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Questions tagged [hoare-logic]

Questions about Hoare's logical framework for program correctness proofs and variants.

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Hoare Logic with how to find post condition

Consider the following program snippet: {a>0∧b>0} as a precondition. Which of the following formulas is a postcondition for this program? ...
Ngân Võ Hoàng's user avatar
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How to convert wp equations into linear algebra equations?

I am reading this paper [1], wherein the authors first formulated a safety constraint in terms of wp equations. Then, they converted the equations into linear algebra form. As per section 4.3, their ...
desert_ranger's user avatar
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How to deal with missing variables when utilizing weakest precondition for verification?

I am reading the example given in [1], section 4.2. It deals with applying weakest precondition (wp) rules to ensure that the velocity of a car doesn't exceed a certain limit. We have the following ...
desert_ranger's user avatar
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How did this work apply weakest precondition rule on their example car problem?

While reading the example given in [1]., I couldn't understand how the authors set up the logic to compute the weakest preconditions (wp) in their car example in section 4.2. The dynamics of the ...
desert_ranger's user avatar
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Hoare Logic: Identifying Hoare Triple given a simple function

The program is designed to start with values for $x$ and $y$. The variables $u1$​ and $u2$​ are intended to represent $x$ and $y$ in ascending order. Provide suitable preconditions and postconditions ...
User's user avatar
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Evaluate under Hoare logic

Evaluate WP(a = i + 2; i=i+1, ((a=6)^(i=5)) WP(x=x+1,y=y-1. (xxy>0)) wp(if x > 2 then y = 1 else y = -1,(x > 0)) wp(while n <> 0 do n:=n-1; n = 10) wp(while n = 0 do n:=n-1; n=-10) wp(...
Salma muhammad's user avatar
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Hoare's partition original method

So I was reading the Hoare's partition part of the Quicksort wiki and it says: "With respect to this original description, implementations often make minor but important variations. Notably, the ...
Reggie Hurley's user avatar
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Hoare triple: introducing Loop invariant and partial correctness

Hoare Triple formalizes program correctness, which contains postcondition, program and precondition such as $\vdash P \{Q\} R$ Provided code snippet: ...
Bruce's user avatar
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Hoare Triple Derivation Example (Precondition False)

How can i derive this Hoare Tripel? {false} x := x + 1; {x = 0} I do not know which rule should i use on this. I am confused on this wrong precondition.
40er's user avatar
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Use Hoare axiom for array-componenet assignment to determine the weakest pre-condition

ASSERT( P ) /* determine what is P */ A[i] = A[m]; A[k] = 2; ASSERT( A[i] == x + 5 )
Anonymous's user avatar
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Logic foundation for formal verification

What types of logic should one study as foundation before diving into the area of software verification? What I can think of are: Hoare Logic (for proving correctness of imperative programs) Linear ...
a_fan's user avatar
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Hoare's Axiom Scheme Precondition

I have a question about determining preconditions for Hoare's Axiom Scheme. For example, if we have P { x=2 } x==1 and we are trying to determine the precondition, ...
James Teller's user avatar
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Hoare Triple Logic

I'm having trouble understanding the logic behind Hoare Triples. The question asks for the missing value of the precondition {X} ...
Redone123's user avatar
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How to prove a segment of a program (Hoare-logic)

Problem: A segment of a program is shown below: ⋮ _ _ _ _ _ _ z = x - 7; (|z = 5 ∧ n = 4|) ⋮ What is the dashed line hiding? My solution: I think the dashed line ...
August Jelemson's user avatar
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How to determine the pre and post conditions of a program (Hoare-logic)

Problem Below is a program named X: y = 1; while(y < x){ y = 10 * y; } What does this program X do? What are appropriate pre and post conditions? (Assume ...
August Jelemson's user avatar
5 votes
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proving program equivalence

I understand that the general problem of program equivalence is undecidable, but I'm wondering what approaches exist to tackle the problem? I am familiar with Hoare-style verification, but are there ...
user120913's user avatar
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Hoare Logic for Factorial

I came across this hoare logic for factorials but I don't quite understand it. We multiply F and X but we're not adding up all values of F so how do we get the sum/factorial at the end? Precondition: ...
x89's user avatar
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Is true * true = true in Separation Logic?

I am trying to show that the following interference is unsound in terms of Separation Logic: $$ (p_0 \implies p_1) \implies ((p_0 * q) \implies (p_1 * q)) $$ I came up with the following values for ...
Mateusz Piotrowski's user avatar
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How to find the loop invariant in hoare triples

Hey I am new to Hoare triples, and I can't understand on finding the loop invariants in hypothesis. For example this while loop ...
HelloWorld's user avatar
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Why is the assignment rule the way it is in Hoare Logic?

Why is the assignment rule the way it is in Hoare Logic/Axiomatic Semantics? I can't wrap my head around why the assignment rule is backwards from what I expected. I understand Hoare logic is use to ...
Charlie Parker's user avatar
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I cannot find an invariant for the following program

I have the following: (|$y=0; x=c$|) while(x > 0){y=y+a; x=x-1;} (|$y= a*c$|) This seems like a fairly simple program and I can intuitively tell that the post ...
KetDog's user avatar
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How to prove program solves the problem?

I am preparing for the exam on Theory of Programming class. Now I am trying to solve the task from the sample paper: Task description starts here Given the following problem: A problem is given by ...
Joe Rakhimov's user avatar
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Confusion about assignment axiom in Hoare logic

I wanted to know if we are given the f.f.g. Hoare triple: {x = 43}x := x + 1{x = 44} How do we show that this is a valid Hoare triple? My attempt was: Using the assignment axiom: {x + 1 = 43} x := ...
rert588's user avatar
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Formal semantics of a mutable/imperative stack

When introducing formal semantics for data structures, immutable stacks are a nice simple example : $\mathit{is\_empty}(\mathit{create()})=\mathrm{True}$ $\mathit{is\_empty}(\mathit{push}(e, s))=\...
ysalmon's user avatar
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Hoare triple: Loop invariant and correctness

The following Hoare triple in which variable a is an array of integers, and len, max, i, n, j and m are integer-valued variables. Provide a loop invariant (using predicate logic) suitable for proving ...
BoiD's user avatar
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Hoare triple: Loop invariant and partial correctness

Below there is Hoare triple in which variable $a$ is an array of integers, $len$, $x, i$ are integer-valued variables, and $r$ is a Boolean-valued variable. I have to provide a loop invariant (using ...
BoiD's user avatar
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Can we ignore the postcondition in the Hoare conditional rule when there is a return statement?

I'm proving the correctness of naive string matching using Hoare logic. I have the following pseudocode: ...
Data's user avatar
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Hoare logic, proving conjunction rule from basic rules, possible or not?

(This is HW.) Suppose I have these following proof rules given. I am currently considering if I can prove the conjunction rule (given below) from the above given Hoare logic rules. My answer would ...
runeblaze's user avatar
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The Law of Excluded Miracle in the language of guarded commands

The definition of weakest precondition is familiar (let me use Isabelle's syntax here): definition "wp c Q s ≡ ∃t. (c,s) ⇒ t ∧ Q t" the weakest precondition ...
user1868607's user avatar
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Bottleneck in Hoare Logic unable to arrive at my {P} from {Q}

{Q} = {n>0} C1 = i := 1; C2 = c := 1; C3 = p := 0; {P} = {i<=n, p = fib(i-1), c = fib(i)} My lack of understanding towards the rule of consequence in hoare logic is blocking me from find the ...
Jerry Sui's user avatar
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How to solve for the precondition give a postcondtion that must satisfy two conditions

I tried solving past exam question but there is this one that I haven't been able to solve. The question states that a suitable precondition should be found for the statement. $$ a= i +2; i++\{(a = ...
Jsph's user avatar
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How to prove a side effect in a function

I asked a question earlier about Saving to the Database, which was very general and about the requirements for a proof when you go through many layers of non-verified systems such as the network and ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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How to prove $c = a + b$ using Program Verification Techniques

I am trying to prove an elementary thing, but it seems at some point you get down to atoms where you can't prove anything else. This is why I am wondering about proving $c = a + b$, it seems like an ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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The difference between a Hoare Triple/Assertion and a Typed Function

I have been trying to wrap my head around applying Hoare Logic and am running into the question of how Hoare triples are any different from (simply) a typed function. That is, say you have a typed ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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How to use Hoare Logic to Prove this Assertion

Given this assertion in Hoare Logic: \begin{align} &\mathbf{\{p >= 0\}}\\ &s = 0 ; n = 1 ;\\ &\mathtt{while}\ (n <= p)\ \{\\ &\quad s = s + n ;\\ &\quad n = n + 1\\ &\}\\...
HareSurf's user avatar
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Understanding Hoare Logic Axioms

Given these 5 axioms of Hoare Logic: \begin{array}{cl} \frac{}{\{\phi([x \leftarrow E])\}\ x := E\ \{\phi(x)\}} & \mathtt{Assignment}\\\\ \frac{\{\phi\}\ P_1\ \{\eta\} \quad \{\eta\}\ P_2\ \{\psi\...
HareSurf's user avatar
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How to apply Hoare Logic to this function

I would like to apply Hoare Logic to realistic, complex imperative programs that use while loops, if statements, functions, modules, etc. and have side effects (e.g. access the network). In order to ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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Hoare-Logic: Requirements for imperfect data types

Theoretically, Hoare-Logic let's one prove the correctness of an algorithm, given pre- and post-condition. However, as far as I've seen it so far, one idealizes his data-types to a mathematical set ...
Sudix's user avatar
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Loop termination - Loop invariant

(x >= 0 && y >= 0) q = 0; r = x; while ( r >=y ) { r = r - y; q = q + 1; } (x = q*y +r) && (r >= 0) && (r < y) For ...
user avatar
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Find the loop invariant of the given while loop

I don't know how to find a loop invariant. I'm not sure where to start. Can anyone find the loop invariant of the given program and explain your method please. ...
the_martian's user avatar
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Inference rules for deriving invariants in Hoare logic

The following algorithm is supposed to compare two strings $S_1$ and $S_2$ ("/\" for empty string): ...
hengxin's user avatar
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Developing invariants for comparing two strings

The following algorithm is supposed to compare two strings $S_1$ and $S_2$ ("/\" for empty string): ...
hengxin's user avatar
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what is the 'x :=' part mean in a hoare triple?

In Hoare logic, there's a thing called a Hoare triple, e.g.$$ \begin{array}{ccccc} \{x = 2\} & & x := x+1 & & \{x = 3\} \end{array}. $$ What does '$x :=$' mean?
Tremmer Scott's user avatar
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how to solve Hoare logic problems

I'm having trouble proving Hoare logic questions as I'm not sure of the process that is taken to prove them. I understand that they're rules such as assignment axiom, pre-condition strengthening, post-...
Tremmer Scott's user avatar
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Counting the number of occurences - loop invariant

I'm trying to come up with loop invariant for the following program. k = a[0] m = 1 p = 1 while p < n: if a[p] == k: m += 1 p += 1 return m I ...
Paweł's user avatar
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True Postcondition, with true Precondition

In my exam preparation I stumbled across the follwoing exercise regarding pre and postconditions: As far as I understood the question, we need to express some condition for p, such that if that ...
Stefan's user avatar
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Finding weakest precondition

I have the following program x := y + 1; if (y > 0) then x := x + y else x := y + 100; x := x + y; I want to compute the weakest precondition for getting <...
Md Rezowan Hossain Suvro's user avatar
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How to get Loop invariants to prove program is correct in Hoare logic

start off stating the definition of a loop invariant. It is a condition that must be true at the start of the loop and must be true after each iteration of the loop. I understand what it is but i have ...
Cathal Brady's user avatar
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Continuation-passing style: what is meant by "CPS'ing"?

I'm reading Dijkstra Monads for Free for a presentation I'll be doing and it's pretty meaty. One of the things that I keep running into is the term "CPS'ing". I've read a little bit on ...
Ben Kushigian's user avatar
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Expression of the weakest precondition of a while loop

I am interested in computing weakest preconditions (WP) of loops. If I refer to Wikipedia "Predicate Transformer semantics", the WP for e.g. total correction of a loop annotated with an invariant I ...
Zooky's user avatar
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