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Questions tagged [diagonalization]

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Does an oracle of EXPSPACE-complete $B$ language cause $P^B=EXP^B$

As I have read Sipser's TOC, on page 372, there is a $EXPSPACE$-complete language, say, $B$, i.e. $B\in$ $EXPSPACE$ and every $L\in$ $EXPSPACE$ is polynomial time reducible to $B$. I also have read ...
minh quý lê's user avatar
5 votes
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Diagonalisation in the proof of undecidability of the acceptance problem for Turing Machines

It's well-known that the language $A_{TM} = \{\langle M,w\rangle: \text{M is a turing machine that accepts w} \}$ is undecidable. There's a standard proof that's presented in Sipser's "...
Simon Lyons's user avatar
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How to separate $TIME(n)$ and $L$?

I'm trying to prove that $TIME(n)\neq L$ by padding technique, yet it has a trouble: Assume that $TIME(n)= L$, let $A\in TIME(n^2)\backslash TIME(n)$ so $A\notin L$. Let $A_{pad}=\{x01^{|x|^2-|x|-1}|x\...
minh quý lê's user avatar
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What is the role of diagonalization in the proof of undecidability of the halting problem?

I'm trying to understand the proof of undecidability of the halting problem. Some resources give a short proof based on a proof by contradiction. There is no mention of diagonalization. But some ...
Sanyo Mn's user avatar
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What does it mean to prove the halting problem is undecidable "using arithmetization"?

In version gamma of the ACM/IEEE/AAAI Computer Science Curricula 2023, on page 50, one of the illustrative learning outcomes for the "Computational Models and Formal Languages" section of ...
user164282's user avatar
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Understanding a black-box vs white-box simulation and relativization

I am trying to understand the relativization barrier from Baker Gill Solovay (BGS). About this barrier, I have heard that it only applies when using a black-box simulation. Hence, my question is, what ...
441Juggler's user avatar
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Prove Language Is Undeciable Using Diagonalization

I was given the following problem and told it has to be solved using diagonalization. However, I am confused as to why diagonalization would be the solution. Would the answer not be since L is ...
EdisonCanaj's user avatar
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Why is the language containing the Turing machines which only accept their own encoding not applicable to the diagonalization proof?

I saw this question and asked myself why the original problem is not solvable through diagonalization. Let $$L = \bigl\{\langle M \rangle \mid L(M) = \{\langle M\rangle\}\bigr\}$$ Take the complement $...
Konschi's user avatar
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Can the diagonal language be empty?

We defined the diagonal language as follows in the lecture: \begin{align*} L_{\text{diag}}=\left\{w \in \left\{0, 1\right\} ^{*}\mid w=w_{i} \text{ for some }i \in \mathbb{N} \text{ and }M_{i} \text{ ...
Max's user avatar
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Can you diagonalize a language out of CSL?

In recursion theory, it is possible to diagonalize a computable function out of the class of primitive recursive functions. Can you do the same with context-sensitive languages? I was thinking we ...
Hugolin Bergier's user avatar
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Proving FPT is strictly contained in XP

In their book Fundamentals of Parameterized Complexity, Downey and Fellows claim (in chapter 27.1) that $\mathrm{FPT}\subsetneq \mathrm{XP}$, and that this is a "basic result" that follows ...
Discrete lizard's user avatar
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M does not accept [M] | 'Correction' of proof possible?

The language $D=\{[M]|M([M])=0\}$ is not decidable because of the following argument: Suppose there was a $TM \space M_D$ that decides $D$. Then if we gave $M_D \space [M] $, there would be two ...
David's user avatar
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The role of diagonalization - asymmetry between TM and Recursion Theory

This might be a slightly strange or irrelevant question. My apologies if it is. I'll try to formulate it the best I can. First, here is an hypothesis: diagonalization is syatematically used to prove ...
Hugolin Bergier's user avatar
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Hilbert's Hotel for guests with infinite string name

I was watching this video How An Infinite Hotel Ran Out Of Room, by Veritasium. The video says that it is not possible to fit names made of infinite strings of $\{A,B\}$. We know we can fit infinite ...
Dev_anon101's user avatar