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3 answers

Can there exist a deque like data structure that supports amortized $O(1)$ random access?

A lot of modern languages usually have a "list" or "vector" structure which allows for amortized $O(1)$ append and removal from back as well as amortized $O(1)$ random access. I'm ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Linear time alg for checking if numbers in a list are close

Suppose we have an unsorted list of $n$ integers. What is the best algorithm we could use to detect if there exists a pair of ints that are 'close' to each other. Close being within some arbitrary int ...
shrizzy's user avatar
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0 answers

Keeping in a list a list of recent insertions/removal to/from a list of lists

I have a list of lists T. I stress test my database software by randomly adding and removing sublists and elements of sublists to/from T and from/to my database. (After this I compare T with the ...
porton's user avatar
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1 answer

Logic for Computer Science - How to define msort, merge and split functions inductively?

In "Modelling Computing Systems: Mathematics for Computer Science", I came across a logic exercise to inductively define a merge sort function 'mergeSort', with a hint to first define ...
infinicky's user avatar
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What is the literature implementation of self-organizing lists?

I'm trying to implement self-organizing lists DS to publish as a public module. Over the course of Algorithms, we learnt that if you add a new element to the list, it should still do the huriectics. ...
vesii's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Efficiently sorting a list of integers depending on the index of said integers in a second list

Introduction Hi everyone, I am currently pondering how to efficiently design an algorithm for a sorting problem and hope that someone here may help me out a bit. The problem I have two lists of ...
IMayBeABitShy's user avatar
5 votes
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Prove: Self-organizing list that uses Move-to-Front is 2-Competitive

Preparing for my finals in my "advances algorithms" course. Usually there is a question to prove one of the theorems that was given over the course. I'm currently trying to write a full ...
vesii's user avatar
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0 answers

Design a data-structure $BankAccount$ that supports the following operations in constant time complexity

Problem: Design a data-structure $BankAccount$ that supports the following operations in $ \underline{\text{constant time complexity}} $. Meaning $O(1) $. $Init()$ - initializes bank account $L$ with ...
flamel12's user avatar
  • 233
1 vote
1 answer

Why doesn't this implementation of Skip List simply return the current node when its key is equal to the query key?

I was studying Skip Lists in section 3.10 of Advanced Data Structures by Peter Brass and was confused about a detail of how the search algorithm in implemented. (This is self-study, not homework). The ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
1 vote
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Finding max values at a point given a list of ranges

In coding competitions I usually see problems that involve dealing with values in given ranges. A typical example is, given a list of 3-tuples defined as so ...
nick2225's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is there another type of list than arraylist and linked-list?

My question is not about how arraylists or linked-lists work, but why there aren't other types of lists. From my understanding, memory is accessed linearly by adresses. Thus, you have the choice to ...
Moritz Groß's user avatar
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1 answer

Position in the Linked-list

I am reading Data Structures and Algorithms by Alfred Aho, Jeffrey Ullman, et al. In the section about lists it's said: We should note that a position in a linked-list implementation of a list ...
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3 answers

What do you call a data structure containing multiple lists?

I was thinking about a data structure to make concatenation of lists easier, something that contains multiple lists (in a sequence) internally, but can be treated as a single contiguous list. I know ...
user's user avatar
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2 answers

A silly doubt on Computer Science Objects: Arrays, Lists, Strings, and Vectors, are they the same concept?

First of all I'm a Physics Student and I've been arguing with my brother concerning the usage and the fundamental meaning of a vector on Computer Science (CS). I) Vectors A vector have a axiomatic ...
M.N.Raia's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the difference between python list and c++ vector?

I read about the similarities between the python list and c++ vector and it looks as if the only difference is python list is heterogeneous. Are there any other differences? How are they both ...
snatchysquid's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the theoretical result of flattening a list containing only itself?

Consider the following python code X = [None] X[0] = X This has many fun properties such as X[0] == X and ...
WillDarragh's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Generate slice that contains element

Suppose I have the array: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] Now based on few parameters: current_item - currently selected item. <...
Daniel's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the name of the data structure that is a tree on the backend but has a list like API?

I'm looking for the name of a data structure. It is organized like a balanced tree. The elements need not be comparable. Instead of asking if the tree contains a thing (like you would with a ...
DanielV's user avatar
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1 answer

Historical examples of bad security policies/mechanisms that we got stuck with through switching costs?

The following process seems to be a recurring one: Initial design. Commercial organisations invent and implement a design that seems at the time to work. Problem discovered, new design suggested. Due ...
user56834's user avatar
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2 answers

Sorting a large list of test scores

You have a large list (say N > 10000) of test scores which you would like to sort. The test scores are between 1 and 100. What is quickest way to sort the list? First thought. We have a O(N log N) ...
Trajan's user avatar
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Difference between a skiplist and an Indexable skiplist

Can someone please help me understand the main differences between a simple skiplist and an indexable skiplist? How does an indexable skiplist work in comparison to a normal skiplist (maybe a little ...
hulihula's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Minimizing the iterative sum of pairs of numbers in a list

Given the tuple (list, value): $$\left(\left[x_1, x_2, \cdots x_n\right], y\right)$$ You may choose two adjacent values in the list to modify the tuple as: $$\left(\left[x_1, x_2, \cdots x_{i-1}, (...
user18764's user avatar
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1 answer

Lazy streams and infinite series

I just started Unix System Programming with Standard ML and starting on page 22 Shipman begins to explain a pure functional way of avoiding the constant state changes of typing at a keyboard: A ...
147pm's user avatar
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1 answer

What is an array that can be iterated circularly an infinite amount of times called?

I have a feeling that the answer is either a "circular linked list" or a finite state machine, but the answer is probably a circular linked list.
Armend Veseli's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

The origin of list data structure

Does anyone know when the list data structure was mentioned in computer programming/algorithms? Who gave birth to this list concept?
Billal Begueradj's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Lexicographic permutation list

Does anyone have an algorithm for stepping through all permutations of n given arbitrary objects in lexicographic order? Thanks.
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to best maintain a sorted list from a stream of integers?

If I have an incoming stream of integers how can I best maintain a sorted list of them? The only way I can think of is to binary search for the position and shifting the remaining elements to the ...
Andrew Scott's user avatar
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2 answers

Algorithm/data structure to quickly check if an integer is a member of any [lower, upper] interval

Are there any existing algorithms/strategies to test if an integer value is within the bounds of any of a list of intervals, where each interval is denoted by a [min, max] pair? The naive approach is ...
Techrocket9's user avatar
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1 answer

Parallel Algorithm for Data Averaging

I am trying to write an efficient Parallelised algorithm for Data Averaging. By this I mean I have a list of tuples (K, V1, V2, V3) and in the end, I want a dictionary mapping K to the average of all ...
Harris Mirza's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Can a list with $\mathcal{O}(1)$ access have an insertion complexity better than $\mathcal{O}(n)$?

It seems intuitive that there's no list data structure which has $\mathcal{O}(1)$ worst case time complexity for random access and a worst case complexity better than $\mathcal{O}(n)$ for insertion: ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is the most efficient algorithm for creating a list of unique values from a list of pairs of value?

Background I have a list of 50 million $A-A_i$ pairs, where $i>1$, and $A$ and $A_i$ are some text. I need to extract the $A$ values from the list, so I get a new list of unique $A$ values.: $$ \...
Herman Autore's user avatar
2 votes
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Abstract Data Type

I have been studying data structures. In that I have come across topics like Array being defined as Power set of cross product of set of objects and set of natural number and list being defined as ...
Avanish Singh's user avatar
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1 answer

Abstract Data Types and their Implementation [closed]

I wanted to know if there is good resource to learn about the ADTs like set ADT, list, array, boolean etc and their implementation.
Avanish Singh's user avatar
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Terminology Questions: Data-structure consisting of lists without repetitions

I've google around and have been unsuccessful in finding a name for a data-structure consisting of a list whose elements are unique. I've seen "unique sorted lists", but I'm looking into the more ...
Musa Al-hassy's user avatar
5 votes
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Given a RxC grid, how to generate N 2D points randomly such that no 3 points are collinear?

Context, I have a geometric algorithm that is sensitive to collinear points and receives as input a list of points in 2D generated randomly. Suppose that I have a Boolean function nonCollinear(x,y,z) ...
dpalma's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Fastest way to search a word in a word list?

I have a word list like "English Open Word List" used to create word games. The list is in txt file with space between words, like; aa aah aahed .........and so on. I want to search it while typing ...
Jason Depp's user avatar
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create distance (ment is high difference between values) between Vertexes in a list

Given are some vertexes, arranged in a list (so there every vertex is connected with two others and there are no circles in the graph). Every Vertex contains one number. Now you can lower the Number ...
hasxfgh's user avatar
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Big O Notation for Return List is it O(N)?

what is the Big O for Returning List? aka return list (e.g. list=[1,2,...]) is it o(1) or o(n) and is there a good website for average big o for different operations including sorting for simple ...
james black's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Time complexity to check if there is an edge between two nodes in an adjacency list

I know that the time required to check if there exists an edge between two nodes in an adjacency matrix is $O(1)$ because we can access it directly (i.e: $M[i][j]$). However, I didn't really get why ...
ahmelq's user avatar
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2 answers

How would I go about determining popularity and relevance among articles and use it to improve my search algorithm

Disclaimer: First of all I've had a lot of trouble finding the right stack exchange site for this question and I don't know if it's correct here either. The Problem: I'm working on a search algorithm ...
BRHSM's user avatar
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Remove duplicates of first elements of pairs

A list of pairs is given using Python. I want to remove duplicate occurrences of the first element of the pair leaving only one occurrence of each first element paired with the highest second element ...
David's user avatar
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List of scheduling problems and their statuses

As of 1993, there are 4536 scheduling problems, 3821 were proven to be $NP$-hard, 417 polynomially solvable, and 298 still open. Where can I find the most up-to-date list of scheduling problems and ...
Simon's user avatar
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Is there a name for the "tree" aproach to listing things?

I've only been studying computer science for a few weeks, so I apologize if this is a silly or naive question. Suppose we're trying to list all elements of the set $$C(r) = \{(x,y,z) \in \mathbb{N}^3 ...
goblin GONE's user avatar
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3 answers

Partial intersection of 10 sorted lists of integers

Suppose I want to find the numbers that appear in at least 3 of the 10 sorted lists, is there an efficient way to do it apart from iterating over all 10 of them in parallel?
Gabizon's user avatar
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23 votes
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When are adjacency lists or matrices the better choice?

I was told that we would use a list if the graph is sparse and a matrix if the graph is dense. For me, it's just a raw definition. I don't see much beyond it. Can you clarify when would it be the ...
user21312's user avatar
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General name for linked lists based on hashes

I am thinking of a particular datastructure, but don't know the name of it. A sequence of elements may be modeled by a collection of some X, where each X consists of: The element, serialized as a ...
Klaas van Schelven's user avatar
2 votes
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Expected Time for LookUpSkipList

A skip list Let C(k) = the expected length of the path that raises k levels backwards. Thus C(0) = 0 For any node P in the path, with k levels higher to go, there are two cases: P is a node of ...
skytree's user avatar
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2 answers

Gauss-Jordan using stacks and list

I have a homework assignment in which I need to write an implementation of Gauss-Jordan with complete pivoting. Complete pivoting is a modification to the basic Gauss-Jordan algorithm in which rows ...
João Paulo Andrade's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to use structural induction to prove law on lists

I want to prove that the following equation holds using structural induction on (finite) lists ...
futtetennista's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Why does linear search have $\frac{n}{2}$ comparisons on average?

I'm reading the Wikipedia page on Linear Search and it is mentioned that there are on average $\frac{n}{2}$ comparisons. I tried working this out on my own. First I considered the number of cases. ...
Yiyuan Lee's user avatar