Questions tagged [chernoff-bounds]

questions about concentration inequalities for sum of independent random variables, martingales, and their applications

9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Chernoff bound on the maximum of multinomial distribution

I am reading some heavy hitter (HH) papers when I run into the following reduction theorem. The theorem attempts to reduce an HH problem with a very small tail frequency $\epsilon$ to multiple HH ...
Symbol 1's user avatar
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Distribution of $k$-matchings in a random graph

Take the Erdos-Renyi random graph $G(n,p)$, i.e. the random graph with $n$ vertices and where each possible edge has an independent probability of $p$ of being present. Recall that a $k$-matching is a ...
Harry Vinall-Smeeth's user avatar
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Concentration inequality of sum of geometric random variables taken to a power

Let $X_1, \cdots, X_n$ be $n$ independent geometric random variables with success probability parameter $p = 1/2$, where $X_i = j$ means it took $j$ trials to get the first success. Let $S_d = \sum_{i=...
spektr's user avatar
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Prove $\forall a>0.BPP[{a,a+\frac{1}{n}}]=BPP$

I need to prove that $\forall a>0.BPP[{a,a+\frac{1}{n}}]=BPP$ $BPP[a,b]$ definition: A language L is in BPP(a,b) if and ...
Mugen's user avatar
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Proving a randomized algorithm that sums array elements

I am trying to prove the following algorithm to be correct: ...
user2566415's user avatar
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Chernoff bounds using importance sampling identity

How to use importance sampling identity to obtain the Chernoff bounds as given below? Let X have moment generating function $\phi(t)= E[e^{tX}]$. Then, for any c > 0 , $P[X\geq c ]\leq e^{-tc} \phi(...
Win_odd Dhamnekar's user avatar
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Probability Estimation with Chernoff Bound

Let's say there is an unfair coin with $P[head]=p$. We do not now $p$ but we know that $p \geq a$ for a known $a$. After $n$ trials we get $bn$ heads. Now, we want to estimate $p$ so that $P[|p-b|\...
Aris Konstantinidis's user avatar
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Chernoff Bounds (upper tail)

For the proof of Chernoff Bounds (upper tail) we suppose δ<2e−1 . Like in this paper ([see this link ]) 1. Can you tell me why ?
Aex's user avatar
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Applying a Chernoff bound with Only an Upper Bound of the Expectation

First, I am aware at least one or two similar questions have already been asked on stack exchange, but I've gone through the answers they got and didn't find one that was satisfactory for my case. The ...
Yaniv Tzur's user avatar