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How many comparative sorting algorithms are there?

I've invented an abstract structure to represent a comparison-based sorting algorithm, which I will call a comparison tree (similar to the decision tree of a comparative sorting algorithm). ...
sbh's user avatar
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Can we create a decision tree for any comparison sorting algorithm even if it is very complicated?

I am reading an algorithm book. Any comparison sort must make $\Omega(n\log(n))$ comparisons in the worst case to sort $n$ elements. Can we create a decision tree for any comparison sorting algorithm ...
tchappy ha's user avatar
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Why decision tree method for lower bound on finding a minimum doesn't work

(Motivated by this question. Also I suspect that my question is a bit too broad) We know $\Omega(n \log n)$ lower bound for sorting: we can build a decision tree where each inner node is a comparison ...
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Lower bound for merging $m$ sorted arrays (decision tree leaves count - permutations)

I need some help understanding how to calculate the lower bound on the time complexity of merging $m$ sorted arrays of length $n$. The bound should be $nm \lg(m)$. I need to prove this using a ...
PhysicsPrincess's user avatar