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Can you diagonalize a language out of CSL?

In recursion theory, it is possible to diagonalize a computable function out of the class of primitive recursive functions. Can you do the same with context-sensitive languages? I was thinking we ...
Hugolin Bergier's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Is the language $\{ w \in \{ a, b \}^{*} | |w|_{a} + |w|_{b} = 2^{n} \}$ context sensitive? [closed]

Is the language $\{ w \in \{ a, b \}^{*} : |w|_{a} + |w|_{b} = 2^{n} \}$ context sensitive ?
prithwineel paul's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

context sensitive language finite or infinite

let L be a CSL. (my understanding/ memory/ expectation is) the problem is L finite or infinite? is undecidable. where was this 1st proved/ published? are there any cases in the literature of ...
vzn's user avatar
  • 11.1k
22 votes
3 answers

Machines for context-free languages which gain no extra power from nondeterminism

When considering machine models of computation, the Chomsky hierarchy is normally characterised by (in order), finite automata, push-down automata, linear bound automata and Turing Machines. For the ...
Luke Mathieson's user avatar