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Definition of an algebraic decision tree

I am trying to understand what an algebraic decision tree is but wikipedia lacks a formal definition, just an intuition. So I need to check if my understanding is correct. From what I have read it ...
Makogan's user avatar
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How to prove that the lower bound of the Huffman coding problem is $\Omega(n \log n)$?

how to prove that the lower bound of the Huffman coding problem is $\Omega(n \log n)$? Here Huffman coding problem is Huffman encoding. For example, ...
t24akeru's user avatar
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Why decision tree method for lower bound on finding a minimum doesn't work

(Motivated by this question. Also I suspect that my question is a bit too broad) We know $\Omega(n \log n)$ lower bound for sorting: we can build a decision tree where each inner node is a comparison ...
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Lower bound on comparison-based sorting

I have a question from one of the exercises in CLRS. Show that there is no comparison sort whose running time is linear for at least half of the $n!$ inputs of length $n$. What about a fraction of $1/...
Ken Gondor's user avatar
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Decision tree and information-theoretic lower bound

Consider the following problem : ...
John adams's user avatar
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Lower bound and worst case scenario

We know that the lower bound is the minimum amount of work needed to solve a problem. So for a given problem say x it has the best algorithm ( the most efficient algorithm to solve this problem ) say ...
AAAA's user avatar
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Decision Tree for searching an element in an n*n matrix

I just learnt decision tree concept in class. I have a question for homework. It says to prove that for searching an element in n*n matrix the lower bound is logn and prove it using decision tree. My ...
Shahrukh's user avatar
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Lower bound for merging $m$ sorted arrays (decision tree leaves count - permutations)

I need some help understanding how to calculate the lower bound on the time complexity of merging $m$ sorted arrays of length $n$. The bound should be $nm \lg(m)$. I need to prove this using a ...
PhysicsPrincess's user avatar
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Finding maximum takes at least $\lceil n/2 \rceil$ comparisons

We are given an array $A$ with $n$ elements, $n \in \mathbb{N}$ and all elements are in the set $\{1,2,3, \cdots, n \}$. I want to prove that finding the maximum in $A$ (that is, outputting the index ...
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