Questions tagged [memoization]

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10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Runtime of weighted interval scheduling dynamic programming algorithm

Consider this implementation of a dynamic programming algorithm for weighted interval scheduling: ...
kanso37's user avatar
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Sub-matrix with minimum size of $k$ and minimum sum

We have an $n \times m$ matrix whose entries are non-negative integers and we want to find a sub-matrix whose area (number of entries) is at least $k$ such that the sum of the entries in minimal. The ...
Pegi's user avatar
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Is Constant Folding a type of Memoization?

I was reading about Constant Folding and it sounds very similar to Memoization so I suspect that it indeed is a type of memoization but I've done some searching and can't find a solid answer (in ...
Alex W's user avatar
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How does the asterisk (*) work in the wildcard matching problem?

This is a wildcard matching problem. Given a pattern P containing letters and character * that can match an arbitrary string of characters (including an empty string), my task is to write a polynomial-...
amV's user avatar
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Count all possible 2-3-monotone sequences

Let $N \leq 1000$, a 2-3-monotone sequence $s$ of length $N$ is defined as: $s_i < s_{i+2}$, for $1 \leq i \leq N-2$ $s_i < s_{i+3}$, for $1 \leq i \leq N-3$ $s_i \in \{1,\dots, N\}$ Given $N$...
shisui's user avatar
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Can the algorithm be optimized?

I am new to backtracking and recursion. I have seen numerous explanations on how on to find the minimum number of coins needed to make a particular amount. This involves a top down dynamic approach ...
Spindoctor's user avatar
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Calculating Runtime Complexity: Recursion + Memoization vs Dynamic Programming (with example)

For cases where recursion is used as well as memoization (so that a number of subtrees of what would otherwise be the overall recursive call tree are each replaced to be ...
mishar's user avatar
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Why the time complexity for following pseudocode is O(n^2)?

So, I was going through the Rod-Cutting problem in the Dynamic Programming section of the Introduction to Algorithms by CLRS. Here's the rod-cutting problem statement: Given a rod of length n inches ...
KhiladiBhaiyya's user avatar
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Complexity of exponential algorithm, optimised with memoization?

I was solving a problem, where one part of it was the following: "Given a m-sided dice ([1,m] values) that will be rolled n times, calculate the possibility that the total sum of rolls will be higher ...
Dimos's user avatar
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What kinds of recurrence relations can be involved in a tabulation solution?

We all know F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2) is an easy example. We can compute this by using DP. But what about F(n) = F(n-1) + k, we could compute this by tabulation but would you still call it DP? Also, ...
Dinesh Babu K G's user avatar