Questions tagged [formal-methods]

a particular kind of mathematically-based technique for the specification, development and verification of software and hardware systems.

38 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Can we say McCarthy and Hoare had the same objective in the 60s regarding a mathematical theory of computation?

I don't think there's any way to ask a very precise question here, so this might be considered opinion based. Nevertheless, it seems the question is clear enough because I'm asking whether these two ...
R. Chopin's user avatar
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Boolean formula that agrees with most truth assignments

Let $X_1,\dots,X_n$ be $n$ boolean variables. I have an unknown predicate $P(X_1,\dots,X_n)$ on these boolean variables. Of course, I can view the predicate as a function $f_P : \{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\}...
D.W.'s user avatar
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Introduction to bounded model checking that describes model generation

Most of the tutorials I have found on model checking and bounded model checking start with, the model is given as a Kripke Structure M = (S,I,T,L) where S is a set of states, I is a set of initial ...
Jonathan Gallagher's user avatar
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In ontology development, where do axioms come from?

I am developing an ontology. I've got the classes, relationships and I guess I could come up with instances at this point too. But what I'm really focused on is the axioms. I've learnt that the ...
Dee's user avatar
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How the $EX(f)$ is evaluated in symbolic model checking?

I was reading the symbolic model checking, So there it has mentioned that we can represent the set of states and transition relations of any transition system with the help of ROBDDs. I was trying to ...
Sujit Kumar Muduli's user avatar
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Does this paper by Patrick Cousot describe an undecidable method for model checking?

All of the discussion is in the context of this paper. I think that the whole procedure that the paper describes is not decidable, because if we can have an algorithm for it, then we can solve halting ...
Senmorta's user avatar
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Formal instruments to check properties of SQL queries

I have some operations defined as SQL queries which takes data from various tables combines it with the data from a base table and generates new rows, which are written back to the base table. In the ...
Radu Dumbrăveanu's user avatar
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Relation between “formal verification”, “formal proof”, and “type systems” for software verification?

I have a vague understanding what formal verification is about, a vague understanding of what the cutting edge is of type theory for programming languages, and a better understanding of formal proofs. ...
user56834's user avatar
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What is the difference between the choice operator and nondeterminism in CSP?

I'm learning CSP now for my research. First time doing formal work in CS. I'm having a hard time understanding the difference between choice $\square$ operator and the nondeterminism $\sqcap$ operator....
Raiden Worley's user avatar
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Most efficient unification algorithm?

I've been trying to find the most efficient unification algorithm by following reference chains on the Wikipedia article on unification. As far as I can tell, the fastest one is the one presented in "...
michaelsnowden's user avatar
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Does Rice's theorem apply to sequential logic circuits?

I am wondering if Rice's theorem (or something similar to that) applies also to sequential circuits. I.e. given any finite sequential circuit, can there be an algorithm that can formally verify any ...
Grisu47's user avatar
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Passing arrays vs functions as arguments in SMT?

In SAT Modulo Theories (SMT), with the theory of uninterpreted functions, all functions are first order, that is, they don't take functions as arguments or return functions. In the theory of arrays, ...
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
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Novel escape analysis algorithm for Java

Today I read a very interesting article about escape analysis in Java called Escape Analysis for Object Oriented Languages: Application to Java I think I have some grasp on how escape analysis works ...
Gaslight Deceive Subvert's user avatar
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State-of-the-art for Set Constraints?

I've recently stumbled across the field of Set constraints for program analysis, that is, solving equations of the form $exp_1 \subseteq exp_2$, where (depending on the particular variant of the ...
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
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Proving weak simulation

I want to prove something but I am not sure if it is the right way to do it. I have two LTS that define different semantics. A=($Q_a,Λ,\to)$, and B=$(Q_b,Λ\cup\{\beta\},\leadsto)$, where $\beta$ is ...
Mr. D's user avatar
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Is there any open-source tools for verifying TCTL formulae over timed automata can be imported into my project?

In my project, there is one important step to automatically verify a timed automata with TCTL formulae. I briefly surveyed the tool UPPAAL that provides a GUI to construct a timed automata and to ...
Yiling Yang's user avatar
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How to convert wp equations into linear algebra equations?

I am reading this paper [1], wherein the authors first formulated a safety constraint in terms of wp equations. Then, they converted the equations into linear algebra form. As per section 4.3, their ...
desert_ranger's user avatar
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How to deal with missing variables when utilizing weakest precondition for verification?

I am reading the example given in [1], section 4.2. It deals with applying weakest precondition (wp) rules to ensure that the velocity of a car doesn't exceed a certain limit. We have the following ...
desert_ranger's user avatar
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How do I prove relations of two CTL formulas?

If I have two CTL equations, how do I prove they're equivalent or that one implies the other? What's the general approach? Disproving is obvious, but I am unable to figure out how to prove the ...
JobHunter69's user avatar
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Rationale behind prefix-closure in CSP trace semantics

I'm currently studying Hoare's "Communicating Sequential Processes" (1) and I've come across a concept that I find a bit puzzling. In CSP trace semantics, a process's semantics are described ...
nasosev's user avatar
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confusion with regard to constructive axiom

we say that a constructive axiom is an equality axiom $u = s$ : whose left member $u$ is a pattern, whose right member $s$ is any term whose variables are all appearing in $u$. and yet we say of $...
V_head's user avatar
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What is known about the possibility of making a program to validate another program for correctness?

I'm having a question inspired by exercise 14 from section 1.2.1 of Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming. It's phrased in the following way: (R. W. Floyd) Prepare a computer program that ...
Rusurano's user avatar
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SMT validity solvers/ quantifier elimination in Ocaml

I am working on my own expression package in Ocaml and have to perform both validity queries and quantifier elimination. I have already implemented Cooper's procedure (for Presburger and Linear ...
Theo Deep's user avatar
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Is assignment atomic in Promela?

Is assignment atomic is Promela? That is, can concurrent x = value1; and x = value2; produce anything different from value1 ...
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Prove that set of operations form a commutative Monoid

this is my first post on this exchange. I am looking for some help with defining a proof that a set of operations I have designed forms a commutative monoid. (Disclaimer: I am not sure that I have ...
goral's user avatar
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How Model Checking works with User Interaction

In order to understand how to apply Model Checking, I am wondering how to apply it to a pseudo-realistic async program. Say I have the following pseudocode: ...
Lance's user avatar
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How to Construct Kripke Structure States from Nested Functions

Say I have these defined functions: ...
Lance's user avatar
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Determining when equal 2CNF has pure literal

Let us assume that we have a 2CNF $\varphi(X,y)$. Then we want to see if there is equal formula where $y$ (or $\overline y$) is pure literal. Can this be done in polynomial time? Are there some ...
rus9384's user avatar
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Operational Semantics - Include SKIP, SEQUENCE and IF?

I'm writing a paper for a programming languages workshop in which I have to describe the semantics of a new optimization for Java using Operational Semantics, small step style. I have never used ...
El Marce's user avatar
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How to prevent the change of other objects in Z specification?

I have Z specification of Banking system, whose fragments are: and I think that the specification is OK, but my professor says that this specifiction is completely wrong, because AddAccount ...
TomR's user avatar
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Effective method for simulating program's cycle

I'm looking for an effective method to simulate a program. Why I am needing this is because sometimes I can only have the program's description, code, and all I have left is pen and paper when I want ...
f855a864's user avatar
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Logical conjunction of two binary decision diagrams

Compute a BDD for $B_{1} \wedge B_{2}$ by using an algorithm that applies dynamic programming. Document the execution of the algorithm by indicating pairs of BDDs $(q_{1},q_{2})$ and the BDD $q_{1} \...
Uriel's user avatar
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Evaluate under Hoare logic

Evaluate WP(a = i + 2; i=i+1, ((a=6)^(i=5)) WP(x=x+1,y=y-1. (xxy>0)) wp(if x > 2 then y = 1 else y = -1,(x > 0)) wp(while n <> 0 do n:=n-1; n = 10) wp(while n = 0 do n:=n-1; n=-10) wp(...
Salma muhammad's user avatar
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Minimum DNF length of a conjuction of equivalences

Show that the formula $\bigcap_{i=1}^n (X_i \leftrightarrow Y_i)$ cannot have an equivalent disjunctive normal form with less than $2^n$ clauses. I am puzzled on what approach to take -- whether to ...
DesmondMiles's user avatar
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Hoare Triple Logic

I'm having trouble understanding the logic behind Hoare Triples. The question asks for the missing value of the precondition {X} ...
Redone123's user avatar
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Z-Specification = Routes

Im trying to make an invariant for this Z schema about routes. 1) The invariant should express that each route should contain at least 20 different places. First of all i thought of doing a universal ...
Jim's user avatar
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Formal language representation of program

I have numerous records, composed of words. Each word gets translated into vectors, with a variable number of channels, provided that that word exists in a specific lookup dictionary. For n number of ...
Stumbler's user avatar
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What is the name for the theory that guarantees proof for negative and not for all possible positives

I have heard of some people mentioning the general rule that says that you can only ever guarantee that a program will not capture the negative cases but you can never guarantee that it captures all ...
rapidclock's user avatar