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7 votes
2 answers

Confusion with analysis of hashing with chaining

I was attending a class on analysis of hash tables implemented using chaining, and the professor said that: In a hash table in which collisions are resolved by chaining, an search (successful or ...
daltonfury42's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How exactly Hashing performs better than a Binary Search?

The time complexity of a Binary Search is O(log n) and Hashing is O(1) - so I've read. I have also read that Hashing outperforms Binary search when input is large, for example in millions. But I see ...
amsquareb's user avatar
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3 answers

Is the capacity of a hash table a constant value?

In this paper, page 4, it is said: "...there is always a constant expected number of elements that map to the same slot" Assume we have a set $S$ of $n$ values, and we want to insert them into a ...
Aydin's user avatar
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Counting letter frequency in array in O(1) with hash function

I want to calculate the frequency of each character in an array. (e.g ['a', 'b', 'o', 'p'] There are several ways to do this: A Simple brute-force over the array would need $O(n^2)$ time and $O(n)$ ...
HelloWorld's user avatar
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Cuckoo hashing with a stash: how tight are the bounds on the failure probability?

I was reading this very good summary of Cuckoo hashing. It includes a result (page 5) that: A stash of constant sizes reduces the probability of any failure to fall from $\Theta(1/n)$ to $\Theta(...
Daniel-耶稣活着's user avatar
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What is the average search complexity of perfect hashing?

The lookup time in perfect hash-tables is $O(1)$ in the worst case. Does that simply mean that the average should be $\leq O(1)$?
chiiii's user avatar
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Complexity of inserting an integer to an empty hashtable

What's the complexity of inserting an integer $n$ to an empty hash table? My guess is that it's $O(\log n)$ as we require to scan every bit of $n$ to compute its hash. However, I often see it as $O(1)...
SpiderRico's user avatar