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Number of unique values in array in $\theta(n)$ average expected time

My idea is to initialize a hash table (with chaining) with $n$ cells, having load factor $\alpha = 1$ hence having $\theta(1)$ expected number of values in each cell in the hash table, then go cell by ...
user183748292's user avatar
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Does hashing under the Simple Uniform Hashing Assumption battle worst-case adversaries the same way quick sort does?

One common way for algorithms to battle adversarial inputs is by acting randomly. One popular example is quicksort and choosing pivots randomly (this sort of notions is explained well in section 5.3 ...
Charlie Parker's user avatar
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How would you implement truly random hash functions in practice?

Suppose that $[U] = [0,...,U-1]$ is the universe from which all elements will be taken, and $A$ a hash table of size $m$. A hash function $h:[U]\rightarrow[m]$ is truly random if For any set of ...
jsguy's user avatar
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Tradoff between space and false positive rate when using bloom filters

Bloom Filters have false positive rate of $\epsilon = 2^{-k}$ with a data structure of size $m = n\log (\frac{1}{\epsilon})\ln 2$. Suppose you fix the number of hash functions at $k \le 3$. What is ...
Kelsey's user avatar
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