Questions tagged [context-free]

Questions about the set of languages (equivalently) described by context-free grammars or accepted by (non-deterministic) pushdown automata.

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Why is DCFL not closed under kleene star? [duplicate]

I honestly haven't an idea how to proof that eventhough I can understand the background, could someone help me?
user64134's user avatar
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What's really meant by context-free in the term context-free grammar?

I have been studying compilers for a while, and I have been searching what's meant by "context" in grammar and what it means for grammar to be "context-free", but with no result. So can anyone help ...
Shady Atef's user avatar
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Is $L=\{a^ib^jc^k : i\leq j\leq k\}$ context-free?

I have an exam and in preparation I found this language. We are supposed to determine where in Chomsky hierarchy it stands. The language is $L=\{a^ib^jc^k : i\leq j\leq k\}$. I can easily build a ...
user64003's user avatar
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Can any left recursive grammar be converted into equivalent right recursive grammar and vice versa

I know how to convert any Left Linear Grammar (LLG) to Right Linear Grammar (RLG) and vice versa. This can be done as follows: Reverse "LLG for L" to get "RLG for LR" by changing A → Ba to A → aB ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
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how to create tokens from CFG

i have a context free grammar i want to create a tokens from the language is there any techniques to do that ? for example , this CFG from Prof.Alex Aiken notes : ...
user63792's user avatar
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Removing epsilon transition from context-free grammar

I have the following context-free grammar from which I have to remove epsilon transitions: $S \to 0A0|0$ $A \to BC|2| CCC$ $B \to 1C | 3D | \epsilon$ $C \to AA3 | \epsilon$ $D \to AAB | 2$ By ...
trolkura's user avatar
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How can I build this automaton?

The automaton has to recognize the language $(a^n)(b^m)$ so the number of $b$s is at least the number of $a$s and at most twice that number. The only thing I have achieved is to get an automaton that ...
alberto's user avatar
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How these two Turing machine problems are different in terms of their decidability?

I was referring to slide 4 of this, which states following: It is decidable whether a given CFG accepts a non-empty language? Then I was reading Intro to Automata theory book by Ullman et al. It ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
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Context-free Language - Pumping Lemma? [closed]

im having some problems when it comes to Pumping Lemma of Context-free Language ... this is the Language : $$L = \{a^n b^n c^m | n\ge 0 , 0 \le m \le 2n \}$$ Here is my attemp to prove that the ...
user63292's user avatar
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CFG notation meaning in making LL parse table

I have problem of interpreting Context-free grammar notation in making LL(1) parse table. To make LL(1) parse table. Two rules are shown below: If A -> α is a production choice, and there is a ...
A.Cho's user avatar
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Is it possible to eliminate the unit rules in this?

S -> aA | bC | CC | a | b | C A -> B B -> S C -> A | S It looks like its going to loop so it would be endless replacing the unit rule....
Euel Domingo's user avatar
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Left quotient of a regular language

I have this problem, and I don't really understand how am I supposed to do this. Could someone please help me with this? I know what left quotient is. I also know about regular, irregular languages. ...
Newbee2233's user avatar
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Is it possible to prove Language L context-free? [duplicate]

Give a question: Language L= {a^n b^(n+m) a^m}, where both n and m are >=0. Is L context-free or not. If the answer is yes, can I use the following PDA to prove it? Since {a^n b^(n+m) a^m}={a^n b^n ...
Gareth Lam's user avatar
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Eliminate left recursion from grammar

Consider the following grammar: $$ A\to Ba|Aa|c \\ B\to Bb|Ab|d $$ How do I convert this grammar to be LL(1) by eliminating direct and indirect left recursion? I have tried applying the ...
primitzisgate7's user avatar
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Implement Context-Free Grammar for $L=\{a^n b^m \mid n \neq 2m\}$

I am trying to implement a context-free grammar for $L=\{a^n b^m \mid n \neq 2m\}$. I have a difficulty trying to implement it because I don't know how to ensure that $n \neq 2m$. I can easily ...
Rana's user avatar
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Why does this grammar derive into $\beta \alpha ^*$ instead of $\alpha ^* \beta$?

In this video clip the teacher presents a grammar $A \rightarrow A \alpha | \beta$ and after providing the parse tree explains that the regular expression for the language generated is represented as $...
Dave's user avatar
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PDA for { xy : |x| = |y|, x ≠ y} from its grammar, and intuition behind it

I know the grammar for the language $\{ xy : |x| = |y|, x ≠ y \}$ if $\Sigma=\{a,b\}$: $$ \begin{align*} &S→AB∣BA \\ &A→a∣aAa∣aAb∣bAa∣bAb \\ &B→b∣aBa∣aBb∣bBa∣bBb \end{align*} $$ I ...
Pavan Kumar Munnam's user avatar
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CFG to generate $L = \{a^{2n}b^n\} \bigcup \{a^mb^{2m}\}$

I've been struggling to find the grammar to generate the language $$L = \{a^{2n}b^n : n \text{ is natural}\} \cup \{a^mb^{2m} : m \text{ is natural}\}.$$ I've considered $$S \to aS|Sb|ab,$$ which ...
socrates's user avatar
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How to prove that Ambiguity is still present in Resolved Production of Dangling Else Problem?

$\textbf{stmt} \to$ $ \textbf{if} $expr$ \textbf{then}$ stmt $\mid $ $\textbf{if}$ expr $ \textbf{then}$ stmt$ \textbf{else}$ stmt $\mid \textbf{...
Akhil Nadh PC's user avatar
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Context free grammar issue at pda

I'm studying for my computing languages and I have some problem on getting the production rules from a push down automata. The automaton accepts all strings over alphabet $\{e,k,q,y\}$ of the form $w\...
Jay's user avatar
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Given a DFA $A$ and a CFG $G$, decide whether $L(G) ⊆ L(A)$

Propose a reasonably efficient algorithm to decide, given a DFA $A$ and a CFG $G$, whether $L(G) ⊆ L(A)$. I think that I have to prove it by computing the intersection of both (DFA,CFG), and then ...
Crider7's user avatar
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Is there an algorithm for converting a CFG in Greibach Normal Form into a CFG in strong GNF?

A CFG is in strong GNF when all rewrite rules are in the following form: $A \rightarrow aA_1...A_n$ where $n \leq 2$.
user393454's user avatar
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How do you read this context-free language?

say you want to make a Pushdown Automaton to recognize this language. What exactly does the +1 mean? I see in the example it just pushes an a to the stack before arriving at an acceptance state but I ...
crystyxn's user avatar
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Is the problem that intersection of two cfl is a cfl or not undecidable?

I am trying to use the computation histories argument to fit this. But I am unable to find this as yet.
Grobber's user avatar
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Noncontext free for quotient

Have such exercise: Let $L_1=\{a^{2n}b^n|n\geq1\}^*$ and $L_2=\{b^na^n|n\geq 1\}^*b$ Prove, that $L_1, L_2$ are context free, while quotient $L_1/L_2$ is not context-free. (This is home exercise, ...
Timo Junolainen's user avatar
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Decidability algorithm, whether substring belongs to L

It isn't very hard to decide if word belongs to language L. CYK algorithm should do here. Occured thought, can CYK be modified to detect if all words of language L contain some specific subword?
Timo Junolainen's user avatar
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PDA and CFG of language of regular expressions

I am stuck on a problem involving PDA's and CFG's. The problem is as stated: Give a CFG and a PDA for the language of regular expressions over the alphabet $\{a, b, c\}$. Give the formal tuple ...
Ruht_roh's user avatar
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Does transforming a CFG to Chomsky normal form make it unambiguous?

Does transforming a CFG to Chomsky normal form make it unambiguous? And if not, is there a technique to convert a CFG G to an equivalent CFG G', so that G' is both unambiguous and LL(1)?
jon Prime's user avatar
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Deriving epsilon with a context free grammar with epsilon rules

The below problem is from my Formal Languages class. The professor suggested drawing derivation trees for the language until we reach epsilon in all the leaves, and that it should begin to look like a ...
Terullian's user avatar
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Showing $L=\{a^ib^jc^k: i,j,k \text{ not all equal}\}$ is a CFL a lemma [duplicate]

In their answer, Janoma proves that $\{a^ib^jc^k:i\neq j,j\neq k,i\neq k\}$ is not context-free using Ogden's lemma, but I haven't learned about Ogden's lemma yet. I wanted to know whether Ogden's ...
Mikael's user avatar
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Complement of CFL is Recursive

If CFL are not closed under complementation, it means that if a language '$L$' is CFL then its compliment $L^C$ is not CFL. Then how can we discuss about $L^C$ being recursive? My doubt arose because ...
Vidhi's user avatar
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Finding the language of a context-free grammar?

Given following question: Let $G$ be a context-free grammar, $G=(V, \Sigma, R, S)$, that has start variable $S$, set of variables $V = \{S\}$, set of terminals $\Sigma = \{0, 1\}$, and set of rules $...
m0meni's user avatar
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Intersection with a finite set

If we have a language $F$ and a regular language $D$ (a finite set) then can we say anything about the intersection of $D$ and $F$? Will the intersection of the languages be finite or regular? This ...
Shubham Singh rawat's user avatar
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How to construct CFG for language

We have alphabet $\Sigma = \{ { a, b} \} $. How to construct CFG for language $\Sigma^{\ast} - \{a^{n}b^{n} | n \ge 0 \}$. I suggest that is very easy, but I can't invent. I know PDA for this ...
marka_17's user avatar
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Is $L / R$ context free?

I was reviewing the post If $L$ is context-free and $R$ is regular, then $L / R$ is context-free? I completely understand why $L/R$ is context free. I just tried a different approach, which is not ...
Garrick's user avatar
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How to prove that the class of non-context-free languages isn't closed under intersection?

I am not sure how to approach this. L1 and L2 are using the same alphabet.
Patroclus's user avatar
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Proving a language is not context free using the Pumping Lemma

To prove that $L=\{0^m1^n|n \text{ divides } m,\text{ } m,n\gt0\}$ is not a CFG, I applied the pumping lemma. I chose $w=0^{21p}1^{7p}$ for the pumping constant p. By the pumping lemma, $w=xyuvz, |yuv|...
user1354784's user avatar
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How powerful are CFGs that allow an infinite number of rules?

I was wondering recently what would happen if we'd allow context-free grammars to have an infinite number of rules. Clearly, if we'd allow arbitrary such infinite sets of rules, every language $L$ ...
vauge's user avatar
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How to apply the pumping lemma for CFGs to languages that contain the empty string

The pumping lemma states that if we can split a string w (taken from a context-free language L) as uvxyz with conditions |vy|>=1 |vxy|<=p |w|>=p for some p then $uv^ixy^iz$ is in L for any i. ...
user1354784's user avatar
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Unambiguous context-free language that can't be parsed in linear time by backtracking recursive descent?

Is there a context-free language that can be expressed with an unambiguous grammar but can't be expressed with a grammar that would result in linear-time backtracking recursive descent parsing? The ...
Liisi's user avatar
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Can a queue automaton recognize palindromes?

Consider the language of even-length palindromes $L = \{ WW^R \mid W \in \{0,1\}^* \}$. This language is surely context free and I need an NPDA to recognize it. But, what if we replace the stack with ...
Garrick's user avatar
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How to design context-free grammars generating the languages with twice as many a’s as b’s? [duplicate]

The problem is designing context-free grammars generating the following languages. The set of strings over the alphabet Σ = {a, b} with twice as many a’s as b’s. I found a solution but I don't know ...
Mark's user avatar
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Can we define CFL without grammars or automata?

The set of regular languages $R$ over an alphabet $\Sigma$ can be defined as the smallest set satisfying these 5 axioms: Empty language: $\{\} \in R$ Singleton languages: $\forall a \in \Sigma : \{a\}...
user76284's user avatar
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Proving that $L = \{a^m b^n | m \% n = 0 \}$ is not context-free [duplicate]

For language $L = \{a^m\, b^n\: |\: m \:\%\: n = 0 \}$, that is, $m$ is a multiple of $n$, I'm trying to find a proof that it isn't a context free. I know it isn't regular, but it also doesn't seem to ...
Fiery Phoenix's user avatar
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Stuck on Converting to Chomsky Normal Form,

I am supposed to be changing this to Chomsky Normal Form and then to Greibach form, but I am still having a few difficulties changing it to the first form. Here is the language: S → AA|SBBa|b A → ...
Kevin Floyd's user avatar
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Are LR(k) languages and DCFLs equivalent?

In the familiar book of Theory of Computation by M. Sipser, the author proved that for endmarked context-free languages, the set of languages having a LR(k) grammar for a predefined $k \in \mathbb{N}$ ...
Vincent J. Ruan's user avatar
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Pascal FOR loop with context free gramar

In Pascal For-do loops, there is a rule stating that one cannot modify the counter variable inside the body of the loop. To exemplify the rule, take the following Pascal ...
El Marce's user avatar
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Converting a CFG with epsilons into a DPDA

I have a CFG: S -> $T$ T -> T+T|T-T|T/T|(T)|CX|I X -> XX |C|N|_|@ C -> a|b|c|....|z|A|B|C|...|Z|_ N -> 0|1|2|....|9 I -> NI|N Here @ means epsilon. The above is a valid arithmetic expression ...
faraz khan's user avatar
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Showing that u#v with u a substring of v is not context-free

I need to find whether this language is context-free or not: {u#v | u,v belong to {a,b,c}* and u is a substring of v}, over alphabet {a,b,c,#} I suspect that it'...
richards's user avatar
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Correct bracketing check with rotate operation on position i

Given sequence (length $N$) of brackets like $($ and $)$. The task is to implement data structure which supports following operations: Check whether the sequence is correctly bracketed Rotate bracket ...
Ondra Hrubý's user avatar

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