Questions tagged [complexity-classes]

Questions about relationships between complexity classes.

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is $P_{CTC} = BPP_{path}$?

I think that these two classes should be the same, but I can't find any literature about this and have a limited background on the topic. This is my reasoning, and I would like to know if (1) this is ...
Florian Dietz's user avatar
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Complexity class for probabilistic approximation algorithms with bounded error

What's the name of a complexity class of optimization problems that have "bounded error probabilistic approximation algorithms"? Bounded error probabilistic version of APX (as BPP is bounded error ...
Michael's user avatar
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Is there a polynomial-time algorithm to minimize regular expressions without Kleene closures/stars?

I have read that minimizing regular expressions is, in general, PSPACE-complete. Is it known whether minimizing regular expressions without the Kleene closure (star, asterisk) is in P? The language ...
csstudent1999's user avatar
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What is a term for a problem that is hard to approximate within a factor $c$?

Let $f$ be a maximization problem. If there is a reduction from SAT to the following problem: "given an integer $c$, decide if there is an $x$ for which $f(x)\geq c$", then $f$ is NP-hard. ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Barriers to separating other complexity classes

Do Natural Proofs, Relativization and Algebrization also affect separation of other complexity classes like $L\neq NL\neq NP\neq coNP \neq PH\neq PSPACE$ etc?
Turbo's user avatar
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PARITY using depth one TC0 circuit

I need to disprove that a PARITY gate can be simulated using a single MAJORITY gate, or even a ...
vikraman's user avatar
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Is there a class for optimization problems with polynomial-time-computable bounds?

An optimization problem can be described by two functions $f$ and $g$, such that: $f$ is a binary predicate representing the constraints: $f(x,y)$ is True if the output $y$ is feasible for the input $...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Given a complexity class C for problems which can be solved using exponential time and an exponential number of random bits. C ⊆ NEXP?

There must be a complexity class C that includes exactly the problems that can be solved in exponential time and having access to a truly random coin (which in turns implies that you will be able to ...
Alonso Montero's user avatar
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Does this EXPTIME-complete construction work for every DTIME?

I came up with the following after reading the Wikipedia page about EXPTIME, and I am wondering if I am right. I don't think I invented it, I just don't have any textbooks about this subject to find ...
Retracted's user avatar
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Sufficient condition for a complexity class's closure under NP-reductions?

Let us say that there exists a $\mathsf{NP}$-reduction from a problem $A$ to another problem $B$ when there exists a non-deterministic, polynomial-time Turing machine $T$ such that for each $a \in A$, ...
Milan Mosse's user avatar
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What about problems that are fixed parameter tractable with an algorithm that does not inspect the parameter?

A parameterized problem is a subset $L \subseteq \Sigma^* \times \mathbb N$, where $\Sigma$ is a finite alphabet. A parameterized problem is fixed parameter tractable, if it could be decided in time $...
StefanH's user avatar
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Approximate algorithms for class P problems

As a part of my Algorithm course we studied Approximate Algorithms for NP-complete or NP-hard problems, e.g. "set cover", "vertex cover", "load balancing", etc. My professor asked us as an extra ...
Alireza Farahani's user avatar
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Hardness of counting solutions to NP-Complete problems, assuming a type of reduction

The $\text{NP-Complete}$ class of problems is defined w.r.t Karp Reductions, which are polytime many-one reductions. However, they need not necessarily preserve the number of solutions. A more ...
Pavithran Iyer's user avatar
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Properties of $\mathsf{PH}[1]$ and $\Sigma^{\mathsf P}_{poly(n)}[1]$?

$\mathsf{PH}[1]$ is a variant of a polynomial hierarchy in which each machine can only call its oracle once. $\Sigma^{\mathsf P}_{poly(n)}[1]$ is a polynomially "tall" tower of $\mathsf{NP}[...
rus9384's user avatar
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What's the intuition behind MIP* being bigger than MIP?

It is well-known that $\mathsf{MIP} = \mathsf{NEXPTIME}$, and recently there was a breakthrough stating that $\mathsf{MIP^*} = \mathsf{RE}$. This was very confusing because it seemed like the (...
Dannyu NDos's user avatar
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How to prove MIP is in NEXP

I was trying to understand the proof of MIP is inside NEXP. I was referring to Rutger's university scribes (link). They define MIP as a class with exponential proof, but that is not the definition I ...
Zee's user avatar
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Lower Bound on Parity of Boolean Functions

Let's say we have boolean functions $f_1, \cdots, f_n$, each of which operates on pairwise disjoint variables (i.e. the variables for each function are unique to that function). Then, how can we show ...
dino-t's user avatar
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Are $\mathsf{L,NL}$ closed under reverse operation?

for a language $L$ we define $rev\left(L\right)=\left\{ \sigma_{n}\cdot\ldots\cdot\sigma_{1}\mid w=\sigma_{1}\cdot\ldots\cdot\sigma_{n}\in L\right\} $. My question is, are $\mathsf{L,NL}$ closed under ...
Ariel Yael's user avatar
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Is there a link between the "padding argument" and the "padding lemma"?

In computability theory here is what the padding lemma says : Every partial recursive function $\phi_x$ has $\beth_0$ indices and for each $x$ we can find effectively an infinite set $C_x$ of indices ...
Maman's user avatar
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Rigorous Definition of a Complexity Class

From Wikipedia, "Complexity classes are sets of related computational problems. They are defined in terms of the computational difficulty of solving the problems contained within them with ...
Mahathi Vempati's user avatar
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Language in PSPACE that isn't PSPACE-hard and isn't in PH

Can there exist a language L in PSPACE such that L isn't PSPACE-hard and L isn't in the polynomial hierarchy (PH)? Intuitively, it seems like the answer is no, since TQBF is PSPACE-complete, and any ...
Jack DeLano's user avatar
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Complexity of approximating a function value using queries

I am looking for information on problems of the following kind. There is a function $f: [0,1] \to \mathbb{R}$ that is continuous and monotonically-increasing, with $f(0)<0$ and $f(1)>0$. You ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Are there problems that are known to be in ZPP but not in p

Are there any problems that are known to be in ZPP but not in p?
blademan9999's user avatar
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Class of languages recognizable by n-bit formulas of size at most $T(n)$

A Boolean (combinatoiral) circuit is a labeled (with the labels: AND, OR, NOT, IN, OUT), directed, acyclic graph, that satisfies: fan-in=2 for the AND and OR nodes fan-n=1 for the NOT nodes fan-...
Dudi Frid's user avatar
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Proving a pattern exist in a string without revealing where

Some time ago i read the following problem (i don't remember the article from which i read it from) : "Suppose you are given a picture where the goal is to find waldo (from the game where is waldo), ...
ULechine's user avatar
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I know that P = PSPACE is a famous open problem, and that EXPTIME = NEXPTIME is also unknown. By the time heirarchy theorem we know that NP is a strict subset of NEXPTIME. Is anything known about ...
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
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Do undecidable problems have no HO query? If so, could I have an example?

In descriptive complexity, HO corresponds to ELEMENTARY. ELEMENTARY is a subset of R, so therefore all HO queries are decidable. Then undecidable problems have no corresponding HO query. Is my ...
Jesus is Lord's user avatar
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On oracle access containment?

If $X,Y$ are complexity classes in the polynomial hierarchy with $X\subseteq Y$. With abuse of notation assume $X,Y$ also as the TMs that accept languages in classes $X,Y$ respectively. Then is it ...
Turbo's user avatar
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A query on $\#P$ and $NP$?

We know that if a $\#P$-complete problem has a deterministic reduction to $FNP$ version of an $NP$-complete problem then polynomial hierarchy collapsed to first level. Is there a consequence if we ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Proving that AM contained in Pi_2

i think that it's true that AM is contained in $\Pi_2$ but I'm not sure how to prove it. How do I prove that $AM \subseteq \Pi_2$?
scifie's user avatar
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Do we have to overcome any barriers for a proof of $VP\neq VNP$ proof?

Does the same barriers of relativization, natural proofs and algebrization affect a possible $VP\neq VNP$ proof? How do existing strategies try to overcome these?
Turbo's user avatar
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Relations between P^#P, NP^#P and (CO-NP)^#P

I was wondering if there were relation between the complexity classes $P^{\#P}$, $NP^{\#P}$, $(Co-NP)^{\#P}$ ?(except the trivial inclusions) I've the feeling that when taking a $NP^{\#P}$ machine, ...
user37451's user avatar
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Status of $BQP^{NP},NP^{BQP}$

The relation between $BQP$ and $NP$ is an open problem, while it seems that $BQP$ is somewhat lower for $NP$ than the other way round. Is the status of lowness of these problems known?
Turbo's user avatar
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Proving $CVal$ is $RP$-hard

Let CVal be the language of all $<C,s>$ where $s$ is an $n-$tuple of binary values ($\{0,1\}$), such that $C$ is a variable-free boolean circuit (gates $\wedge$, $\vee$, $\neg$, $0$, $1$), and ...
TheEmeritus's user avatar
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crypto protocols from complexity class

Assume $P=PSPACE$. Then would it be possible to design cryptographic protocols based that is easy to compute from $PSPACE$ but hard to invert from something higher up in hierarchy? A function $f: \{0,...
Turbo's user avatar
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Is it known, whether the complement of NP-hard problems is necessarily again NP-hard?

Neither could I find any counterexamples, nor could I show that if indeed the complement of NP-hard problems was NP-hard, one could deduce some unknown results from it, which would imply that it is ...
LostBetweenTheLines's user avatar
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Complexity of a variant of the Subset Sum Problem (second level polynomial hierarchy)

What is the complexity class of the following variant of the SSP problem: Input: set of integers $\{x_1,\ldots,x_n\}$, integer $k$ and integer $T$. Output: Yes, if there exists a subset $S\subseteq \{...
user3445340's user avatar
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Proving EXP-Completeness for the Bounded Halting Problem

I am currently working on proving that the bounded halting problem is $EXP$-Complete. The bounded halting problem is defined by the language $L$ as follows: $$L = \{\langle M,x,t \rangle : \text{...
Straw User's user avatar
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Class of optimization problems whose decision versions are in P

NPO is defined to be the class of optimization problems whose decision versions are in NP. I would like to get the complexity class of optimization problems whose decision versions are in P. Is such ...
Samuel Bismuth's user avatar
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Decision version of optimization problems with polynomial-time approximation algorithms

Given an optimization problem $X$, it is easy to construct a decision problem $Y$, such that there is a two-directional polynomial-time reduction between $X$ and $Y$. Therefore, we can define a class ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Alternative outcomes of P versus NP

Given what we know, which of the following scenarios are possible: There exist algorithms which are in-fact Ptime algorithms for NP-Complete problems, but which cannot be proved to work. and there ...
AsksQuestions's user avatar
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How can $R_HL$ differ from $RL$? RL: Randomized Logarithmic-Space Has the same relation to L as RP does to P. The randomized machine must halt with probability 1 on any input. It must also ...
l4m2's user avatar
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Decidablility of complexity properties and its relation to finite description method

We describe formal languages with their finite descriptions. For example we can describe a language simply by set-builder ( $\{ x : \phi(x)\}$) or we can describe something with its corresponding ...
Omid Yaghoubi's user avatar
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$W$-hierarchy and parameterized search problems

I have two related questions: What are the ways to prove that a certain problem is in $W[t]$ in the W-hierarchy for parametrized complexity, except using the straight definition of boolean circuits? ...
Ofir Gordon's user avatar
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Consequence of NP-complete, and DP-complete w.r.t. randomized reductions

If a problem is NP-complete with respect to randomized (polynomial time) reductions, but not with respect to deterministic reductions, then we have P $\neq$ BPP (See Question 2 here and its answer). ...
Cyriac Antony's user avatar
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An opposite method of padding argument on N/DTIME complexity class

Is there a method to prove things with longer input in complexity theory? For example, using padding argument it's trivial to show that $\text{NTIME}(n^2) \subseteq \text{DTIME}(n^4) \Rightarrow \...
homecute's user avatar
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What is the smallest time/space complexity class for which no sparse language is hard?

For example, whether there exists $\mathsf{PSPACE}$-hard sparse language an open problem, as it is not yet known whether polynomial hierarchy collapses. But is it a solved problem for larger ...
rus9384's user avatar
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Are there any "natural problems" which are known to be NPI under weak assumptions

Are there any "natural problems" which are known to be NPI under weak assumptions. By weak assumptions I mean something like $P \neq NP$ or $NP \neq Co-NP$
blademan9999's user avatar
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Is $NC_1$ vs PP still an open problem?

Is $NC_1$ vs PP still an open problem? I done a few searched but I can't find an answer.
blademan9999's user avatar
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What are some of the most ridiculous claims in computer science that we haven't disproved?

What are some of the most ridiculous possible claims in computer science that we haven't disproved? E.g. For example the claim that ZPP=exptime is absurd but has not been disproven.
blademan9999's user avatar