Questions tagged [distributed-systems]

Questions about the challenges of solving problems with multiple cooperating but separate agents.

136 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Difference between Distributed File System, Cluster File System and Parallel File System

On the internet, I am unable to find concrete definitions of these three types of file-systems. Can someone clearly explain the difference between these?
Tarun Gupta's user avatar
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Analyzing Parallel Matching Algorithm - Why it takes O(n+m) time and work?

Using the algorithm provided by this paper, they said that: The algorithm defines a single phase of the local max algorithm. Each step of the phase takes at most O(log(m + n)) = O(logn) time and O(n +...
Reem Aljunaid's user avatar
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Chord Ring with limited table size of 3

In the normal case of a chord ring the big O notation of the look up is O(logn) because of long haul pointers of the Finger Table (or Routing Table). In this question what if the Finger Table has a ...
DarkArtistry's user avatar
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How does PBFT tolerate Byzantine Leaders?

It is said that PBFT (or Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance consensus) is Byzantine fault tolerant (unlike Paxos or Raft that are only Crash fault tolerant.) Based on this answer : LINK , in PBFT &...
Questioner's user avatar
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Why can't we solve the consensus problem by just enforcing a new leader?

I am going through this lecture series by Martin Kleppman. In this video at around 1:25, he says you can manually configure the distributed nodes to chose a leader. If that's the case can't we just ...
matrixisreal's user avatar
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Does DHT (Distributed Hash Table) allow to list ALL (not only nearest) nodes?

As I know any local DHT keeps only some of nodes - if the network is small/very small then all nodes, otherwise only some of them (nearest?). So, when I checked different Golang implementations of DHT ...
RandomB's user avatar
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Resources to self-study counting/sorting networks

I am reading The Art of Multiprocessor Programming. I was able to grasp almost everything up to Counting Networks in chapter 12 - Counting Sorting and Distributed Coordination. However I am having ...
Thanuja Dilhan's user avatar
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Can blockchain provide any meaningful benefit in more permissioned and less byzantine settings?

Consider as an example the following setting. A set of universities want to keep track of the joint list of students. Ideally, each university will have a "consistent" copy of this list, ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Distributed Algorithm to get an ordered list of nodes in a bipartite graph

Given a weighted bipartite graph with nodes of type A and B, I want to output an (approximately) ordered list of type B nodes as defined by the following heuristic: For each node of type B, sum over ...
Karup's user avatar
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Partition in a tree shaped distributed network

We are given a synchronic undirected tree shaped network, with $n$ indexed nodes. We know that there is at least one node with at least $\log_k n$ neighbors, $k>1000$, and $k$ is given. We need to ...
Mathguy's user avatar
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Recommendation for good book or online course on distributed programming

I am a computer science student in his final year on the university with several years of experience in software engineering. I want to take me to the next level in programming web applications. I am ...
Yakir's user avatar
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Test data for tasks that communicate over network

I am working on a load balancer that schedules tasks that communicate over network. I want to test its performance, but I'm struggling to find test data for it. Currently I try to extract relevant ...
asdfasdf's user avatar
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Designing of reliable multicast algorithm, regarding validity, can you deliver before multicasting

As the title says, if an algorithm delivers $m$ before multicasting $m$, does the validity property still hold? I would argue that it doesn't matter, as the purpose of validity is to ensure that the ...
Christian Hurley's user avatar
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Correctness of Linearizability vs Sequential consistency in replication

I'm currently studying Sequential consistency vs linearizability: I know that SC has to be consistent with the order of how the individual client issued them, and for linearizability, it's with the ...
HeeysamH's user avatar
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Count nodes with more than 3 neighbours in distributed computing, initiating by one site

I have an algorithm that visit all the nodes on a graph in distributed computing , the initiator is one site only , I want to change it so that the initiator can in the end of the execution know the ...
DJAMEL DAHMANE's user avatar
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How to divide services and capacities in a graph?

Given a graph where some nodes can provide some services with x,y,z... capacities. A node connected to multiple nodes needs to divide these services to the connected nodes and these nodes themselves ...
Ley Big's user avatar
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Given two or more nodes in a network, is it possible to determine the one-way link latencies between two nodes that share a bi-directional connection?

We already know that detecting the one-way latency between only two nodes is impossible. However, if I have a number of nodes in the same subnet that all know about each other, can measure round-trip ...
Qix - MONICA WAS MISTREATED's user avatar
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Running Time of Oral Messages Algorithm OM(m) for Byzantine Generals Fault Tolerance

Let us consider a byzantine generals problem assuming: less than 1/3 of generals are traitors Oral messages No Crypto One solution is the Oral Message algorithm OM(m), m being the maximum number ...
jungleMan's user avatar
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Construction of Omega Network

I understand that we could draw N * N Omega Network, But can we draw an Omega Network to connect 6 CPUs to 4 memories? (The number of CPUs does not equal the number of memories)
Ola Galal's user avatar
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Under which conditions is it possible to scale a distributed log with checksums?

This question is related to Amazon's QLDB, but my question is about the generic architecture of such a software system. The question arises from the fact that Amazon advertises the service as "highly ...
aufziehvogel's user avatar
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How is Eventual Consistency (EC) better than Strong Consistency (SC) when N = 3, R=W=2 when SC gives better consistency gurantee in same config?

In dynamo paper, it says that in production most of the users set N = 3, R = 2 and W = 2. ...
Ashish Negi's user avatar
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BFT algorithm perfo

Understand that BFT algorithms are always prepared for the worst possible circumstances and pays a price for this in terms of speed. Can one reasonably make the statement / assessment that non BFT ...
Nathan Aw's user avatar
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a problem with Suzuki-Kasami mutex algorithm

I have some sort of a misunderstanding regarding the Suzuki-Kasami distributed mutex algorithm. I am writing my question here because I failed on gaining access to the original paper. I will call ...
Don Fanucci's user avatar
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Name for pattern of addressing items by sequence-of-creation

I'm looking for the name of a particular pattern, and/or resources (articles) on its usage. The context of the pattern is a journalling system to operate on some collection, as in the example given ...
Klaas van Schelven's user avatar
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Retroactively ordering actors' concurrent activity on disjoint sections of a data-structure

Hi! I'm new here, a terrible computer-scientist, and have no idea what I'm doing; I'm more expecting / hoping for links to research on algorithms or data-structures that contribute to problems like ...
ELLIOTTCABLE's user avatar
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Understanding leslie lamport's spacetime diagram with tick lines

I am trying to understand tick lines in Fig 2 on Page 2 of "Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System" paper [1]. Below are 2 things which I did not understand What is the ...
rahul's user avatar
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What's a good method to decide wheter distributed or parallel computing?

I've already programed a grammatical evolution on GPU with a very satisfactory result (an improvement on time of about 140% with relative small datasets, expecting better results whith big ones). ...
Kaostias's user avatar
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Spanning-Tree-Protocol and BFS? (Distributed Computing)

Given is graph with networks and bridges/switches. We know, the root Bridge is the bridge with the minimal Bridge-ID. The connections between every bridge and network is 1. In the lecture slides they ...
M.Mac's user avatar
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Distributed MST in $O(n \log \log n)$

I'm facing the following problem: Describe a distributed MST algorithm in time $O(n \log \log n)$ I've managed to think of the following, Run GHS(Gallager, Humblet and Spira) algorithm, till there ...
Jeremy Shiklov's user avatar
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What are networking technologies to distribute the file faster with storing on more replicas?

Question: Suppose you launch a job on 10,000 machines in your own data centre. The job is slow to start because all the machines are trying to load the same large executable file. Name two networking ...
Sarvar Nishonboyev's user avatar
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What is the probability distribution of arrival times in a distributed system?

I'm going to simulate an asynchronous distributed system. In a distributed system, when a node sends a message, after $\Delta t$ seconds the message reaches to its destination. My Question: What is ...
H.H's user avatar
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When to send a message on distributed systems emulating a FIFO network?

We designed in the lecture of Distributed algorithm an algorithm to emulate a FIFO network as far as an asynchronous network isn't unavoidably FIFO. Yet I have some difficultes to understand the ...
Revolucion for Monica's user avatar
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Reference Request: Distributed Systems Systems

I recently finished Operating System Concepts. As a follow-up for self-teaching, I am looking for a book on distributed systems (not theory). I've found Tanenbaum's text but it has rather poor reviews....
gardenhead's user avatar
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Distributed Algorithm for Minimum Cost Maximum Matching in General Graphs

What are the fastest distributed algorithms for minimum cost maximum matching in general graphs? I found two papers that talk about approximation algorithms but I want algorithms that solve the ...
Banach Tarski's user avatar
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Explanation of pilot jobs in distributed/grid computing

I'm reading into grid systems/distributed systems and came across pilot jobs that I can't find a decent explanation for. The wikipedia page is not understandable to me. I know multi-level schemes ...
Gaze's user avatar
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How does clients observe different replicas and stale data even if the replicas include same set of updates?

I am studying about gossip architecture. This is gossip architecture-: Gossip architecture provides 2 guarentees-: 1)Each client gets consistent service over time(meaning even if clients use ...
bikramnepali's user avatar

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