appearing infinitely often?

I am studying generalized Büchi automata and I don't really understand when a state is considered to appear infinitely often. The definition I have is: A state $s$ appears infinitely often if there ...
devil0150's user avatar
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What kind of LTL formula can be represented by DBAs

I am looking for the portion of LTL formula that can be expressed by deterministic buchi automata. Is there any classification of this such?
Perissiane's user avatar
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Buchi Automaton G(Xa->b)

I have a question regarding buchi automatons. The automata for the LTL formula, G(Xa->b) is as the attached picture. Why dosen't a have to be true in order to make the automaton correct? My ...
Svendole's user avatar
6 votes
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Büchi automata: accepting run vs. runs with arbitrarily many final states

I am currently learning about Büchi automata and have a combinatorial question about the acceptance condition. Let $A=(Q,\Sigma,\delta,q_0,F)$ be a (nondeterministic finite) Büchi automaton and $w=...
ddd01's user avatar
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Which language is accepted by this Muller Automaton?

In my opinon the Language recognised is this: $(a + b)^* (ab)^ω$ but the solution provided is: $(a + b)^* (a + b)^ω$ Did I missunderstand the acceptance condition or is the solution wrong? My ...
greece57's user avatar
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Efficient Algorithm Linear Temporal Logic to Deterministic Rabin Automata

I am trying to construct an equivalent Deterministic Rabin Automata (DRA) given a Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) Formula. One (expensive) way to do this would be to construct an equivalent Non-...
Abhishek Kulkarni's user avatar
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What are the steps/tricks/tips to construct a Büchi automaton from a given language?

Let's say I have this language: $(a + bc)^∗((b + c)a^ω + (abb^∗)^ω)$ It seems pretty complicated, where should I begin with if I were to construct a Büchi automaton? I've been doing it the ...
Thang Do's user avatar
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What is the difference between finite automata and Büchi automata?

as the title suggests, I was struggling to define the differences between finite and Büchi automata and how they are represented. From an assignment I'm working on, this automaton can be depicted as ...
Thang Do's user avatar
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Proving that a (tree) language is not Buchi recognizable

I'm reviewing some notes about tree automata and I'm trying to conclude a proof that the professor left incomplete. The statement is: Let $A = \{a,b\}$ and $T = \{t \in T_A^{\omega} \mid \text{...
Bakuriu's user avatar
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Complexity of recognizing whether two $\omega$-regular expressions represent the same language

If the complexity of recognizing whether two regular expressions represent different languages is EXPSPACE-complete, then what can be said for the complexity of recognizing whether two $\omega$-...
Francesco Gramano's user avatar
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Why do all non-empty ω-regular languages have periodic members?

I was learning about Büchi Automata and couldn't understand a part where they were describing "Non-empty $\omega$-regular languages contain periodic strings" Let $A$ be a Büchi automaton ...
Pseudo's user avatar
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Omega-Language to Büchi automaton

I'm currently preparing a presentation about LTL and a book says that the language $L = (a(a \cup b))^\omega$ cannot be described by any LTL (or FO) formula which is understandable but how does the ...
PeterMcCoy's user avatar
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Proving that the continuation of a non-regular language is not ω-regular

I want to prove that a language is not $\omega$-regular. The language I'm working with can be defined as: $$L = \{ a_1 \dots a_n x^\omega ~ | ~ n > 0, a_1 \dots a_n \in L^\prime \}$$ where $L^\...
FSp's user avatar
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Distributivity of $\omega$-regular expressions

Recall that a language is $\omega$-regular if and only if it is recognized by a Büchi automaton. How can I prove that $\qquad (E_1 + E_2).F^\omega$ is equivalent to $\qquad {E_1.(F^\omega)+E_2.(F^\...
user1325120's user avatar
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Büchi automaton with modified acceptance condition

Consider a Büchi automaton $\mathcal{A}$ with the modified acceptance condition, that an $\omega$-word $\mathcal{w}$ is accepted by $\mathcal{A}$ iff every run $\rho$ of $\mathcal{A}$ on $\mathcal{w}$ ...
vikraman's user avatar
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33 votes
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Equivalence of Büchi automata and linear $\mu$-calculus

It's a known fact that every LTL formula can be expressed by a Büchi $\omega$-automaton. But, apparently, Büchi automata are a more powerful, expressive model. I've heard somewhere that Büchi automata ...
Daniil's user avatar
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Algorithm to translate a deterministic Büchi automaton to LTL (when possible)

Linear temporal logic and deterministic Büchi automata are incomparable: DBA cannot express $FGa$, and LTL cannot express "at least each odd letter is 'a'". But sometimes it is interesting to know ...
Ayrat's user avatar
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