Questions tagged [minimum-cuts]

A cut is a partition of a graph's nodes into two classes. Each cut is associated with a cut-set, the set of edges straddling the cut. For more, see:

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Karger's min-cut (contraction): Combinatorial argument for success probability?

The contraction algorithm for min-cut is: pick an edge $(u,v)$ uniformly at random, and "contract" it by merging $u$ and $v$ into a single vertex, deleting self-loops. Continue until two vertices ...
usul's user avatar
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Does there exist an algorithm / software that finds optimal graph partition while enforcing contiguity on a subgraph?

I am interested in the traditional graph partitioning problem, which roughly speaking seeks to obtain a partition of a graph into a number of components, in which each component has about the same ...
Ike348's user avatar
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The Cut Lemma for graphs with non-distinct edges

In my introductory algorithms class I recently learned about the Cut Lemma and how it can be used to prove correctness for many Minimum Spanning Tree algorithms like Kruskal's and Prim's. In class, to ...
Andrew Bell's user avatar
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Dominator tree with edges annotated by min-cut size

Consider the dominator tree of, say, the graph of objects in memory, computed by a memory profiler - one of the most powerful memory leak debugging features, I believe. The dominator tree tells you "...
jkff's user avatar
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Size of the maximum matching in arbitrary graph

I am asked to find a probabilistic algorithm to determine the size of the maximum matching of an arbitrary simple undirected graph $ G $. My claim is that, it is equivalent to find a global min cut on ...
NiRvanA's user avatar
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Network Flow - qualities of saturated edges

While I know that every edge is fully saturated in every min-cut of a network flow, I'm trying to get some intuition when the converse is true. I can find an example using edges with infinite capacity,...
Nadav's user avatar
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Max flow in bipartite network where all vertices on the left hand side have degree exactly $2$

I have a flow question which I'm stumped on but seems like there should be an answer that I am not seeing. Consider a network with a start $s$ and an end $t$ and a bipartite graph $L \cup R$. $s$ is ...
user1246462's user avatar
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What are the locally optimal points in an LP formulation of the max flow problem?

I'm taking a grad level algorithms course and we just ended the course talking about linear programming, and we had previously talked about the max flow/min cut problem. Our professor said that the ...
Aphyd's user avatar
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Can the Global Minimum Cut problem for a directed graph be solved using the minimum s-t-Cut

I am using the following definition of the Global Minimum Cut problem: Given a graph $G = (V,E)$, a Cut of $G$ is a partition of $V$ into two subsets $(A,B)$. A cut-edge of $C$ is an edge $(u,v) \in E$...
Vladis Becker's user avatar
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What does a recursive min s,t-cut optimize?

Consider the following algorithm sketch: Given an edge-weighted directed acyclic graph $G = (V, E, w : E \to \mathbb{N})$, adjoin a temporary source $s$ and sink $t$ to get $G' = (V', E', w')$. $G'$ ...
taktoa's user avatar
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Finding s-t min-cut of undirected graph

Given an undirected graph with non-negative edge weights, and two vertices $s,t$ in the graph. I would like to find the minimal cut such that $s$ and $t$ are on different sides of the cut. For example ...
AsaridBeck91's user avatar
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Heuristic algorithm for the minimum weighted s-t cut with linear running time

To the best of my knowledge, the best algorithm for the minimum s-t cut in a weighted digraph is the Goldberg push-relabel algorithm with $O(n^{2}\sqrt{m})$ time complexity. I'm interested in solving ...
Victor Hugo's user avatar
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Minimum-cut with balanced and limited number of nodes in each partition: Does this have an efficient solution or even a name?

I'd like to remove the minimum number of edges from an undirected unweighted graph to partition the nodes into an arbitrary number of connected components $S_1$, $S_2$,$S_3$,... $S_k$ while maximizing ...
Navin's user avatar
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LP realaxation for multicut problem with polynomial number of constraints

The integer linear programming formulation for the multicut problem for the given graph $G = (V,E)$ and distinguished source-sink pairs of vertices $(s_1,t_1),...,(s_k,t_k)$ is: \begin{alignat}{3} \...
Dandelion's user avatar
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Minimum number of words to define any other

I'm interested in finding the minimum number of words needed to define some fraction (perhaps 95%) of the words occurring in an English dictionary (while ignoring the challenges of disambiguating ...
zetavolt's user avatar
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flow network, class and classroom matching

Problem: given a set of classes and classrooms, then given a set M of pairs (a,b), which means it is valid assignment from class a to classroom b(ex:(c,2), (c,3), (d,2), means class c can be assigned ...
Joseph Ritcher's user avatar
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Can Gomory-Hu tree algorithm be applied to graphs with more than one connected component?

If I have an undirected graph with more than one connected component, can I apply the Gomory-Hu algorithm directly on the entire graph or do I have to apply it separately to each component?
Yandle's user avatar
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Is the min-cut size of a directed graphs transpose the same as that of the original?

I was wondering whether the transpose of graph maintains the same size of the minimal cut in a directed graph (digraph). This may be trivial as I haven't been able to find anything here or on Google ...
Uri Greenberg's user avatar
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Sparsest cuts of planar graphs

Several algorithms for sparsest cut (and other kinds of balanced cuts) in planar graphs have been published, like for instance: Finding minimum-quotient cuts in planar graphs, James K. Park, Cynthia ...
Matthieu Latapy's user avatar
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Network flow - properties of a vertex that belong to any minimum cut

while solving some questions about network flow I was wondering about the following statement: Given a network flow (a graph $G=(V,E)$ with a source $s \in V$ and sink $t \neq s \in V$) > and an ...
Yarin's user avatar
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Prove minimum vertex bisection problem is reducible from bisection width, thereby proving NP-Completeness

The bisection width problem gives you a yes or a no -> if there exists a bisection of size at most $K$ for $G=V,E$. Minimum Vertex Bisection problem gives you a bisection of the smallest size. ...
Prboetic's user avatar
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Prove that there exists a minimum cut (S', T') where S' is the subset of S in which (S, T) is a minimum cut as well

I need to prove the statement $\exists$ a minimum cut $(S', T')$ where $S' \subseteq S$ for any minimum cut $(S, T)$ My attempt: Before proving this statement, I have a lemma if $(S_1, T_1)$ and $(...
errorcodemonkey's user avatar
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Minimum-cut with Maximal number of edges

My question is: in a DAG, each edge has a different value of capacity, we can assume these capacities are integers multiples of the total number of edges. Also, sometimes we can have many minimum cuts,...
AutoEncoder's user avatar
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Separating a Graph into Two Components

I have an unweighted and undirected graph, and I want to divide this graph into two connected components by removing some vertices. The main objective is to minimize the number of vertices which must ...
Goktug's user avatar
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Is there a procedural way to find minimum s-t cut without guessing cuts?

I was reading about max flow theorem and there I saw scenario where the min s-t cut is found. But wherever I searched they did it after knowing the max flow or by guessing the cuts by iterating ...
learner's user avatar
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Small LP for directed min cut?

Undirected min cut has a well known poly sized LP formulation by expressing the problem as one of finding a certain metric on the vertices minimizing the sum of distances on edges. Can this be ...
user58140's user avatar
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Please indicate whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE and provide a brief justification

I provided my answers in the "answer your own question" bit. I have applied the same logic for my answers to a&b and c&c which seem to be essentially the same questions. Am I right though? a)...
User9123's user avatar