Questions tagged [halting-problem]

Questions concerning the Halting problem which is to decide whether a given a program halts on a given input.

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Difficulty in the halting problem for a simple Turing machine with standard enumerations of programs and of initial tape configurations

Preparations Consider a Turing machine with just one head and one tape (on which the head may move left, move right, or remain stationary), and with just two symbols ("blank" and "non-blank"). The ...
user12262's user avatar
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Detecting loops in NPDAs

I'm aware that the halting problem is solvable for PDAs, but I have recently discovered that I am wrong about how to actually do it. I used to think that you could detect an infinite loop by meeting ...
Ben I.'s user avatar
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Does this paper by Patrick Cousot describe an undecidable method for model checking?

All of the discussion is in the context of this paper. I think that the whole procedure that the paper describes is not decidable, because if we can have an algorithm for it, then we can solve halting ...
Senmorta's user avatar
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Are Turing machines with a limited but exponential tape decidable?

The Halting problem for Turing machines which work on a tape of at most $k$ cells can be solved: There is a limited number of distinct configurations available, providing an upper bound of steps ...
mafu's user avatar
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An approximation variant of the halting problem

It always has been bugging me that we (humans) know pretty easily when most programs we write halt or not, but the halting problem is still undecidable. I have just thought of a variant approximation-...
nir shahar's user avatar
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Mapping reduction from $A_{TM}$ exercise

Let $L = \{\langle M \rangle \mid \text{M is a TM which accepts only the string "010"}\}$. Prove that $L$ is undecidable. This is my solution, reducing $A_{TM}$ to $L$: $R(\langle M,w \rangle)$ ...
MoreOver's user avatar
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How much is decidability compromised within this restriction of the fixpoint combinator?

Though purely functional programming languages, such as Haskell, is commonly thought to have no side-effects, there is a caveat: Recursive calls may hang. I considered this to be undesirable, and ...
Dannyu NDos's user avatar
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Understanding unprovable halting, model theory, and (in)completeness

I know computability, but not model theory and logic, so this question may be naive or confused in that respect. A blog post of Scott Aaronson mentions a Turing Machine $M^*$ such that the statement P:...
usul's user avatar
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Why do PDAs always halt?

Can’t a PDA get stuck in a cycle of blank transitions? Should the implementation detect such cycles and do something about them? That seems quite complex to consider all the edge cases. Does the ...
HappyFace's user avatar
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How to reduce $\overline{K} \leq L$, or how to show semi-decidability of a given language?

I'm currently preparing for an exam and I'm having trouble to solve the following Questions. Let $w \in \{0,1\}^*$ and let $L$ be a language defined as follows $$L = \{w \mid \mathsf{time}_{M_w}(x) \...
Algebruh's user avatar
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If a turing machine can't solve the halting problem for a machine X, does this imply that X is at least as powerful as a turing machine?

Say I have a deterministic machine X, and I prove that a turing machine can't solve the halting problem for this machine when given a certain input. Does this imply that this machine X is turing-...
Andrew Rashenda's user avatar
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Is Halting problem only applicable to infinite languages

Is the halting problem, only applicable for infinite languages? I assume that if the language is finite, then we can search over all words?
WeCanBeFriends's user avatar
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How to create model for a powerful language whose programs are guaranteed to terminate?

I'm creating a powerful regular expression matching system that can be augmented by adding small microprograms to deterministic finite automaton (DFA) states. The microprogram solves the big bang ...
juhist's user avatar
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Is there an impossibility to mechanically distinguish between sets and classes?

Assuming only computable functions, and in line with set theory, defining a "proper class" as a collection that is itself not allowed to be a member of a set. A "collection" is then defined as either ...
erik's user avatar
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Computational models where halting problem is solvable

Are there computational models that can be considered useful for solving common programming problems, where it can be proven that computation will terminate for all possible inputs?
zduny's user avatar
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What portion of all possible turing machines halt?

Has anyone estimated Chaitin's constant for Turing machines with an empty tape as input?
Alecto Irene Perez's user avatar
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Reducing Halting Problem to Acceptor for TM

We have $A_{TM}=\{(M,w)|M$ is a TM, $w\in \Sigma^*_{TM},M$ accepts $w\}$ We intend to show that $HALT(M,w)\leq_T A_{TM}$ i.e. if we are given a machine for $A_{TM}$, we can decide whether $M$ halts ...
User Not Found's user avatar
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Is there evidence to suggest Macsyma was directed at the Diophantine equations in the Entscheidungsproblem?

I'm reading the book The Annotated Turing by Charles Petzold. In it he mentions the Diophantine equations - which was a joy to read. This then lead to Hilbert's 10th problem - finding an algorithm ...
hawkeye's user avatar
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Is $f$ which returns the $n$-th word in $\overline{H_{TM,\epsilon}}$ computable?

The question itself: Let $f:\mathbb{N}\to\Sigma^\star$ be such that $f(n)$ returns the $n$-th word in $\overline{H_{TM,\epsilon}}$ (which is the complement of the language of TMs which accept $\...
Don Fanucci's user avatar
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IsDefined predicate computable?

I am working on a computability assignment, I want to define a helper predicate IsDefined by: $IsDefinied(x,n) = \{ 1$ if $\Phi^{(1)}(x,n)$ is defined, $0$ otherwise. Where $\Phi^{(1)}$ is the ...
McAngus's user avatar
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Is the halting problem a matter of an encoding scheme ?

I was reading about the halting problem recently, there is a video on youtube where it tries to explain the halting problem easily (since it is complicated to explain). So, (A,C & H) have ...
Henry akpo's user avatar
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Mapping Reduction from HALT?

I've been given a task to determine whether L={〈M〉|M is a TM that loops on the input c (a constant)} is decidable. I can prove co-L is recognizable so I figured a reduction from HALT to co-L would ...
Diode's user avatar
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How do people working on the Busy Beaver function keep track of all the turing machines?

I'm a CS undergrad so forgive me if this question isn't formulated well. I got curious about the Busy Beaver function recently, and it got me wondering how all the n-state Turing machines are kept ...
Slim Shady's user avatar
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Effectively universal Turing machines and Turing-completeness?

An effectively universal Turing machine $T$ is a Turing machine for which there exists a recursive reduction $f$ such that $\forall A:U(A)=T(f(A))$, where $A, f(A)$ are finite sequences of symbols (...
rus9384's user avatar
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A program that solves the Halting Problem for programs with N states

My question relates to the conclusions drawn from the Halting Problem. I understand that the Halting Problem proves that no program H(P,i) exists that determines if P(i) halts or not for P in general. ...
Vincenzo Buselli's user avatar
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Reduce A ∶= {x ∈ N ∣ x < 10} to Halting Problem on empty tape

I am preparing for an exam in computability and still learning about the idea of reductions. I found an interesting problem to start with and am curious if my approach is correct: Let H0 be the ...
dport's user avatar
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Does exist an algorithm that decides whether a program halts or not as its timeout approaches to infinity?

By an algorithm $A(p, t)$ attempting to decide whether the program $p$ halts or not by running the program for $t$ seconds (the timeout) and trying to prove that it doesn't halt at the same time, can ...
sbh's user avatar
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Reduction from a language with unknown decidability to HALT

We were taught to use reductions in order to show that a given L is undecidable. My question is, given some definition of a new L, is there a way to find a reduction $$ L\leq_mHALT $$ So that I can ...
John's user avatar
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Is game of life an example to halting problem?

I am working on a solution that can say if an initial composition is going to live forever or eventually die without calculating each generation until it reaches a stable or an ever-repeating cycle in ...
Yağız Alp Ersoy's user avatar
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Reduction from Diophantine Equation Problem to Halting Problem

I want to study the reduction from the Diophantine Equation Problem (Hilbert's tenth problem) to the Halting problem. Can you either explain it to me or give me a credible source from which I can ...
Mgh's user avatar
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Is there a good example of computing a sequence that illustrates the Halting Problem?

I know that Busy Beaver problem can be used to illustrate the Halting Problem and it's probably the canonical problem used when talking about the Halting Problme . But long time ago I came across some ...
RubenLaguna's user avatar
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proof that halting problem is undecidable

In the book Formal languages and automata by Peter Linz, 4th edition (Jones & Bartlett Learning), on pages 300-301, there is a proof for the fact that the halting problem is undecidable. The proof ...
Ronald's user avatar
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How should I imagine $M_w[\epsilon]\downarrow$ for the empty halting problem or $M_w[w]\downarrow$

I'm learning about computability problems e.g. reducing the general halting problem to the halting problem on a blank tape. But before I can understand this problem I first have to understand what ...
linuxxx's user avatar
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Is this version of the halting problem NONELEMENTARY?

Input: A TM $M$ and an integer $k$. Output: Yes if $M$ halts within $2\uparrow\uparrow k$ steps (where $\uparrow\uparrow$ is tetration (iterated exponentiation)). Intuitively, it seems like this has ...
N O's user avatar
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halting problem vs watchdog

I have a theory that all finite state machines can be monitored by a second turing machine with infinite tape to determine if the state of the first machine was repeated thus reaching the conclusion ...
acacia's user avatar
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Other than correlation of events, what is the halting problem about?

Object B can be in two state 1(stopped), and 2(running) at an arbitrary time t in the future. Object A can be in two states x, and y at t0. However, if A is in state x, B must be in state 2 at t, and ...
frt132's user avatar
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Can you write an algorithm that can generalize another algorithm?

Can you write an algorithm which can take in a given function/algorithm, and produce a distribution of generalizations of the function at hand? One such simple example of generalization might mean the ...
ZeroMaxinumXZ's user avatar
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Computability of a halting oracle for a specific class of machines

Let us consider the set of machines/algorithms with constant inputs (I would have preferred to say no inputs but I was told that every algorithm/machine has to have an input). We call $\mathcal{M}$ ...
C Marius's user avatar
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Why is it impossible to iterate over all TMs with $n$ states and $k$ symbols that halt after $m$ steps on $\epsilon$?

Define $\{\sigma(n,k,m,i)\}_{i=1}^{l_m}$ an ordered set of all TMs with $n$ states and $k$ symbols that halt after $m$ steps on $\epsilon$ There are $(2kn)^{kn}$ TMs with $n$ states and $k$ symbols, ...
user10364768's user avatar
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Can a pushdown automaton solve the halting problem for another Pushdown automaton?

Can a pushdown automaton solve the halting problem for another Pushdown automaton? It's already shown here turing machine can solve the halting problem for a pushdown automaton. Decidability of ...
blademan9999's user avatar
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Is the undecidability of a given problem undecidable?

Given an input problem P, can you construct an algorithm A to compute whether or not P is decidable or undecidable? In other words, is the undecidabiliy of a problem undecidable? My initial guess is ...
ZeroMaxinumXZ's user avatar
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Can a halting configurations of a Turing Machine has the same state of another configuration has?

At first, I believed since the state a halting configuration is at will be a halting state, whenever a configuration goes into that state, the TM halts. Hence, there should not exist two ...
MayRain's user avatar
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Reduction of HP to L3

I want to make the following reduction: HP is the Halting Problem: HP = {w#x | w, x ∈ {0,1}* , Mw halts on input x} w is the binary coded turing machine Mw. L3 is the problem which asks, if M ...
pjs's user avatar
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how to prove that the diagonal language K is r.e

To prove that K= $\{x \mid \phi_x(x)$ halts and accepts$\}$ is r.e.: we can recognize K by: for any x, we simply run x on machine $\phi_x$ and accept if the machine accpets else reject and that's it.....
user352102's user avatar
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How to properly reduce a set of TMs to the halting problem?

Consider a standard enumeration of Turing machines ($T_0, T_1, T_2$, ...). Then, let language A be defined as $A = \{n \in\mathbb N | T_n(\lambda) \downarrow\}$. I need to reduce it to the halting ...
WOW's user avatar
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Can machines of finite size ever solve their own halting problems?

A real-life computer can only store programs and inputs up to a certain length, which means that its halting problem can be solved with a lookup table. The most obvious way to represent this table ...
Display Name's user avatar
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Need Help Understanding Proof by Contradiction for Halting Problem

I understand what the halting problem describes, but I do not understand how the proof by contradiction associated with it proves that it is impossible to solve. The proof by contradiction can be ...
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Can there be an oracle that solves its own halting problem?

Since the same contradiction from the Turing machine is still there, we allow the oracle not always return an exact value, and say it solves the halting problem if the probability of returning "HALT" ...
l4m2's user avatar
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How did Turing prove that there is no general process to determine whether a Turing Machine is unsatisfactory?

In the book The Annotated Turing, Charles Pezold writes: Because Turing Machines are entirely defined by a Description Number, it might be possible to create a Turing Machine that analyzes these ...
hawkeye's user avatar
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Reducing the halting problem to the uniform halting problem

As stated here
Daniel Stodůlka's user avatar