Questions tagged [mathematical-software]

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0 answers

Alternatives to Mathpix for converting pdf to LaTex code

I am self-learning a lot of Computer Science and Mathematics. I am using ChatGPT 4 to help me in this endeavor. Basically, if I like a set of lecture notes or if a book doesn't have solutions, I ...
8 votes
4 answers

Constructing a data structure for a computer algebra system

In thinking about how to approach this problem I think several things will be required, some tivial: An expression tree where non-leaf node is an operation (not sure if that part is redundant), but ...
3 votes
2 answers

Imperfection in randomness in VLC shuffle playlist - why?

Whenever I play a playlist of music using VLC (possibly other software too), I notice that some songs never get played while others get played repeatedly (even for a playlist of just 8 songs). I know ...
5 votes
3 answers

Usefulness of Differential Geometry

I recently came across these books: Differential Geometry and Lie Groups: A Computational Perspective Differential Geometry and Lie Groups: A Second Course Their subject matter really intrigues me, ...
1 vote
2 answers

Implementing piecewise linear functions

I need to implement piecewise linear functions (this is not homework, it is for my own personal project). However, I have been having difficulties to get it right. Below, I describe the ...
4 votes
0 answers

Testing whether polynomial is in algebra of other polynomials

A collection $\Sigma$ of polynomials is an algebra if: (1) $\lambda f + \eta g \in \Sigma$ for any $f,g \in \Sigma, \lambda,\eta \in \mathbb{R}$ and (2) $f,g \in \Sigma$ implies $fg \in \Sigma$. We ...
3 votes
2 answers

How much can we trust mathematical software when working with large numbers, and how much memory it needs to work with these numbers?

For example, I want to evaluate the expression: $3^{3^{{3}^{3}}}$ so I used (it's free, and I don't own any software), which returned the scientific notation of the number above, ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Can we find every 216 digit number combination? [closed]

This question popped to my head when I watched Pi where the mathematican told the Jews "Didnt you calculate every 216 digit number allready?" So I want to find every possible 216 digit number ...
1 vote
1 answer

What is the equation for a spiral path in 3D? [closed]

I am developing games in Unity 3D. Currently, I am trying to place 3D objects in 3D space in a spiral pattern that looks like one of 2 the strands in a pair of the DNA (helix) spiral pattern. Would ...
5 votes
0 answers

Symbolic Math Systems As Speculative Optimization For Numerical Software?

Has there been published work on hiding symbolic math within numeric software, partitioning parallel processes between speculative symbolic optimization search and numeric evaluations? Real world ...
1 vote
0 answers

Universal theorem proving algorithms for sequent calculus (e.g. for cut-free logics)?

Some of the logics admit Gentzen-style sequent calculus. Are there universal algorithms that allow to find proof (derivation of the proof) in sequent caculus for every hypthetical theorem? Some of ...
0 votes
0 answers

These sample CNF formulas in DIMACS files are in P? (Schaefer's dichotomy theorem)

Here is my earlier question. But there was no full answer. I've decided to include specific DIMACS files: (15.8MB)
3 votes
0 answers

Can cognitive architectures (CLARION, SOAR, ACT-R) be used for creative mathematical reasoning?

Can cognitive architectures (CLARION, SOAR, ACT-R, others) be used for creative mathematical reasoning? As far as I understand, then it is the best to encode formal mathematical knowledge in the ...
3 votes
0 answers

Generate all non-isomorphic bounded-degree rooted graphs of bounded radius

I need to generate/enumerate isomorphism classes of vertex-rooted graphs with the following properties. Let $\Delta$ be the maximal degree (say 3 for subcubic graphs) and $r$ the maximal distance of a ...
1 vote
0 answers

Logical formula in DIMACS, SAT, Schaefer's dichotomy theorem and software to test it

I have a very complicated formula logical (CNF) in the file DIMACS. The question is as follows. The formula has hundreds of millions of clauses (assume billion) and a lot of variables. It is a ...
6 votes
1 answer

How do Computer Algebra Systems work? [closed]

In Computer Architecture course, I have learnt how computer performs numerical computations. While using MATLAB, I was introduced to symbolic mathematics toolbox. I was amazed to see it manipulating ...
4 votes
1 answer

C(++) library for DFAs - free for academic use

(I'm aware that software questions are better suited for stackoverflow, but since DFAs are not something that software developers usually care about, I hope it's alright if I ask here.) I'm currently ...
1 vote
0 answers

Computational approach deciding whether a set of Wang Tile could tile the space up to some size [closed]

As an applied person, I'm facing one practical problem deciding whether a set of Wang tile could tile the plane periodically or aperiodically. Although both problems seem undecidable, but I'm on a ...
2 votes
2 answers

Function Maximization in Java

I have a bivariate function like $ f(x,y) = \frac{1}{x^3 \sqrt{\pi}}. e^{\frac{2-x}{x^2}} . y^3 . e^{3.y \over 3-y} $ and I want to find its global maximum over a range of $ x \in [0, 200] \text{, ...
8 votes
0 answers

Complexity of computer algebra for systems of trigonometric equations

As discussed in this question, I drafted a spec algorithm that hinges on finding a specific root of a system of trigonometric equations satisfying the following recurrence: $\qquad f_{p_0} = 0\\ \...