Questions tagged [counting]

The term Counting in Computer Science is usually used to refer to counting objects in certain arrangements or with certain properties.

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0 votes
1 answer

Can someone give me the definition of #Monotone-2SAT?

In the decision problem, I set all variables to true and see if the formula is satisfiable. My question is because I do not understand how there can be multiple solutions, though all variables are ...
1 vote
1 answer

Find total count of all paths starting from a fixed vertex to all other vertexes of the graph

Given an directed graph (may contain cycles) we have to find total number of simple paths from a fixed source vertex to all other vertices of the graph, i.e. $$ \text{#(paths from 1 to 2)}+\text{#(...
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0 answers

Min no.of operations required to convert an array to which it should contain elements of equal frequency

I have come across this tricky problem. An array of N elements should be converted to another array within k operations such ...
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1 answer

Is there an FPRAS for the number of min st cuts in general graphs?

Provan and Ball [1] showed that the problem of counting the number of minimum st cuts is #P-Complete. What is known about the problem of approximating the number of min st cuts? Is it possible to get ...
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0 answers

Count paths in matrix that visit each number exactly once [duplicate]

Let's say we are given matrix of size $N \leq 21 \text{ by } M \leq 21$ each element of the matrix is either $-1$ or number in the interval $[0, 20]$. We want to count the number of paths that start ...
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2 answers

Count-min sketch

I don't understand the use case of count min sketch. Based on Count–min sketch, it says "serves as a frequency table of events in a stream of data.". If I know there are N types of events, why can't ...
3 votes
1 answer

Find smallest enclosing circle

On a 2d plane, there is a large circle centered at $(0, 0)$ with a radius of $R_{{o}}$. It encloses $\sim 100$ or so smaller circles distributed randomly across the parent circle otherwise with known ...
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0 answers

Find xor sum of all pairs raised to power of 3

We are given array $A$ of $N$ integers each in the range $1 \leq A_i \leq 2^{30}$, that is we can write each integer with at most 30 bits. The target is to compute $\sum_{1\leq i \leq N,1\leq j<i} (...
1 vote
1 answer

Given tree with 0 or 1 assigned to each node, count paths with odd number of ones in it

Let's say we have given tree of $N$ nodes and $N-1$ edges, each of the $N$ nodes is assigned one integer, either $0$ or $1$. We want to count all paths between two nodes $u$ and $v$ such that on the ...
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0 answers

Count submatrices with only zeros for each element of the matrix

Let's say we have given matrix of size $N \cdot M$, only with zeros and ones. For each element in the matrix, we want to count subrectangles that are covering this element and are made only of zeros. ...
4 votes
2 answers

Count numbers less than $x$ co-prime to $p$

We have given two numbers $x$ and $p$. We want to count how many numbers are less than $x$ and are co-prime with $p$. I know that we can solve the problem in $O(x\log x)$ with iterating over all ...
2 votes
1 answer

Count number of the ways to fill a N-lengthed binary string

From the problem, count the number of ways to fill a binary string of length $N$ with at least one $1$'s consecutive sequence of length $K$ and other $1$'s consecutive sequences have length no more ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Counting (enumerating) minimal solutions of a dual horn formula

Is there an efficient algorithm ("does not necessarily have to be a polynomial time algorithm") to compute all "minimal" solutions for a Dual Horn formula (conjunction of clauses where each clause ...
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0 answers

Counting subarrays where each number either doesn't occur or occurs odd number of times

We have given array $V$ of $N$ integers, we want to count the number of subarrays of the array such that each elements in the subarray either doesn't occur at all, or it occurs odd number of times. ...
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2 answers

Why it is not $O(m)$ but $O(\log m)$?

I am reading the lecture notes and have a question. I am trying to understand the beginning of Section 3 on page 2. Problem: Given an input stream $\sigma$, compute (or approximate) its length $m$. ...
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3 answers

Computing a histogram with the number of extant values not known in advance

(This may be more fitting for CSTheory, I'm not sure.) I'm looking for an practical or theoretical work (that is, academic papers, online jots, pseudocode or code) regarding efficient algorithms for ...
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2 answers

Defining decision-problem complexity classes by counting branches of a polynomial-time NTM

This answer on another SE community discusses the concept of a "counting complexity class". As far as I can tell, the author is using that term in a slightly nonstandard way: most sources (PS format) ...
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0 answers

Number of distinct single-assignment forms with $j$ binary function calls?

Given $n$ inputs and $k$ outputs and $j$ identical binary function calls to $g$, how many possible distinct single-assignment forms are there? The only assumption made about $g$ is that if $a = c \...
1 vote
1 answer

Counting solutions of a particular type in HORN SAT

I am interested in counting the number of solutions of a particular type (say #) in HORN SAT. I have 2 questions concerning the same. Suppose we have a HORN SAT -: $(x_1) \land (x_2 \implies x_1)$, ...
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1 answer

Modified Counting Inversions problem using divide and conquer

Given an array $A$, find the number of pairs $(i, j)$, such that $ i > j$ and $A[i] \ge A[j]$. This is a modified version of the famous problem of Counting Inversions, only in this version it ...
9 votes
2 answers

Counting islands in Boolean matrices

Given an $n \times m$ Boolean matrix $\mathrm X$, let $0$ entries represent the sea and $1$ entries represent land. Define an island as vertically or horizontally (but not diagonally) adjacent $1$ ...
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0 answers

How hard is APPROXIMATE-#SAT? [closed]

It is well known that the problem of counting the satisfying assignments of SAT, namely the problem #SAT, is #P-complete. It is also suspected (somewhat less widely) that even deciding SAT should ...
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0 answers

Is there a simple way to construct a Boolean formula that is true if and only if at most $k$ of the input variables are true? [duplicate]

I could of course construct a truth table for the function $$f(x) = \left(\sum_i x_i\right) \leq k$$ Where $x$ is an assignment and I'm slightly abusing notation to count Booleans. And then I could ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Count points on same distance from set of points

Let's consider finite grid of points with size of $N$ by $M$ and set of $x$ points ($x$ is small number, up to 10, $N$ and $M$ are big numbers, up to 30000 )). Each of the $x$ points is described with ...
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1 answer

Counting number of permutations respecting partial order

Suppose that we have an array $A$ of $n$ elements with some partial order known, e.g. for example as a $n\times n$ matrix containing $c_{ij} \in \{-1, 0, 1\}$ where $0$ represents unknown and $-1, 1$ ...
1 vote
3 answers

How many 3-SAT expressions with up to N variables are satisfiable?

TL;DR There are exactly 255 possible 3-sat expressions with exactly 3 variables (more meticulously defined below). Of those, exactly 254 are satisfiable. There are exactly 4,294,967,295 possible 3-...
3 votes
1 answer

Radix, merge, counting sort and when to use

Okay can't figure this out. I want to make sure I understand it. There are n random keys each being float numbers with p decimal places. So, for example, 123.456, 343.645, 234.543, 863.238, 956....
1 vote
2 answers

Count numbers less than $K$ in array

Let's say we have given array $A$ consisting of $n$ integers, and integer $K$. Now we want to count number of indexes $i$ such that $A_i<K$. What is the easiest way to pre-process the array and ...
2 votes
1 answer

Proving or disproving a set of total functions is countable

Let S be the set of total functions from $N \rightarrow M$, such that for each $f \in S$, there is $i > 1$ such that for all $j < i$, $f(i)$ and $f(j)$ are not equivalent Turing machines. ...
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1 answer

Algorithm. Input: pointers to k unsorted arrays of different lengths. Needed output: k sorted arrays

$k = \Theta(n)$ The arrays consist only natural numbers $1$ to $n$ The sum of the length of all arrays = $\Theta(n)$ It should return the $k$ original arrays, each sorted on its own. The running ...
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0 answers

Approximate count per element in list/stream via Counting Bloom+Morris

I've a large list A of elements. Given another list B of elements, I need B to be sorted by ...
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1 answer

Sorting an array in linear time

I need to find a method to sort an array in $O(n)$ time complexity. I saw this link, however I'm not sure how to apply it to the elements I need. Input: an array $A$ of length $n$, containing values ...
2 votes
1 answer

On lowness of $\oplus P$

$\oplus P$ is low for itself ($\oplus P^{\oplus P}=\oplus P$). Are there other complexity classes $\mathcal D$ that satisfy $\mathcal D^{\oplus P}=\oplus P$? Are there complexity classes $\mathcal C$ ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to count all contiguous subsequences with positive sum?

I have array $t$ with size $n \leq 10^6$. It has only two kinds of elements inside: $1$ or $-1$. I need to count how many contiguous subsequences have positive sum. This pseudocode demonstrates ...
5 votes
0 answers

Count Wildcard Parenthesizations of a String

Let $\Sigma = \{ (, ), ? \}$ be an alphabet. For a given string $s \in \Sigma^*$, we denote by $f(s)$ the number of ways to replace each symbol $?$ either with $($ or with $)$ such that $s$ is ...
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1 answer

Using Pascal's Triangle to implement queues and stacks using heaps

I have the following question as homework in an algorithms, analysis and data structures class: And here's an answer I wrote up: A queue is a first-in-first-out data structure. A heap is a data ...
3 votes
1 answer

How many different trees can we form from given graph?

I'm trying to practice some combinatorics and I faced this problem, let's say we have given graph with N nodes and M edges. $$N\leq500, M \leq N\cdot(N - 1)/2$$ In this graph I want to count the sub-...
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3 answers

Are counting problems the same as problems involving listing all possible combinations?

I recently tried coming up with an algorithm that uses dynamic programming for the counting variant of the change problem. Given a set of target and a set of denominations, print the number of ...
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1 answer

What's wrong with this [closed]

Here's the question: Do more baby names start with "A" or "B"? Write code to count and print those two counts ("A" count, then "B" count). I then write this code down: table = new SimpleTable("baby-...
2 votes
3 answers

Count arrays with size n, sum k and largest element m

I'm trying to solve pretty complex problem with combinatorics. Namely, we have given three numbers N, K, M. Now we want to count how many different arrays of integers are there with length N, sum K ...
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1 answer

How to encode a sequence of non-decreasing integers with an integer without redundancy, loops, and recursions

How to encode a sequence of n non-decreasing integer of [0, ..., m] fulfilling the following conditions: no or minimal redundancy only use 1 integer variable or k independent integer variables with a ...
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1 answer

Proving $\#CYCLE \in \#P$

I'm trying to find a way to count distinct simple cycles in a graph in order to prove that $\#CYCLE \in \#P$, if I could represent a distinct cycle, then I'll have a witness. I saw this question: ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Display Counting Algorithm

I am writing some firmware for a display that will take measurements and present them in real time on an LCD screen. I would like for the measurements to display as smoothly as possible... What I mean ...
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Number of possible balanced binary trees [duplicate]

A tree is balanced if the subtrees of each node differ in height by at most one. How many balanced binary trees can we create from $n$ nodes?
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Finding all possible bottom-most overlapping rectangles on a table

Let's say that I'm given a $n\times n$ ($n\leq 1000$) grid (more of like a table) and I color the grid with $n^2$ rectangles, each of a different color (let's say they have colors 1 to $n^2$ for ...
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0 answers

Sorting in place & stable in linear time

Given an array with only 0 & 1. Can we have an algorithm which has all the following desirable characteristics- The algorithm runs in $O(n)$ time. The algorithm is stable. The algorithm sorts ...
5 votes
2 answers

Counting substrings with a given number of different characters in O(N)

Given a string $S$ of length $n$, and a number $k$, count the number of substrings (regardless of their length) that contain exactly $k$ different characters. The obvious solution takes $O(n^2)$ time ...
2 votes
1 answer

Find number of nodes that seperate graph to two or more subgrahps when removed individually - Find articulation points on a non-directed graph

Suppose that we have an undirected graph, and that for any two nodes there is a path from one to another. In such a graph, there might be some nodes that, if removed from the graph individually, leave ...
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1 answer

Finding alternative way of combinatorial counting

The question is related to databases: There is a relation $R(A_1,A_2,...,A_n)$. Every $(n-2)$ attributes of $R$ forms candidate key. Number of superkeys of $R$ are? I thought if any one of the $(n-...
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0 answers

What are widely-used, practical applications to come from the study #P problems?

When, beyond theoretical exercises, do we care how many solutions we can find for something? I had an analogous question for TMs before - why is it useful to study machines that can only deliver ...