Questions tagged [minimum-cuts]

A cut is a partition of a graph's nodes into two classes. Each cut is associated with a cut-set, the set of edges straddling the cut. For more, see:

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9 votes
1 answer

Minimum-cut with minimum number of edges

I am sure many folks here know the famous min-cut max-flow theorem - the capacity of the minimum cut is equal to the maximum flow from a given source, s, to a given sink, t, in a graph. Firstly, let'...
Donald's user avatar
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Min-cut in graph with demands/lower bounds

This week I read something about network flow from Algorithm Design. But I am confused about some concepts. We say, if a graph G contains some nodes with demands, positive or negative, how to define ...
Federer's user avatar
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find the union of all min cuts of a flow network

I'm trying to solve the following question : Given a flow network $N = (G=(V,E),c,s,t)$. Let $\mathcal F$ be the set of all minimum cuts. Prove that $\mathcal F$ is closed under intersections and ...
giorgioh's user avatar
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Finding a minimum cut with an upper bound on the set sizes

In the (unweighted) minimum k-cut problem, the goal is to partition the nodes in a given graph to at least $k$ subsets, such that the number of edges between different subsets is as small as possible. ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Karger's min-cut (contraction): Combinatorial argument for success probability?

The contraction algorithm for min-cut is: pick an edge $(u,v)$ uniformly at random, and "contract" it by merging $u$ and $v$ into a single vertex, deleting self-loops. Continue until two vertices ...
usul's user avatar
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Karger's min cut and tips on bounding nonlinear recurrences

I was recently working on an old qualifying exam problem asking us to generalize Karger's randomized global min cut algorithm to that of a global min $k$-cut. I recalled the strategy of running a ...
spektr's user avatar
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Smallest $s$-component in mincut

Suppose there is a directed graph $G=(V,E)$, with source $s$ and sink $t$, and I compute the max flow on it. Then I know that I can find a min-cut $(A,B)$, by letting $A$ be the set of vertices that ...
eatfood's user avatar
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is it possible to find the maximal min cut in polynomial time?

A maximal minimum cut is a minimum capacity cut with the largest number of edges.
42069walrus's user avatar
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Forcing an edge to be in S-T min-cut

Given a flow-network $N=(G,c,s,t)$ and an edge $e=(u,v)$, I am trying to build an algorithm that finds a minimum $(S,T)$ cut in the given network, that includes e. So, I tried couple of steps, first, ...
Yoav Ben Haim's user avatar
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Does there exist an algorithm / software that finds optimal graph partition while enforcing contiguity on a subgraph?

I am interested in the traditional graph partitioning problem, which roughly speaking seeks to obtain a partition of a graph into a number of components, in which each component has about the same ...
Ike348's user avatar
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The Cut Lemma for graphs with non-distinct edges

In my introductory algorithms class I recently learned about the Cut Lemma and how it can be used to prove correctness for many Minimum Spanning Tree algorithms like Kruskal's and Prim's. In class, to ...
Andrew Bell's user avatar
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Dominator tree with edges annotated by min-cut size

Consider the dominator tree of, say, the graph of objects in memory, computed by a memory profiler - one of the most powerful memory leak debugging features, I believe. The dominator tree tells you "...
jkff's user avatar
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Karger's algorithm: why does every vertex have degree at least the number of edges crossing a min cut?

I'm currently watching a video on the analysis of Krager's Algorithm, and I am confused about something. The analysis goes as follows: Fix a min cut $(A,B)$. Let $k$ = # of edges crossing $(A,B)$ , ...
FrostyStraw's user avatar
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Max-flow from a to c is at least the minimum of max-flow from a to b and max-flow from b to c

Given a directed weighted graph $G = (V, E, w)$, we refer to the max flow when $x$ is the source and $y$ is the sink in the flow network of the graph $G$ as $f_{x,y}$. I'm searching for a formal proof ...
Mohamad S.'s user avatar
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Path graph partitioning, minimizing cut while minimizing maximum total node weight in each part

Suppose there is a path (linear) graph $G = (V, E)$ where $V = \{0, \ldots, n - 1\}$ and $E=\{(0, 1), (1, 2), \ldots, (n - 2, n - 1)\}$, with edge weights $w_e : E \to \mathbb{N}$ and vertex weights $...
taktoa's user avatar
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Edmonds-Karp Algorithm with both directed and undirected edges?

How would this work and be implemented? If you have directed edges pointing away from the source to a bunch of other verticies, and directed edges pointing from those vertices to a sink, but have ...
idontevenknow's user avatar
2 votes
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How can maximum number of minimum cuts of a graph be exactly $n \choose 2$?

According to my instructor, $n\choose 2$ is the maximum number of minimum cuts we can have on a graph. To prove this, he showed the lower bound using an n-cycle graph. To prove the upper bound, he ...
Shuvam Shah's user avatar
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Maximum Changes that don't Break the Build

Let's say I have a set of changes, e.g. replacing foo with bar in a codebase, how do I programmatically discover the largest set ...
Scoobie's user avatar
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Will the Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm always return the same min-cut for any source-sink from one side of the min-cut to the other?

I was playing around with when I realized a pattern: Take this graph, for example. We notice that the min-cut divides the graph into two sets of nodes: {0, 2, 3, 6} ...
Green Ideology's user avatar
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Properties of Gomory-Hu trees

Given an undirected graph $G=(V,E)$ a Gomory-Hu tree $T$ for $G$ has the following properties: $T$ has a node for each vertex in the graph G and each edge in the tree corresponds to a minimum cut ...
abc's user avatar
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Why 2 different edge min-cuts in an undirected multigraph must be completely disjoint?

For the proof of a maximum of (n 2) min-cuts in any n-vertex undirected multigraph using the random contraction algorithm, we need to know that no min-cut shares an edge with another different one. ...
Hemispherr's user avatar
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Max flow not min cut?

I understand the relation between max flow and min cut, however I made this (simplified) graph, and I cant figure out why max flow seems to be different from my min cut. Im probably overlooking ...
Zouter's user avatar
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Size of the maximum matching in arbitrary graph

I am asked to find a probabilistic algorithm to determine the size of the maximum matching of an arbitrary simple undirected graph $ G $. My claim is that, it is equivalent to find a global min cut on ...
NiRvanA's user avatar
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important separators

Given a graph G and an important (X,Y)-separator S, why is it true that for every edge e in S the set of S\e is an important (X,Y)-separator in G\e Important (X,Y) cut is defined as follows: S is an ...
user170383's user avatar
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Algorithm for finding cut vertex and bridge in directed graph [closed]

In un-directed graph it is easy to find cut vertex and bridge but in directed graph removing cut vertex/bridge must increase number of strongly connected componenets.
Dumb Scientist's user avatar
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Decide whether a flow graph has a single min-cut

The problem is whether a graph (which we represent as a flow network) has a single min-cut, or there could be multiple min cuts with the same maximum flow value, I've yet to encounter a well explained ...
Aishgadol's user avatar
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Graph with $\Theta(2^n)$ minimum $(s, t)$-cuts

Is there any graph with $\Theta(2^n)$ minimum $(s, t)$-cuts? Given an undirected graph $G = (V, E)$ and two distinct vertices $s$ and $t$ of $G$. A minimum $(s, t)$-cut is a $(S, T)$ cut of G which ...
curiouscupcake's user avatar
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Given a network flow find if there's a min cut that only one of the given edges lay on it

Given a network flow $G=(V,E)$ with capacity function $C$ source $s$ and hole $t$, and given 2 edges $e_1 , e_2 $. Find if there exists a min-cut such that only one of the edges belongs to the min-...
BOB123's user avatar
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A graph is strongly connected iff every non-trivial cut contains an edge

As the title states, I am asked to prove that a directed graph $G=(V,E)$ is strongly connected iff for all non-empty subsets $\emptyset \neq S \subset V$, the cut $\delta(S) \neq\emptyset$, where $$\...
Aishgadol's user avatar
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Can Stoer-Wagner find min s-t cut for given s and t?

Stoer-Wagner algorithm can be used to find global minimum cut in a graph. I'm wondering if it could be adapted to find a minimum s-t cut, given s and t. We can start a single phase with {s} but there'...
Bolek's user avatar
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Given max-flow determine if edge is in a min-cut

We were given an exam question of: Given a flow network G=(V,E) with integer edge capacities, a max-flow f in G, and a specific edge e in E, design a linear time algorithm that determines whether or ...
Scooter2000's user avatar
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All nodes reachable from source in residual network of any max flow are included in $S$ for any min-cut $(S,T)$

Let $G = (V,E)$ be a directed graph with source $s$ and sink $t$ and $s \neq t$. For each edge $e \in E$, we have $c(e) \in \Bbb N$. Also, we are given a max flow function $f$ on that network. Let $...
Riem's user avatar
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Minimum cost of wood for woodworking project problem

This is a fun one, I really can't wrap my head around it. It's like an n-sum problem combined w/ a knapsack problem and I cant seem to find a solution. I'm currently building a cabinet, and had just ...
TomLV's user avatar
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Number of minimum cuts in a graph

Situation : I started watching Algorithm Lectures from Stanford University (Corsera). I stuck on one video lecture(
Bhaskar's user avatar
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Set of DAG vertices disconnecting a vertex from forbidden vertices

Let $v$ be a vertex with in-degree 0 in an (acyclic) DAG $G$, and let $F$ be a subset of $G$'s vertices (the "forbidden") vertices. Now suppose $U$ is a set of vertices such that every path from $v$ ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Is there an FPRAS for the number of min st cuts in general graphs?

Provan and Ball [1] showed that the problem of counting the number of minimum st cuts is #P-Complete. What is known about the problem of approximating the number of min st cuts? Is it possible to get ...
allrtaken's user avatar
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a cut containing exactly one edge in each path

Given a digraph with a source $s$ and target $t$, must there be an edge cut which contains exactly one edge in every path from $s$ to $t$? I'm not interested in a minimum cut; any cut would do. If ...
Larry Moss's user avatar
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Network Flow - qualities of saturated edges

While I know that every edge is fully saturated in every min-cut of a network flow, I'm trying to get some intuition when the converse is true. I can find an example using edges with infinite capacity,...
Nadav's user avatar
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Max flow in bipartite network where all vertices on the left hand side have degree exactly $2$

I have a flow question which I'm stumped on but seems like there should be an answer that I am not seeing. Consider a network with a start $s$ and an end $t$ and a bipartite graph $L \cup R$. $s$ is ...
user1246462's user avatar
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What are the locally optimal points in an LP formulation of the max flow problem?

I'm taking a grad level algorithms course and we just ended the course talking about linear programming, and we had previously talked about the max flow/min cut problem. Our professor said that the ...
Aphyd's user avatar
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Can the Global Minimum Cut problem for a directed graph be solved using the minimum s-t-Cut

I am using the following definition of the Global Minimum Cut problem: Given a graph $G = (V,E)$, a Cut of $G$ is a partition of $V$ into two subsets $(A,B)$. A cut-edge of $C$ is an edge $(u,v) \in E$...
Vladis Becker's user avatar
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What does a recursive min s,t-cut optimize?

Consider the following algorithm sketch: Given an edge-weighted directed acyclic graph $G = (V, E, w : E \to \mathbb{N})$, adjoin a temporary source $s$ and sink $t$ to get $G' = (V', E', w')$. $G'$ ...
taktoa's user avatar
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Finding s-t min-cut of undirected graph

Given an undirected graph with non-negative edge weights, and two vertices $s,t$ in the graph. I would like to find the minimal cut such that $s$ and $t$ are on different sides of the cut. For example ...
AsaridBeck91's user avatar
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Heuristic algorithm for the minimum weighted s-t cut with linear running time

To the best of my knowledge, the best algorithm for the minimum s-t cut in a weighted digraph is the Goldberg push-relabel algorithm with $O(n^{2}\sqrt{m})$ time complexity. I'm interested in solving ...
Victor Hugo's user avatar
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Minimum-cut with balanced and limited number of nodes in each partition: Does this have an efficient solution or even a name?

I'd like to remove the minimum number of edges from an undirected unweighted graph to partition the nodes into an arbitrary number of connected components $S_1$, $S_2$,$S_3$,... $S_k$ while maximizing ...
Navin's user avatar
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LP realaxation for multicut problem with polynomial number of constraints

The integer linear programming formulation for the multicut problem for the given graph $G = (V,E)$ and distinguished source-sink pairs of vertices $(s_1,t_1),...,(s_k,t_k)$ is: \begin{alignat}{3} \...
Dandelion's user avatar
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Minimum number of cuts to divide a rectangle

We're given a big rectangle, and a list of small rectangles contained inside it, with their vertex coordinates. We want a list of the minimum number of lines defined by a pair of points (x,y) that ...
E. Williams's user avatar
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Minimum number of words to define any other

I'm interested in finding the minimum number of words needed to define some fraction (perhaps 95%) of the words occurring in an English dictionary (while ignoring the challenges of disambiguating ...
zetavolt's user avatar
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Finding the nodes in the source and sink side of a min-cut

We are learning of the Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm for max-flow/min-cut, and I have been wondering of the following question: How do we exactly find which nodes are on the "sink" side of the ...
Green Ideology's user avatar
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Increasing the weights of all edges in an undirected graph makes a minimum cut still minimum

We have an undirected graph, with a weight function and a minimum cut. If you raise the weights of all the edges by one, the minimum cut remains minimal even with the new weights. I know this is ...
Adi Lapp's user avatar