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Examples of Regular, Context-free and Context-sensitive languages

Assume the languages: $$ a) \, L_1 = \{ w \in \{b,c \}^* | \, w \, \text{contains 'bbc' as substring} \} $$ $$ b)\, L_2 = \{ 1^k 0^m 1^m | k,m \in \mathbb{N} \} $$ $$ c)\,L_3 = \{ w \in {0,1}^* | \,...
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FSA for $(ab)^*(cb^n)^*$ [closed]

How can I prove that this language is regular, possibly by making a finite automata for this: $(ab)^*(cb^n)^*$, where $n\ge1$? An automaton can easily be drawn for the part $(ab)^*$, but the part $(...
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