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Questions tagged [reductions]

In computability and complexity, finding mappings between problems that allow solving one problem using a solution of another one. For reduction in programming language theory (e.g. beta-reduction), see [lambda-calculus] or [term-rewriting].

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BPP, probabilistic-poly-time reduction

A language $𝐿$ is in the class BPP if there exists a probabilistic polynomial- time TM, denoted N, such that: for every $𝛼 ∈ \{0,1\}^∗:$ $$𝛼 ∈ 𝐿 ⇒ Pr[𝑁(𝛼) = 1] ≥ 2 /3\\ 𝛼 ∉ 𝐿 ⇒ Pr[𝑁(𝛼) = 1] ...
Forest's user avatar
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Which class is the language MAX-CLIQUE in?

We define $$ֿ\text{Max-Clique} = \{\langle G, k\rangle: \text{$G$ is an undirected graph, and the largest clique of $G$ has exactly $k$ vertices}\}$$ Is this language in $\text{NP}$ or in $\text{coNP}$...
Dee's user avatar
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How do you show Dominating Set is NP Complete

A dominating set of an undirected graph $G = (V,E)$ is a subset of vertices $C\subseteq V$ such that every vertex $v\in V$ either belongs to $C$ or has a neighbor in $C$. The corresponding decision ...
Nicolò Bonacorsi's user avatar
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P=NP iff for any two non-trivial languages A, B in coNP, A≤pB and B≤pA

Prove: $\text{P} = \text{NP}$ iff for any two non-trivial languages $A$ and $B$ in $\text{coNP}$, it holds that $A \leq_p B$ and $B \leq_p A$. The part of assuming the reductions and proving $\text{P}=...
Dee's user avatar
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Polynomial reduction function for languages in NPC, reduction from DHP to given language

Given language: $L = {\{\langle G, e\rangle \mid G = (V, E)} \text{ a graph that contains a directed Hamiltonian path}$ $\text{that passes through edge } e \in E\}$ I want to show $DHP \leq_p L$. ...
yehr's user avatar
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Complete language in P∪{C,D}

given: C is a NP-coNP language, D is a coNP-NP language and P is the known time-complexity class. assumption: NP ≠ coNP. I need to determine if exists a language B, such that: a. B ∈ P∪{C, D}. b. for ...
Dee's user avatar
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The number of words that M doesn't accept is finite

I need to show that the following language isn't Turing recognizable: $$\text{COFINITE}_{TM} = \{\langle M \rangle | M \text{ is a TM and } \overline{L(M)} \text{ is a finite language}\}$$ but I keep ...
Dee's user avatar
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set of words w such that M halts on w is decidable

I need to prove that the language following language is not turing-recognizable: $$\text{dec-haltTM} = \{ \langle M\rangle: \text{$M$ is a TM and the set of words that M halts on is decidable}\}$$ I ...
Dee's user avatar
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Proving Non-Semi-Decidability of Language L - Seeking Reduction Strategy

I'm working on a problem involving the language 𝐿 = { 𝑤 ∣ time𝑀𝑤 ( 𝑥 ) ≤ ∣ 𝑥 ∣ + 1 for all words  𝑥 }. The language consists of words 𝑤 where the Turing machine 𝑀𝑤 halts within ∣ 𝑥 ∣ + 1 ...
xRubiks's user avatar
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Decidability of Turing Machine

The problem is: Argue, whether it is decidable if a Turing machine M halts within 10 steps on any input. The proposed solution: Simulate every input of length less than or equal to 10 on M. If M ...
The anonymous's user avatar
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Why do some authors check for "$x \ne w$" in reductions from $A_{TM}$ to $E_{TM}$?

Def.: $A_{TM} = \{<M, w> \mid M$ is a TM and $M$ accepts $w \}$ $E_{TM} = \{<M> \mid M$ is a TM and $L(M) = \emptyset\}$ I found that some authors (e.g. Sipser 2013, 3rd ed.) use an ...
halliba's user avatar
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Are these two definitions related to strong NP-hardness equivalent?

Let $P$ be a computational problem whose inputs are integers. Consider the following properties: (a) There exists a polynomial-time reduction from some strongly-NP-hard problem $Q$ to $P$. (b) $P$ is ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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If A ∈ coNP, B ∈ NP and $NP \neq coNP$, is it possible to Karp reduce A to B?

If A $\geq_p$B and $B\in NP$, $A\in coNP$, then we can build a Turing machine $M_A$ using $M_B$ machine of B. Input: w We make a new word with a reduction function $f(w)$. Then we run $M_B$ on $f(w)$ ...
Naneless's user avatar
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Reducing the Independent Set Problem to Independent Set for 3-Colorable Graphs

I am exploring a reduction from the general Independent Set Problem to the Independent Set Problem specifically for 3-colorable graphs. The goal is to demonstrate that the maximal independent set of a ...
Ferran Gonzalez's user avatar
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Using reducibility to prove a language that accepts $\lambda$ and either loops or accepts other strings is undecidable

I am new to the reduction style of proof so I am hoping to get some help on this problem. Let $L=\{〈M〉:M$ accepts the empty string and does not reject any string$\}$. Prove $L$ is undecidable. My ...
hitchens's user avatar
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Issues in the proof of $A_{TM}$ reducidability to $𝐸_{𝑇𝑀}$

I'm studying reducidability in Sipser Book and watching his videos, but I couldn't fully understand his proof of $A_{TM}$ reducidability to $𝐸_{𝑇𝑀}$ (p. 218, 3rd ed). Consider this extract: M1 = “...
user169972's user avatar
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Graph Coloring Decision Problem Reduction to Prove NP-Complete

I am doing research into NP-Complete problems and more specifically started looking into the Graph Coloring Decision Problem or the k-Coloring problem, as described here: Given a graph $G = (V, E)$ ...
Darien's user avatar
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Satisfiability of a boolean formula with two occurrences of each variable with a special ordering

I am interested in the complexity of a special case of the boolean satisfiability problem: We are given a boolean formula, consisting only of the logical operators $\land$ and $\lor$ (that can be ...
SimonNW's user avatar
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Is every non-recursively-enumerable language RE-hard?

Is every language $L \notin RE$ is $RE$-hard? Similarly, is every language $L \notin RE \cup coRE$ is $RE$-hard and $coRE$-hard? It seems like a simple question but I can't find an answer. I tried to ...
Amit Keinan's user avatar
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Polynomial-Time Solvability Through NP-Completeness Reductions

Let A and B be NP-complete problems. Suppose I have established reductions from problem A to problem B and vice versa. Now, considering a specific instance (or set of instances) of problem A that can ...
Lewis Trem's user avatar
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Prove "Vertex Cover OR Clique" is NP complete

Instance: An undirected graph $G$ and a positive integer $k$ Question: Does $G$ contain a vertex cover of size $\leq k$ or a clique of size $\geq k$? Obviously, this problem is solved by polynomial ...
Hugh Mann's user avatar
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Reduction from $ALL$ to $DECIDE$

Let $DECIDE=${$<M> :\ M\ halts\ on \ all \ inputs$} and I wish to show its unrecognizable using a reduction from $ALL=${$<M> :L(M)=\Sigma ^* $} using a deterministic turing machine $R$ ...
Aishgadol's user avatar
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Show 3-colorable graph with hamiltonian cycle is NP-Complete

The language is : $3COLORHC = \{<G> | \text{ G is an undirected 3-colorable graph that contains Hamiltonian cycle} \}$ I was asked to show that this language is NP-Complete. Showing that the ...
Yarin's user avatar
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Mapping Reduction from HALT?

I've been given a task to determine whether L={〈M〉|M is a TM that loops on the input c (a constant)} is decidable. I can prove co-L is recognizable so I figured a reduction from HALT to co-L would ...
Diode's user avatar
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Can a Code Script be Optimized for Time and Space Complexity Using Logic Gates

let's say that I have a Python script that performs various operations, including data manipulation, conditional logic, and iteration. However, I'm concerned about its time and space complexity ...
edge selcuk's user avatar
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Is $\{\langle \langle M\rangle, q\rangle\mid M(\varepsilon)$ enters state $q$ infinite times$\}$ not in RE?

I'm trying to use reduction $\overline{HP} \leq L$, but I just can't think of a way to do so. Any help would be appreciated!
mikealexx's user avatar
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Reductions trick where you halt and reject after polynomial time

There's a standard trick I've heard about in reductions where you just halt a machine and reject after some polynomial amount of time if it hasn't accepted yet. Can this be applied to nondeterministic ...
Rincewind's user avatar
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Effectively universal Turing machines and Turing-completeness?

An effectively universal Turing machine $T$ is a Turing machine for which there exists a recursive reduction $f$ such that $\forall A:U(A)=T(f(A))$, where $A, f(A)$ are finite sequences of symbols (...
rus9384's user avatar
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Optimally converting N-SAT to 1-in-SAT?

The simplest Reduction for 3-SAT to 1-in-3-SAT reduction is as follows: For each 3SAT clause: $x+y+z=1$ Introduce 4 new variables $\{a, b, c, d\}$ and replace original clause with below 3 clauses: $R(...
TheoryQuest1's user avatar
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Algorithm for 3-coloring a graph, given a search algorithm that finds a k-colored graph for $k \ge 4$ if one exists, and otherwise returns false

The problem statement is: Given a search algorithm that finds and returns a k-colored graph for $k \ge 4$ if one exists, and otherwise returns false, show that there exists a search algorithm for 3-...
Yoxbox's user avatar
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Reduction mechanism of PSPACE problems to SPACE-TMSAT

To show $\text{PSPACE-completeness}$ of $\text{SPACE-TMSAT}$, we perform a polynomial-time reduction of $\forall L \in \text{PSPACE}$ to $\text{SPACE-TMSAT}$. The language $L$ can be decided by a TM $...
Zee's user avatar
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How does the half-integer spanning-tree problem contain the TSP?

I am trying the understand the following statement from the book of Grotschel, Lovasz and Schrijver: Here, $\delta(W)$ is the set of edges incident to a set of vertices $W$. They define an ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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PSPACE and Polynomial reduction

thanks for your help. This is my first question, so I am very sorry for the bad presentation of the question. I am studying computer science and this is the question I have been asked for the course ...
Lior klunover's user avatar
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$A$ and $B$ two decision problems.If $A\le\ B$ then $\overline{B}\le\overline{A}$ is true?

I have proved that $\overline{A}\le\overline{B}$ is true, but I have no idea how to prove or disprove the opposite direction.
Andrew19's user avatar
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NP-hardness of a variation of the bin packing problem

I was wondering if a variation of the bin packing problem where the 'size' of a bin is calculated as the product of item sizes in a bin instead of their sum is NP-hard. It seems like it must be, but I ...
Sharp Edged's user avatar
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Is it possible to find reductions from problems in $\mathsf{NP}$ to SAT based solely on the certificate verification algorithm?

The following problem has made me ask this question: Given a boolean formula $\varphi(X)$ decide if there exists a quantification of $\varphi(X)$ with $k$ $\forall$ quantifiers that holds true. ...
rus9384's user avatar
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Is the Language of all encodings of Turing Machine that at least halts on one input and outputs 0 semi-decidable?

I need to prove if the following Language is or is not semi-decidable. A := {w ∈ {0,1}^* | there exists an input x on which M_w produces the output 0} Where A is the language of all the encoding w ∈ {...
sergio ospina's user avatar
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Reducing from the complement of the Halting Problem

Consider the halting problem $HALT_{TM} = \{\langle M, w\rangle: M \text{ is a TM that halts on input } w\}$, and some undecidable Language $L$ of the form $L = \{\langle M\rangle: M \text{ does a ...
cassnx's user avatar
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Reduction from dominating set to disconnected dominating set

Consider an undirected graph $G = \langle V, E\rangle$, and a set $S\subseteq V$ of vertices. We say that $S$ is a dominating set, if for every vertex $v\in V$, it holds that $v\in S$, or $v$ has a ...
Zumikya's user avatar
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CNF Horn-renamability to 3-CNF Horn-renamability reduction?

A CNF formula is Horn-renamable if you can invert variables in such a way that each clause has at most one positive literal. There is an algorithm based on a reduction to 2-SAT given in Renaming a Set ...
rus9384's user avatar
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Reduce CNF-SAT to decision problem

Given CNF-SAT reduce it to the following decision problem: Given n items, m groups (and for each group a set of items) and a ...
popcorn's user avatar
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Reduction from Hamiltonian path to Tripartite decision problem

I teach a fairly advanced algorithms class to high schoolers and I accidentally presented them with a bunk reduction from Hamiltonian path to the Tripartite graph decision problem. My attempt involved ...
bbg07's user avatar
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Can I reduce a non semi decidable and undecidable language to a semi decidable and undecidable langauge? many-one reduction

Let's say a Language L is NON-semi decidable and undecidable. Let's also take the Halting problem H, which is a semi decidable and undecidable language. Is it possible to reduce L to H in a many-one ...
sergio ospina's user avatar
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What's the name of the genre of algorithms for efficiently collecting common factors?

I'm working with sparse vectors represented as index (array of unsigned integers) and coefficient (array of floats with the same ...
tutizeri's user avatar
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"Term Rewriting and All That" - Exercise 2.3

I am working through the exercises in the book "Term Rewriting and All That" and got stuck on question 2.3. The question reads: find a reduction $\rightarrow$ on $\mathbb{N}$ such that $\...
Ruben Hensen's user avatar
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Help understanding the proof that $L = \{ \langle M \rangle \mid M \text{ is a TM that accepts the input string } 101\}$ is undecidable

I understand of the existence of Rice's Theorem, however, I want to understand better how this reduction is formed. My professor gives the answer as follows: "By contradiction, assume that $L$ is ...
codeing_monkey's user avatar
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Karp-reduction of Disk Covering Problem

While preparing for final exam, I encountered a (target) problem where you have $M$ lines and $L$ points and you want to answer if it's possible to cover them all using $K$ disks of unit radius (...
pcko1's user avatar
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Proving $A_{TM}$ is mapping reducible to certain language

I've been asked to prove that the language $A_{TM} = \{ \langle M,w\rangle \mid M$ is a TM that accepts $w\}$ is mapping reducible to the language $LOOP-ONE = \{\langle M \rangle \mid M$ is a Turing ...
Yarin's user avatar
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Does valid value in L2 have to be gotten from L1 when we have a Many-One Reduction from L1 to L2

If I am doing a many-one reduction from L1 to L2, since it is described as a total function, does that mean that every possible encoding in L2 should have been achieved from L1 or is it possible that ...
River Uzoma's user avatar
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Can an unreocognizable language be Turing-reducible to a recognizable language?

Suppose $L_1\preccurlyeq_T L_2$, and $L_1$ is unrecognizable, can $L_2$ be recognizable? With decidability, if $L_1$ is undecidable, then $L_2$ is undecidable, because $L_1$ is the “easier” question. ...
Arthur's user avatar
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