Questions tagged [encryption]

a transformation of information to make it unreadable to outside observers

11 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Absolute limit in Huffman encoding

I have computed the average code length using the Huffman encoding. Now, I am asked to compare the average code length with Absolute limit but I ain't sure about the absolute limit here is :( Could ...
AnyLuck's user avatar
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equivalent sub-keys in DES encryption

i am trying to understand the DES cryptosystem and was wondering: what would've happened if all of the sub-keys were equal? does it reduce the security? can we actually find the keys if we know all ...
alberto123's user avatar
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A tree-like data structure with rights delegation for distributed computing

Every actor can create a root node and delegate a right to add a child node. Every node contains name of its’ creator or who added it, and value S. Sum of all values S at the same level of the tree ...
nuwus's user avatar
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Structure Preserving Continuous Hash Function

This question was originally posted on super user, but redirected here based on some suggestions. I am completely new with computer science, and not only recently did I run into the notion of hashing....
Student's user avatar
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Recover key from repeating-xor encryption

Let's say that we have a set consisting of many strings encrypted with the same key by a xor cypher, moreover they are the same length as the key, both the key and the original strings might contain ...
Sheeye's user avatar
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What is the encryption method that works without exchanging any public or private keys at all?

We are learning about encryption (e.g. RSA) in class at the moment and our teacher told us about a paper he had read (and didn't remember the name) which presented an interesting encryption method. ...
Ladan's user avatar
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Abusing ElGamal in order to attack a known encrypted text

I saw a very interesting question regarding Elgamal cryptosystem that I don't know its answer. It is really interesting and I would be very happy if you could elaborate on it and explain the tricky ...
ScientificNoobie's user avatar
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Can reducing NP problems to subset NP Problems leed to faster calculation of NP problems

Integers can be represented with a pair of smaller numbers. To achieve this I use 2 integer sequences. Integer Sequence 1 1,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,4... And Integer Sequence 2 1,2,1,3,2,1,4,3,2,1... This ...
Quoss Wimblik's user avatar
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Is it possible to retrive the Hash from an encrypted folder?

So first of all I've a software which basically locks/encrypts a folder with a given password. Afterwards it's almost impossible to open the folder without entering the password through the software. ...
SlayerDiAngelo's user avatar
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Are there cs methods to uniquely create an ID, that prevent masquerading

I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I have an idea for a database kind of like a wiki, that would NOT have editors, and would have the following requirements: Any user can start with using ...
Adam Jones's user avatar
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Is my interpretation of the SSL process correct?

Firstly, which of the two diagrams below is the more accurate or more well-explained (if both are accurate) representation of the SSL process (at a beginner's level)? Diagram 1 Diagram 2 Also where ...
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