Questions tagged [computational-geometry]

Questions about algorithmic solutions of geometric problems, or other algorithms making usage of geometry.

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Optimal way to survey a road

There is a road (a planar curve) of length 1. A treasure is placed in a random spot on the road. The treasure location is a uniform random variable, so that the probability to find the treasure in an ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
5 votes
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How to detect intersecting segments based on length of the segments

As part of a larger problem, I am trying to detect based on the distance matrix which segments intersect in the original 2D space that originated the matrix. I don´t have coordinates (lat/long, x/y or ...
Picarus's user avatar
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Point in Polygon Problem: Has anybody invoked the line integral?

Some twenty years prior I was given the task to solve the Point in Polygon problem for a piece of commercial software. I solved it invoking the ray casting algorithm. After a variety of enhancements ...
Mountainview's user avatar
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Efficiently split a point cloud into two parts by a hyperplane to maximize the total sum of values associated with one part

I have the following problem in mind. Suppose we have an $n$-dimensional point cloud with $m$ points. Each point in the cloud is associated with a value $X_i,1\leq i\leq m$. I would like to use a ...
Jiantao's user avatar
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7 votes
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$O(n \log n)$ algorithm for disjoint segment visibility problem

Consider we have $n$ disjoint segments and a point $P$ which is not on any segment. I want to find an $O(n \log n)$ algorithm to check which segments are visible from $P$. A segment is visible from $P$...
VahidM's user avatar
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perspective transformation of a grid

A perspective transformation of a point is defined as follows: $ x' = \frac{M_{11}x + M_{12}y +M_{13}}{M_{31}x + M_{32}y +M_{33}} $ $ y' = \frac{M_{21}x + M_{22}y +M_{23}}{M_{31}x + M_{32}y +M_{33}} ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How to find the original coordinates of a point inside an irregular rectangle?

I'm a third year computer science student. I'm working on a project Data-show touch screen In schools classrooms. I'll try to explain my problem as much as I can. ...
Abozanona's user avatar
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How to handle horizontal lines in the Polyfill Algorithm?

When I look at polyfill algorithm tutorials/articles or examples, nothing mentioned about how to handle horizontal lines. Does anyone have any idea how horizontal lines should be handled? For ...
Bear's user avatar
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Voronoi cells for rectangles

I am looking for a reference on the following variant of a Voronoi diagram: Instead of seed points, there are seed rectangles which are axis-parallel and pairwise-disjoint. Instead of Euclidean ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Bentley–Ottmann algorithm time complexity issue

In the Bentley–Ottmann algorithm, Regarding : Find the segments r and t that are immediately below and above s in T (if they exist) and if their crossing forms a potential future event in the ...
Ofek Ron's user avatar
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Finding a way out of a polygon

There is a simply-connected polygon $C$. It contains $n$ pairwise-interior-disjoint simply-connected polygons, $D_1,\dots,D_n$: The goal is to select one of the polygons, say $D_i$, and attach to it ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
3 votes
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Finding a maximal set of nonintersecting line segments in a unit circle

Let P be a set of n points that divides the unit circle into equal pieces. Let S be a set of m line segments such that their end points are points in P. The points aren't unique per line, meaning ...
sel's user avatar
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3D mesh segmentation simple algorithm

I am developing the algorithm reported in this article: Lest square conformal mapping Here is presented an algorithm to flat a 3d mesh on the parametric space, but i don't understand the ...
Mugna's user avatar
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Sort a list of points to form a non-self-intersecting polygon

Given a list (of arbitrary length) of 2-dimensional points, is there some algorithm that I can employ to sort this list of points into an order such that line segments sequentially drawn from $p_0 \...
danBhentschel's user avatar
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Moving a set of points in the plane subject to constraints

I'm new to geometric algorithms and computational geometry, so please forgive me if this is an inappropriate question for this forum. Let $X$ denote the disjoint union of $n$ one-point sets. Let $f:X\...
beanstalk's user avatar
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Find set of non-overlapping rectangles in a 2D grid

I have a $n \times m$ rectangular grid of cells, and a set $R$ of rectangles within this grid. Each rectangle is a subset of the cells. (Alternatively, you can think of them as axis-aligned ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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Computing farthest pair of points in d dimensions

Question: Given $n$ points in metric space, find a pair of points with the largest distance between them. If we restrict ourselves to $d$-dimensional Euclidean space then, a naive algorithm of ...
Karthik C. S.'s user avatar
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How can I sum pixel values over a rotated rectangle?

I have an optimization problem in which I need to sum pixel values in an image over a rectangular region. This is a core component of the optimization so it will be done often and the naive solution ...
FooBar's user avatar
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Efficient algorithm to compute the minimum of multiple piecewise linear functions

Let $f_i(x)$ be a continuous, convex, piecewise-linear function for $i=1,\ldots,n$. Define $$g(x) = \min_{1\leq i\leq n} f_i(x).$$ Clearly, $g(x)$ is also a piecewise linear function. What would be ...
William Zhang's user avatar
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Partial polygon matching

I am looking for fast procedures for polygon matching, i.e. checking polygon similarity under different transforms translation only, translation + rotation, translation + scaling, translation + ...
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maximum distance in between points in taxicab metrics - inserting and deleting points

Let's define distance (taxicab metrics) between two points $(x_1, y_1)$ and $(x_2, y_2)$ as $$|x_2-x_1| + |y_2-y_1|$$ Initially, there are given empty set of points. I think how to find maximum ...
user40545's user avatar
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Finding first/last intersection in a set of lines

I am given $n$ lines, in the form $y=ax+b$, where there are no two lines with the same $a$ no three lines intersect in the same point no vertical lines I need to find in time $O(n\log n)$ an $x'$ ...
Ofek Ron's user avatar
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Constrained Smallest Enclosing Ball Problem

Let $X = \{x_1, x_2, ..., x_n\} \subset \mathbb{R}^m$ be a finite set of points. Smallest enclosing ball is a well-known problem that asks for the $m$-ball that covers all $x_i \in X$, while having ...
iheap's user avatar
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Enumerate all pairs, in order of increasing distance, efficiently

Given $n$ points in 2D, e.g., $p_1,p_2,....,p_n$, there are $n^2$ possible pairs of points. I want to output the list of $n^2$ pairs, but sorted according to their distance (e.g., the pair of two ...
Alambardar's user avatar
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Polygon casting - Removing from mold by rotation

The following question appears in Section 4.9 of "Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications" By Mark de Berg, Marc van Kreveld, Mark Overmars, and Otfried Schwarzkopf: Show that the ...
BestR's user avatar
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Shortest continuous path between shapes without passing thru other shapes, in a specific order?

I have the following points, shapes, and paths. I would like to find a path that goes through all of them: I want a path that first traverses the circle, then traverses the square, then traverses ...
riahc3's user avatar
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Efficient algorithm for rectangle containment

Given a set of $n$ intervals on a line, there is a $O(n \log n)$ algorithm to find intervals which are contained in other intervals (e.g., Manber, "Using induction to design algorithms", 1988). Is ...
John Donn's user avatar
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Are there any articles or software which can infer original shapes from overlapping shapes?

Given that some shapes overlap in an image, are there any papers or articles or code which can infer the original shapes from the overlapping? I am thinking to apply some machine learning to this ...
Phil's user avatar
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Largest set of cocircular points

Given $n$ points with integer coordinates in the plane, determine the maximum number of points that lie on the same circle (on its circumference, not its interior). This can be done in $O(n^3)$ ...
chubakueno's user avatar
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Given a moving ball in a grid, which squares does the ball reach?

You are given an m x n grid. A dimensionless ball is placed at the centre of one of the grid squares and starts moving in one of 4 directions: north-east, north-west, south-east, or south-west. The ...
Mandar Mitra's user avatar
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Plow a 2D polygonal area

I have a problem that is similar to this that I am trying to solve: "Given a randomly-shaped field, what is the best (fastest I guess) way to plow it? Every part of the field must be plowed, plowing ...
Leherenn's user avatar
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Determining whether a line between two points in a monotone polygon is a valid diagonal

Given a monotone polygon, with it's vertices given in counter-clockwise orientation, is there any fast process to determine whether the line between two vertices of that polygon ...
crysoberil's user avatar
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Solving a recurrence relation [closed]

I am having problem with solving the following recurrence relation. $A$ is a set, there are at most $k+1$ of this set and $|A|$ is at most $n/2$. $T(n) = O(n log k) + \sum_A T(|A|)$ I guess it can't ...
M a m a D's user avatar
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Cover points with minimal number of spheres of fixed radius

I have a set of k n-dimensional points: P1(x11, x12, ..., x1n), P2(x21, x22, ..., x2n), ..., Pk(xk1, xk2, ..., xkn). A distance D(Pa, Pb) is defined between any two points, which satisfy usual ...
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Find k nearest neighbors on a sphere

Given a set $S$ of $N$ points on a sphere, and another point $P$ on the sphere, I want to find the $k$ points in $S$ that are the closest (Euclidean or great circle distance). I'm willing to do a ...
JohnJ's user avatar
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Is this sparsity constrained convex projection problem NP-hard?

Suppose we are working in ${\mathbb R}^d$ (dimension is not fixed), and we have a set of $n$ points $X = \{x_1,\ldots,x_n\}$ in that space. Given a query point $y$ inside the convex hull of $X$ and an ...
user2566092's user avatar
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Complexity for finding a ball that maximizes the number of points lying in it

Given a set of points $x_1, \ldots, x_n \in \mathbb{R}^2$ and a radius $r$. Which is the complexity of finding the point with higher number of points at a distance smaller than $r$. E.g the one that ...
Manuel's user avatar
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Determine the move in which a LOGO turtle crosses a point that it has already visited

I was given the following problem in an test (at A turtle starts at (0, 0) on a cartesian graph. We have a non-empty zero-indexed "moves" list that contains positive integer numbers....
pablochacin's user avatar
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Understanding Closest Pair Algorithm (CLRS)

I'm reading CLRS Section 33.4 Finding the closest pair of points. At exercise 33.4-2 they say 33.4-2 Show that it ...
Atinesh's user avatar
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Given a set of irregular polygons finding a set of vertices (one on each polygon) such that distance between points is maximized

Given a set of irregular polygons with the same number of points, where $polygon_i$ is completely contained within the boundary of $polygon_{(i+1)} $. I need to find a set of vertices (one vertex ...
AdnanEK's user avatar
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Convex Hull in no particular order

The proof for the $\Omega(n\log n)$ lower bound for calculating the convex hull by using order-type predicates that I have come across uses the fact that if there was possible to calculate the convex ...
Ojas's user avatar
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Find the shortest OPEN path connecting a set of 2D points (special case)

I want to trace the shortest path between a set of points on 2D space. The points have integer coordinates and visually appear to follow a well-defined unique path, though they're disordered. The ...
Locoluis's user avatar
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Given a path of 2d points and a maximum distance, find the minimum number of line segments needed to "connect" all points

I have an array of 2 dimensional points describing a path. I want to reduce the number of points needed to describe this path by using line segments that connect multiple points on the same line, ...
aKzenT's user avatar
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How to find an axis-aligned hyper box whose set of integer points minimizes Jaccard distance to a given finite set of points $X \in {\mathbb Z}^d$?

So I saw this question posed on for $d=3$. Suppose we are given a finite set $X \subset {\mathbb Z}^d$ of $n$ points. The goal is to find a hyper box of integer points $ B = [k_{1,1},k_{1,2}] \...
user2566092's user avatar
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Inherent complexity of testing line segment intersections with aligned and oriented bounding boxes?

It is well known that in practice, a substantial difference in run-time between algorithms for testing intersection of a line segment with aligned or oriented bounding boxes (in computer graphics ...
Miquel Ramirez's user avatar
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Algorithm for projection of polytope

Let a convex bounded polytope be given by an intersection of half planes: $Ax \leq b$. Let $z=Cx$ be a vector (in my case $z$ is 2-dimensional, while $x$ has a higher dimension). How can I compute $D$...
Petter T's user avatar
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9 votes
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Find the central point in a metric-space point set, in less than $O(n^2)$?

I have a set of $n$ points which are defined in a metric space – so I can measure a 'distance' between points but nothing else. I want to find the most central point within this set, which I ...
Open Door Logistics's user avatar
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Covering a polygon with n circular rings

Question 1: Why we can/can't solve the following problem using a geometric constraint solver? Question 2: Is there any algorithm to solve this problem? Question 3: Can we reduce this problem into some ...
Mamun's user avatar
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What are algorithms for computing contours from given edges?

Let's say I have a set of edges which makes the contour, however there are too many of them and some are too long. I have to remove edges, and shorten them to make contour. I cannot add new edges! I ...
greenoldman's user avatar
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Getting the essential from the fundamental matrix

Is it possible to get E from F? I suppose that can't work, because then I could calculate the the extrinsic (and maybe also intrinsic?) parameters of the cameras without a calibration object of known ...
user1809923's user avatar

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